

单词 土地的
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔DISAGREE〕It was Garcia's plan to redistribute land that caused the most disagreement. 加西亚要重新分配土地的计划引发了最严重的意见分歧。朗文写作活用〔Inanna〕The chief Sumerian goddess, associated with fertility, the natural world, and war, and later equated with the Babylonian Ishtar.依南那神:闪族的主要神祇,掌管有关土地的丰饶、自然世界、战争,之后并与巴比伦的伊斯塔(神话中的女神)视为同等美国传统〔PROBLEM〕One landowner says he has never had any problems with hikers crossing his property. 一位地主称,穿越他土地的徒步旅行者从未惹上过麻烦。朗文写作活用〔RIGHT〕No one can dispute the Mohawks’ claim to this land. 没有人能对莫霍克人拥有这片土地的权利表示异议。朗文写作活用〔aeon〕Aeons ago, there were deserts where there is now fertile land.现在是肥沃土地的地方在很久很久以前曾是一片片沙漠。柯林斯高阶〔approximation〕This isn't an exact figure but I think it's a good/rough approximation of what the land is worth.这不是准确数字,但我认为它非常/大致接近这块土地的价值。韦氏高阶〔auger〕A large tool for boring into the earth.土螺钻,地螺钻:一种用来钻土地的大型工具美国传统〔balk〕An unplowed strip of land.未犁之地:土地的未耕带美国传统〔battle〕The two families have battled for control of the land for many years.两个家庭多年来一直在争夺这块土地的控制权。韦氏高阶〔bayou〕A sluggish stream that meanders through lowlands, marshes, or plantation grounds.长沼:一个蜿蜒流过低地、沼泽或庄园土地的流动缓慢的溪流美国传统〔beneath〕After weeks at sea, it was wonderful to feel firm ground beneath our feet once more.在海上呆了几星期之后,脚下再次接触坚实土地的感觉真棒。剑桥高阶〔butt against〕The one end of the crofts butts against the fields.住宅附近的小块土地的一头与田野毗连。21世纪英汉〔cadastre〕A public record, survey, or map of the value, extent, and ownership of land as a basis of taxation.土地清册:一种公共的记录、 测量或地图,作为征税的凭据来表示土地的价值、范围和所有权美国传统〔campestral〕Of, relating to, or growing in uncultivated land or open fields.野外的,乡村的:未开垦土地或野外土地的,与之相关的,或生长在其中的美国传统〔cultivate〕Farmers with many acres under cultivation profited.耕种大片土地的农场主挣了钱。柯林斯高阶〔cultivate〕His father cultivates a farm of 30 acres.他父亲耕种一个 30 英亩土地的农场。英汉大词典〔culture〕The cultivation of soil; tillage.土地的耕作;耕种美国传统〔decontamination〕The land will require public money for decontamination.这片土地的去污治理需要公共财政的支持。外研社新世纪〔define〕The fence defines the extent of our land.这道篱笆划出我们的土地的范围。牛津同义词〔deforestation〕Deforestation causes erosion.乱伐森林会引起(土地的)侵蚀。文馨英汉〔demesne〕Law Possession and use of one's own land.【法律】 所有(权):对自己的土地的拥有和使用美国传统〔design〕This project is designed to help landless people.这一项目旨在帮助那些没有土地的人。柯林斯高阶〔determine〕The town has finally determined ownership of the land. = The town has finally determined who owns the land.小镇最终确定了这块土地的所有权。韦氏高阶〔develop〕Developed land was to grow from 5.3% to 6.9%.已开发土地的面积将从 5.3% 增加到 6.9%。柯林斯高阶〔division〕The wall serves as a division between the land of the two families.那堵墙被当作两家土地的分界线。英汉大词典〔earthwork〕Engineering Excavation and embankment of earth.【工程学】 土木工程:土地的挖掘和筑根美国传统〔estate〕A landed property, usually of considerable size.土地拥有权:拥有土地的权力,通常指大片土地美国传统〔extent〕Archaic An assessment or a valuation, as of land in Britain, especially for taxation.【古语】 估价:评估或诂价,如对英国土地的估价,为了税收美国传统〔fallow〕Fallow helps to increase the fertility of land.休闲有助于增加土地的肥力。英汉大词典〔feudatory〕A person holding land by feudal fee; a vassal.封臣,藩臣:由封建的封地所有权而占有土地的人;臣属美国传统〔frontage〕The front part of a piece of property.正面:一片土地的前面部分美国传统〔garden city〕A residential suburb or community planned so as to provide a pleasant environment with low-density housing and open public land.