

单词 出名
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔FAMOUS〕As an unknown author, it isn't easy to get your work published. 一个不出名的作者要出版作品很不容易。朗文写作活用〔IMPORTANT〕Daguerre was a prominent Mexico City lawyer. 达盖尔是墨西哥城一位出名的律师。朗文写作活用〔JOKE〕Rochester was well known as a wit in society circles. 罗切斯特在社交界是个出名的说话风趣的人。朗文写作活用〔LAST〕There were two candidates for the presidency, Lyndon B Johnson and Senator Barry Goldwater. The latter was known to hold extreme right-wing views. 总统候选人有两位,林登·B.约翰逊和巴里·戈德华特参议员。后者因持有极右观点而出名。朗文写作活用〔REPUTATION〕Marks and Spencer have made a name for themselves as a producer of high quality goods at reasonable prices. 玛莎因生产质量高、价格公道的产品而出名。朗文写作活用〔SEX〕The film "Tom Jones’ is famous for its sexually suggestive eating scene. 影片《汤姆·琼斯》中的那个挑逗性的用餐镜头很出名。朗文写作活用〔SUCCEED/SUCCESSFUL〕In his early twenties, Terry was the typical ambitious graduate, full of ideas and eager to make his mark. 特里20出头的时候是一个典型的雄心壮志的大学毕业生,他满脑子的想法,急切地想闯出名堂。朗文写作活用〔Where there's a will, there's a way〕She will become famous one way or another —if not by modeling, then by acting or singing.她无论如何都会出名的,如果不是当模特,就是靠表演或唱歌。韦氏高阶〔anti-Semitic〕His anti-Semitic beliefs were well-known in America.他的反犹信仰在美国很出名。柯林斯高阶〔arrest〕He can't get arrested here but is a megastar in the States.他在这里不出名, 但在美国却是个超级巨星。外研社新世纪〔aspire〕He says he never aspired to become famous.他说他从未立志要出名。韦氏高阶〔aural〕He became famous as an inventor of astonishing visual and aural effects.他因发明了神奇的视听效果而出名。柯林斯高阶〔badness〕She's got beauty, wealth, and fame, and we still can't find anyone with a bad word to say about her.她美丽,富有,出名,而且我们还没有发现谁说她不好。柯林斯高阶〔better〕He is much better known for his poetry than his songwriting.他作的诗比他写的歌更出名。剑桥高阶〔cheese〕French and Italian cheeses are famous.法国奶酪和意大利奶酪是很出名的。英汉大词典〔claim〕My main claim to fame is that I once shook Elvis's hand.我之所以出名,主要是因为我和猫王埃尔维斯握过一次手。朗文当代〔commitment〕She is known chiefly for her commitment to nuclear disarmament.她主要以全力支持核裁军运动而出名。剑桥高阶〔community〕He's well known in the local community.他在当地非常出名。剑桥高阶〔conservation〕Then he began his most famous work, the conservation and rebinding of the Book of Kells.之后他就开始了他最为出名的工作,即保护并重新装订《凯尔斯书》。柯林斯高阶〔court〕He courted publicity and then complained about his loss of privacy.他追求出名,然后又抱怨失去了隐私。麦克米伦高阶〔cuisine〕This restaurant is famous for its spicy cuisine.这家餐馆以辣菜出名。韦氏高阶〔cunning〕Foxes have a reputation for cunning.狐狸以狡猾出名。牛津同义词〔disorder〕There are other forms of civil disorder — most notably, football hooliganism.还有其他形式的民众骚乱,最出名的是足球流氓行为。柯林斯高阶〔disposition〕He is not known for having a warm and friendly disposition.他并不以性格热情友好而出名。麦克米伦高阶〔doohickey〕An unnamed gadget or trinket.小玩意:叫不出名目的小器件或小玩意儿美国传统〔double-edged〕Being famous is often a double-edged sword.出名常常是一把双刃剑。朗文当代〔down-home〕She's very famous but there is something quiet and down-home about her.她很出名,但她身上有种恬静、纯朴的气质。韦氏高阶〔drop〕His name was dropped from the list.他被剔除出名单。朗文当代〔elsewhere〕She is becoming famous in Australia and elsewhere.她在澳澳大利亚和其他地方渐渐出名了。朗文当代〔embroider〕He is known to embroider the truth about his service in the army.他因添油加醋地描述自己的服役经历而出名。韦氏高阶〔equivalent〕Those less-known companies manufacture equivalent products at cheaper prices.那些不太出名的公司生产同样的产品,价格却更便宜。韦氏高阶〔exotic〕She's known for her exotic tastes.她因其异乎寻常的品味而出名。韦氏高阶〔fame〕Hugh Grant, of 'Notting Hill' fame 休‧格兰特,因《诺丁山》出名朗文当代〔fame〕The town's main claim to fame is being the home of one of the strangest buildings in the world.这个镇出名的主要原因是拥有世界上最奇特的建筑之一。牛津搭配〔fame〕The town's only claim to fame (=the only reason why it is well known) is that Queen Elizabeth I once visited it.该镇出名的唯一原因是女王伊丽莎白一世曾来过这里。朗文当代〔famous〕He was famous as both a teacher and a scientist.他作为老师和科学家都很出名。牛津搭配〔famous〕Virginia is famous as the birthplace of several US presidents.弗吉尼亚以作为几位美国总统的出生地而出名。朗文当代〔fated〕He felt he was fated to be famous.他感觉自己注定要出名。韦氏高阶〔firmness〕The new teacher has a reputation for firmness.新老师以严格出名。剑桥高阶〔fishing〕This stretch of the river is renowned for its good fishing.这个河段以能捕到很多鱼而出名。