

单词 战争与和平
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BEST〕Many people regard it as the definitive interpretation of ‘War and Peace’. 许多人把它看作是对《战争与和平》的最佳演绎。朗文写作活用〔CONDITION〕The old man clutched a tattered copy of ‘War and Peace’. 那个老人紧抓着一本破旧的《战争与和平》。朗文写作活用〔discourse on〕His book authoritatively discourses upon war and peace.他的书对战争与和平作了权威性的论述。21世纪英汉〔epic〕The museum houses his epic work War and Peace.博物馆藏有他的长篇巨著《战争与和平》。英汉大词典〔headway〕I'm not making much headway with 'War and Peace'.《战争与和平》这本书我还没读多少。外研社新世纪〔poised〕The world stood poised between peace and war.世界处于战争与和平之间。牛津高阶〔war〕Matters of war and peace were discussed at the UN.战争与和平问题联合国讨论过了。外研社新世纪〔which〕Which novel do you like better, War and Peace or A Tale of Two Cities? 「战争与和平」跟「双城记」,这两本小说你比较喜欢哪一本?文馨英汉The antithesis of/to warmongering is pacifism.兜售战争与和平主义是背道而驰的。剑桥国际




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