

单词 原本
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔Diaspora〕diaspora A dispersion of an originally homogeneous entity, such as a language or a culture: diaspora 传播:原本同一种民族实体的传播,比如语言或文化:美国传统〔Diaspora〕diaspora A dispersion of an originally homogeneous people. diaspora 移居:原本同一种族人群的迁移美国传统〔chapter and verse〕recited the client's complaints by chapter and verse. 原原本本地复述顾客的抱怨美国传统〔color〕testimony that lends color to an otherwise absurd notion. 给原本荒唐的说法带来真实性的证词美国传统〔effectiveness〕a restructuring that would have resulted in an effective increase on one of their most popular excursion fares. 原本会使他们最热门的一条短途旅游线路的费用出现实质性上涨的调整柯林斯高阶〔foresee〕a dangerous situation which could have been foreseen. 原本可以预见到的危险情况柯林斯高阶〔goofiness〕a moment of goofiness in an otherwise serious interview 原本严肃的采访中搞笑的一刻韦氏高阶〔juice〕juice up an otherwise dull movie by adding some battle scenes 增加一些战争场面使一部原本会很沉闷的影片变得有趣一些英汉大词典〔originally〕originally named Johnston. 他原本名叫庄士顿美国传统〔otherwise〕an otherwise blameless career 原本洁白无瑕的经历英汉大词典〔transpose〕a story originally set in London that has been transposed to Paris for this film 一个原本设定发生在伦敦、在这部影片中改为发生在巴黎的故事韦氏高阶〔truth〕the plain unvarnished truth 清清楚楚原原本本的事实牛津搭配〔unvarnished〕an unvarnished account of events 对事件原原本本的叙述朗文当代〔upstart〕an upstart who had come from nowhere. 原本是个无名之辈的目中无人的新丁柯林斯高阶




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