花园城市:设计能提供具有低密度建筑和开阔公共土地的宜人环境的居民区或居住地美国传统〔gentry〕Most of the country estates were built by the landed gentry during the late 19th century.这些乡村庄园大部分是有土地的乡绅在19世纪后期修建的。外研社新世纪〔grab〕Officials denounced the settlers' land grab .官员谴责拓荒者抢夺土地的行为。朗文当代〔guardian〕The people act as guardians of the land.人们担当起守护这片土地的卫士。牛津搭配〔hack〕To break up the surface of (soil).开辟,开垦:破坏(土地的)表面美国传统〔homestead〕To claim and settle (land) as a homestead.主张对土地的权利并定居于此作为宅基美国传统〔horizon〕A specific layer of soil or subsoil in a vertical cross section of land.地层,岩层:处于土地的垂直横截面中的某一具体土层或次土层美国传统〔instinct〕Farmers are increasingly losing touch with their instinct for managing the land.农民们正日益失去经营土地的天分。外研社新世纪〔instinct〕Farmers are increasingly losing touch with their instinct for managing the land.农民正在逐渐丢失经营土地的本领。柯林斯高阶〔kulak〕A prosperous landed peasant in czarist Russia, characterized by the Communists during the October Revolution as an exploiter.富农:沙皇俄国时期拥有土地的富裕农民,在十月革命中被共产党划为剥削者美国传统〔land office〕A government office that handles and keeps records of the sale or transfer of public land.土地管理局:处理和记录公共土地的买卖或转移关系的政府机关美国传统〔landed〕He belonged to the landed aristocracy.他属于拥有土地的贵族阶层。麦克米伦高阶〔landed〕He married into an old landed family.他同一个拥有大片土地的古老家族的人结了婚。麦克米伦高阶〔landholder〕One that owns land.土地所有者:拥有土地的人美国传统〔landless〕Owning or having no land.无土地的:不拥有或没有土地的美国传统〔landowner〕Britain's landowning aristocracy 英国拥有土地的贵族朗文当代〔landowner〕One that owns land.地主:拥有土地的人美国传统〔lapse〕His claim to the land lapsed because he forgot to pay the rent.他由于忘了交付地租而丧失对土地的要求权。英汉大词典〔lapse〕The lapse of his claim to the land was his own fault.他丧失对那块土地的要求权是由于他自己的过错。英汉大词典〔lawyer〕Solicitors for the squire handled the sale of his extensive lands.这位乡绅出售大片土地的事宜由他的律师处理。美国传统〔measure〕Landed income was the true measure of the gentry.来自土地的收入是衡量是否是乡绅的真正标准。牛津搭配〔nester〕Western U.S. A squatter, homesteader, or farmer who settles in cattle-grazing territory.【美国西部】 放牧地自耕农:居住在牧牛区的擅自占用土地的人,农舍主或农民美国传统〔offensive〕Opponents of the development project took the offensive and defeated the land sale.反对开发项目者展开攻势,挫败了出售土地的计划。韦氏高阶〔ought〕The people who already own a bit of money or land ought to have a voice in saying where it goes.已经有点钱财或土地的人应当对其走向有发言权。柯林斯高阶〔ownership〕Ownership of the land is currently being disputed.这块土地的所有权现在还有争议。牛津高阶〔own〕You need to get permission from the farmer who owns the land.你要得到拥有这块土地的农场主的同意。朗文当代〔palace〕They'd bought a huge barn with some land and planned to turn it into a palace.他们买了一个带有一片土地的大谷仓,计划将其改建为一座豪宅。柯林斯高阶〔parcel〕A plot of land, usually a division of a larger area.(土地的)一片,一块:通常是一大片地一部分的一块土块美国传统〔patchwork〕A patchwork of laws prevent the land from being developed.各种法律阻止了这块土地的开发。韦氏高阶〔portion〕Portions of land were used for farming.这块土地的一部分曾用于农业。韦氏高阶〔praedial〕Relating to, containing, or possessing land; landed.土地的:与土地有关的,包含土地的或拥有土地的;土地的美国传统〔proprietary〕The investors have a proprietary interest in the land.投资者拥有土地的所有权。韦氏高阶〔province〕Ecology An area of land, less extensive than a region, having a characteristic plant and animal population.【生态学】 亚区:土地的一个区域,比地区要小,有其独特的植物和动物种群美国传统〔public domain〕The forests are part of the public domain.这些森林是国有土地的一部分。韦氏高阶〔rack〕The vast territories have been racked.大片土地的地力已被耗竭。英汉大词典〔relinquish〕He relinquished his claim to the land.他放弃了对那块土地的权利要求。英汉大词典〔scupper〕The residents' protests scuppered his plans for developing the land.