

单词 原料
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔blend〕a blend of various ingredients.各样原料的混合。牛津同义词〔blend〕to blend ingredients for a cake.把原料调和来制糕饼。牛津同义词〔dependence〕a heavy dependence on imported materials 对进口原料的严重依赖牛津搭配〔depletion〕the depletion of raw material reserves 储存原料的耗尽文馨英汉〔disadvantage〕be seriously disadvantaged by the general rise of raw material prices 由于原料价格的普遍上涨而受到严重损失英汉大词典〔earthiness〕the earthiness of the ingredients/humor 原料的简单;幽默的粗俗韦氏高阶〔earthy〕food made with simple, earthy ingredients 用简单的原料烹饪的食物韦氏高阶〔ersatz〕ersatz flour made from potatoes 以马铃薯为原料的代用面粉英汉大词典〔extraction〕the extraction of juices from plant matter 从植物原料中提取汁液韦氏高阶〔feast〕all the ingredients for a spaghetti feast 意粉大餐所需的所有原料朗文当代〔fine-tooth-comb〕fine-tooth-comb the region for new raw materials 为寻找新原料而缜密勘探这个区域英汉大词典〔from scratch〕bread/cookies made from scratch 用自制原料做成的面包/曲奇饼韦氏高阶〔humble〕a meal made of humble ingredients 用普通原料做成的饭菜韦氏高阶〔ingredient〕ingredients for onion soup 做洋葱汤的原料英汉大词典〔ingredient〕the chemical composition of the individual ingredients 各单项原料的化学构成牛津搭配〔ivory〕the export and import of raw ivory 象牙原料的进出口牛津搭配〔key〕key industrial materials 主要工业原料 英汉大词典〔limitless〕a seemingly limitless supply of material 看似无穷无尽的原料供应韦氏高阶〔material〕natural materials 天然原料英汉大词典〔optimize〕optimize the distribution of raw materials 使原料的分配尽可能地完善英汉大词典〔primary〕primary industries 以自然界天然产品为原料的工业英汉大词典〔rapid-fire〕the rapid-fire buying and selling of stocks. 原料的迅速购进与卖出柯林斯高阶〔raw〕raw materials.原料。牛津同义词〔refine〕to refine raw materials.把原料提炼。牛津同义词〔seemingly〕bread made from a seemingly limitless variety of ingredients. 貌似用了无数种原料制成的面包柯林斯高阶〔source〕source abroad for raw material 向国外寻求原料来源英汉大词典〔transmute〕transmute the abundant materials into finished products 把丰富的原料变为成品英汉大词典〔unwrought〕unwrought materials 未加工原料文馨英汉〔vinyl〕a modern vinyl floor covering. 一种以乙烯基为原料的现代地板革柯林斯高阶a profit margin of 3% on direct materials cost and $10 on conversion cost 直接原料成本的 3% 利润边际和加工成本的 10 元利润边际牛津商务




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