

单词 商业性
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔amusement park〕A commercially operated enterprise that offers rides, games, and other forms of entertainment.游乐园:一种商业性经营单位,提供骑马、游戏和其它娱乐方式美国传统〔baker〕One that bakes bread, cakes, or pastries, especially commercially.面包师:烤制面包、蛋糕或糕点类食品的人,尤指商业性的美国传统〔book club〕A commercial organization that sells books to its members on a regular, usually monthly, basis and typically at a discount.购书会:一种商业性的组织,按期(通常是按月)卖书给会员,常以优惠价出卖美国传统〔carryon〕A bag, suitcase, or other item that can be carried aboard a commercial transport vehicle.小件物品:可带在商业性的运输车辆上的包、手提箱或者其他物品美国传统〔farm〕There are just five commercial apple farms left in the whole southwest.在整个西南地区只剩下五个商业性苹果种植场。外研社新世纪〔fictioneer〕One who writes fiction, especially a prolific creator of commercial or pulp fiction.小说作家:写小说的人,尤指写商业性小说或低级趣味小说的多产作家美国传统〔freight〕To convey commercially as cargo.商业性的运送货物美国传统〔hope〕The delay in the programme has dashed Japan's hopes of commercial success in space.该计划的拖延使得日本在太空获得商业性成功的希望化为泡影。外研社新世纪〔hope〕The delay in the programme has dashed Japan's hopes of commercial success in space.该计划的拖延使得日本在太空获得商业性成功的希望化为泡影。柯林斯高阶〔industry〕Commercial production and sale of goods.产业,工业:商业性生产和货物的销售美国传统〔laundry〕A commercial establishment for laundering clothes or linens.洗衣店:清洗衣服或亚麻制品的商业性机构美国传统〔orient〕We run a commercially oriented operation.我们经营一个商业性的企业。牛津高阶〔poolroom〕A commercial establishment or room for the playing of pool or billiards.台球房,弹子房,桌球房:供玩台球或桌球的商业性房屋或房间美国传统〔post card〕A commercially printed card with space on one side for an address and a postage stamp, used for sending a short message through the mail.明信片:印有图画的商业性卡片,其一面有可供书写地址和贴邮票的空间,通过邮递来传递简短的信息美国传统〔purser〕The officer in charge of money matters on board a ship or commercial aircraft.(轮船或班机等的)军需官,出纳员:在轮船或商业性班机上管钱的官员美国传统〔spam〕Unsolicited e-mail, often of a commercial nature, sent indiscriminately to multiple mailing lists, individuals, or newsgroups; junk e-mail.垃圾电子邮件:主动发出的电子邮件,通常为商业性质,不加选择地将信件寄送至多个电子邮件清单、个人或是新闻群组;垃圾电子邮件美国传统〔uncommercial〕Not engaged in or involving trade or commerce.非商业性的:不从事或牵涉到贸易或商业的美国传统〔vestry〕A business meeting of parishioners in a parish.教区会议:在教区里的教徒们的商业性聚会美国传统The protection of the Antarctic from commercial exploitation is an important goal of environmentalists.保护南极地区免遭商业性开发是环保主义者的一项重要使命。剑桥国际There are more breaks in programmes on commercial TV.在商业性电视中,节目中间插广告要更多一些。剑桥国际




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