

单词 地带
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔badlands〕the badlands of South Dakota 南达科他州的贫瘠地带韦氏高阶〔belt〕a belt of woodland.树木繁茂地带。牛津同义词〔belt〕a forest belt 森林地带英汉大词典〔centre〕a hotel close to the centre of Edinburgh 靠近爱丁堡中心地带的宾馆麦克米伦高阶〔clearance〕widespread clearance of jungle land丛林地带的大范围砍伐清理外研社新世纪〔climate〕lives in a cold climate. 住在寒冷地带美国传统〔ecology〕the fragile ecology of the desert = the fragile desert ecology 沙漠地带脆弱的生态韦氏高阶〔farm〕the rolling farm country of central Kentucky 肯塔基州中部连绵起伏的农业地带牛津搭配〔finger〕a finger of land extending into the sea 延伸至大海的狭长地带韦氏高阶〔forested〕heavily forested terrain 森林密布的地带朗文当代〔furnace〕the furnace of the sun; an attic room that is a furnace in the summer. 阳光下的闷热地带;在夏天象火炉一样的阁楼美国传统〔grey area〕that gray area between blue-collar laborers and white-collar professionals. 介于蓝领工人和白领专业人士之间的中间地带柯林斯高阶〔heartland〕the great Russian heartlands 广袤的俄罗斯中心地带牛津高阶〔heavy〕areas of forest and heavy brush 森林与灌木丛浓密的地带韦氏高阶〔hill〕the limestone hills of Kentucky 肯塔基州的石灰岩丘陵地带牛津搭配〔inhospitable〕inhospitable terrain 荒凉地带牛津高阶〔jungle〕a remote jungle area. 偏远的丛林地带柯林斯高阶〔land〕desert (forest) land 沙漠(森林)地带英汉大词典〔murky〕a murky area of the law法律的模糊地带外研社新世纪〔no-man's land〕the no-man's land between the Jordanian and Iraqi frontier posts. 约旦和伊拉克边境哨所之间的无人地带柯林斯高阶〔oceanfront〕oceanfront cottages; oceanfront promenades. 滨海地带的别墅;海边的散步美国传统〔panhandle〕the panhandle of Florida = the Florida Panhandle 佛罗里达州的柄状狭长地带韦氏高阶〔passage〕a safe passage out of the war zone 从战争地带的安全离开牛津搭配〔peninsula〕peninsular lands 半岛地带麦克米伦高阶〔peripheral〕peripheral regions beyond the reach of powerful rulers强大的统治者势力范围之外的边缘地带外研社新世纪〔say〕territories that were occupied in 1967, that is to say, in the West Bank and Gaza. 1967年被占的领土,也就是约旦河西岸和加沙地带的被占领土柯林斯高阶〔separation〕the zone of separation between the warring factions 交战各方之间的隔离地带朗文当代〔space〕the loss of green space in cities 城市里绿色地带的减少朗文当代〔strip〕a strip of land 一块狭长地带韦氏高阶〔strip〕the Gaza Strip 加沙地带牛津高阶〔suburban〕suburban areas 郊区地带牛津高阶〔terra incognita〕the terra incognita beyond those mountains 那些山外的未知地带韦氏高阶〔terrain〕difficult/rough/mountainous, etc. terrain 难以通过的地带、崎岖不平的地形、山地等牛津高阶〔territory〕mountainous territory多山地带外研社新世纪〔twilight zone〕a twilight zone between war and peace 战争与和平之间的模糊地带韦氏高阶〔twilight〕the twilight zone between living and merely existing 生活和生存之间的模糊地带牛津搭配〔windy〕a windy part of the country 这个国家的多风地带韦氏高阶〔zone〕a combat/danger/war zone 交战区;危险地带;战区韦氏高阶〔zone〕an earthquake/danger, etc. zone 地震带、危险地带等牛津高阶〔zone〕the neutral zone between the two countries 两国之间的中立地带牛津搭配




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