居民的抗议使他开发这片土地的计划泡了汤。牛津高阶〔sealed-bid〕The sale of the land will be a sealed-bid process.这块土地的出售将通过秘密竞投方式进行。剑桥高阶〔sea〕The continuous body of salt water covering most of the earth's surface, especially this body regarded as a geophysical entity distinct from earth and sky.海:覆盖地球大部分表面的,连续的盐水水体,尤指被认为与土地的本质相区别的地球物理学的物体美国传统〔section off〕Part of the field was sectioned off for parking.这块土地的一部分被划作了停车场。韦氏高阶〔seisin〕Legal possession of land, as a freehold estate.依法占有:对土地的依法占有,用为自由保有的地产美国传统〔seisin〕Property thus possessed.依法占有土地的行为或事例:依法占有的财产美国传统〔set aside〕The system of paying farmers to set land aside was introduced in 1988.在1988年推行了向退耕土地的农民发放补助的制度。外研社新世纪〔set off〕The incident set off a debate about how public land should be used.这起事件引发了一场有关如何使用公共土地的争论。韦氏高阶〔slash and burn〕Traditional slash and burn farming methods have exhausted the soil.传统的刀耕火种农业方式耗尽了土地的肥力。柯林斯高阶〔squirearchy〕The landed gentry considered as a group or class.地主阶层,乡绅:被认作一组或一阶层的拥有土地的士绅美国传统〔standoff〕The two governments are currently in a standoff over who has rights to the land.关于那块土地的所有权问题双方政府目前僵持不下。韦氏高阶〔sunk fence〕A ditch with a retaining wall set into it to divide lands without marring the landscape.隐篱,暗墙:造在界沟中不影响风景的分割土地的墙美国传统〔sure〕It is impossible to be sure about the value of land.土地的价值是无法确定的。柯林斯高阶〔sure〕It is impossible to be sure about the value of land.土地的价值是无法确知的。外研社新世纪〔tenant〕Landowners frequently left the management of their estates to tenant farmers.地主们经常将土地的管理交给佃农。柯林斯高阶〔tenure〕The defendant did not have tenure on the land.被告没有这片土地的产权。韦氏高阶〔title〕He has title to the land.他拥有那块土地的所有权。朗文当代〔title〕The court ruled that he had title to the land.法庭判决他拥有这块土地的所有权。韦氏高阶〔turn over to〕When he first leased the land in the late 1970s, he planned to turn it over to cereal production.20 世纪 70 年代末他刚租得那片土地的时候,曾计划把它改作谷物生产地。柯林斯高阶〔use〕We are denied use of the land by the ruling classes.统治阶层剥夺了我们使用土地的权利。外研社新世纪〔vastness〕Afrikaner farmers who own vast stretches of land.拥有广袤土地的南非白人农场主柯林斯高阶〔villeinage〕The legal tenure by which a villein held land.佃农对土地的使用权:佃农拥有土地的法律使用权美国传统〔waiver〕We had to sign a waiver, giving up any rights to the land in the future.我们不得不签了一份弃权声明,放弃将来对那块土地的任何权利。剑桥高阶〔yeoman〕A farmer who cultivates his own land, especially a member of a former class of small freeholding farmers in England.自耕农:耕作自己土地的农民,尤指英格兰历史上自由保有自己地产的小农阶层美国传统After weeks at sea, it was wonderful to feel firm ground beneath our feet once more.在海上呆了几星期之后,脚下再次接触坚实土地的感觉真棒。剑桥国际Ownership of the land is currently being disputed.这块土地的所有权目前存在争议。牛津商务She has taken an option on that piece of land. 她已取得那块土地的购置权。译典通The Council obtained a compulsory purchase order on the land (= legal permission to buy it).议会获得了土地的强制购买令。牛津商务The abandonment of the land first began at the end of the last century.对这块土地的遗弃始于上个世纪末。剑桥国际The farmers received minimal recompense for the loss of their land.农场主们因土地的损失获得了最少的赔偿金。剑桥国际They seemed to love the land and the people with a sort of fierce egoism. 他们似乎是带著强烈的利己主义来爱这里的人和土地的。译典通We are trying to find ways of counteracting the sterility of the land.我们正在找办法来同土地的贫瘠作斗争。剑桥国际We had to sign a waiver, giving up any rights to the land in the future.我们必须签一个弃权声明书,放弃将来对那块土地的任何权利。剑桥国际




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