牛津搭配〔flay〕She was well-known for flaying public officials in her daily column.她因在每日专栏里批评政府官员而出名。朗文当代〔flip side〕Loss of privacy is the flip side of fame.出名的负面结果就是没有了个人隐私。韦氏高阶〔gig〕She gigged at bars for years before becoming famous.她出名前在酒吧里做了好几年乐师。剑桥高阶〔hardiness〕These Pacific oysters are known for their hardiness.这些太平洋牡蛎以个头大而出名。外研社新世纪〔irreverence〕She's a comedian known for her irreverence.她是一名喜剧演员,因玩世不恭而出名。韦氏高阶〔know〕He was best known as a painter.他以画家的身份出名。麦克米伦高阶〔know〕She is known for her ability to work quickly. = She is known for working quickly.她因干活麻利而出名。韦氏高阶〔long after〕He longs after fame.他极想出名。21世纪英汉〔long-winded〕The teacher was known for his long-winded explanations.这位教师以讲解啰唆枯燥而出名。韦氏高阶〔monologue〕The comedian is famous for his monologue about winning the lottery.这位喜剧演员因其演绎中乐透奖的独白而出名。韦氏高阶〔namesake〕Notre-Dame Cathedral in Senlis is less famous than its namesake in Paris.桑利斯圣母院不如与其同名的巴黎圣母院那么出名。外研社新世纪〔notable〕The town is notable for its busy open-air market.该镇以其热闹的露天市场而出名。朗文当代〔notice〕Now that she is famous, everything she does attracts notice.她现在出名了, 所以她的一举一动都备受关注。外研社新世纪〔paper〕Since that pianist was not very well known, his agent papered the house.因为那个钢琴家不太出名,所以他的经纪人发了免费入场券以使剧场满座。21世纪英汉〔play〕He's known for playing pranks, so I wouldn't trust him if I were you.他以捉弄人出名,所以如果我是你,我不会相信他。韦氏高阶〔pocket〕I fished the list out of my pocket.我从口袋中掏出名单。牛津搭配〔profligate〕She is well-known for her profligate spending habits.她因一贯恣意挥霍钱财而出名。剑桥高阶〔public figure〕A famous person, such as a politician or performer, whose life and behavior are the focus of intense public interest and scrutiny.知名人物:一个出名的人,比如政治家或演员,他的生活和行为是公众浓厚的兴趣和注意的焦点美国传统〔publicity〕Famous people don’t always enjoy publicity.名人并不总喜欢出名。牛津同义词〔publicity〕She sought out publicity.她渴望出名。外研社新世纪〔richness〕With nothing but his own talent, he made himself rich and famous.他一无所有,仅靠自身才能就变得富有而出名。柯林斯高阶〔right〕He had been to all the right schools and belonged to all the right clubs.他曾在所有的名校上学,又加入了所有出名的上层俱乐部。英汉大词典〔savvy〕He is known for his political savvy and strong management skills.他以睿智的政治头脑和强势的管理手腕出名。柯林斯高阶〔say-so〕The police won't investigate the claim on the say-so of a known criminal.警方不根据一个出名的罪犯随便说出的话进行调查的。麦克米伦高阶〔sb's/sth's claim to fame〕This little town's only claim to fame is that the president was born here.这个小镇之所以出名,唯一的原因是总统出生在此。剑桥高阶〔setting〕Verona is best known as the setting for two of Shakespeare's plays.维罗纳最出名的就是它是莎士比亚两部剧作中的故事发生地。朗文当代〔sex〕She wants to be known as a singer rather than as a sex symbol.她希望以歌手身份而不是性感偶像身份而出名。牛津搭配〔study〕He has earned a reputation as a quick, incisive study.他以记忆快且敏锐而出名。英汉大词典〔stunted〕The days when they needed to pull publicity stunts to get noticed are long gone.他们靠作秀出名的日子早已过去。柯林斯高阶〔suppose〕It's reasonable to suppose that people go into this business in search of fame.有理由认为人们进入这一行是为了出名。牛津搭配〔trash〕The band was famous for trashing hotel rooms.这个乐队以破坏旅馆房间出名。牛津高阶〔unaccustomed〕She was unaccustomed to fame.她不适应出名。韦氏高阶〔unknown〕She was then still relatively unknown.她那时候还不怎么出名。牛津搭配〔whose〕He wouldn't say whose names were on the list.他不会说出名单上都有谁的名字。麦克米伦高阶〔zonked-out〕She's becoming known as just another zonked-out actress.她出名了,成了又一位纵情酗酒吸毒的女星。韦氏高阶A distinguished figure on the London musical scene, she gave unstinting support to young artists and composers.作为伦敦音乐界一个出名的人物, 她尽全力支持年轻的艺术家和作曲家。剑桥国际Boxers aren't really renowned for their intelligence.拳击运动员实在不是因其智慧而出名的。剑桥国际British politicians are not renowned for their chic.英国政治家们并不以其潇洒时髦出名。剑桥国际Even when she became rich and famous, she never forgot her humble background.即使她变得富有、出名,她永远也不会忘记自己卑微的出身。剑桥国际Franciscans are noted for their charitable work and religious speaking and teaching.方济各会以他们的慈善工作和宗教演说布道出名。剑桥国际He and his wife Susan, who is 17 years younger than him, are both prominent Manhattan socialites.他和比他小17岁的妻子苏珊,都是曼哈顿出名的社交界名流。剑桥国际He is a barrister who never pulls any punches and is well-known for the fierceness of his cross-examinations.他是个说话从不拐弯抹角的高级律师,以他紧追不舍的盘问而出名。剑桥国际He was well known for making quite fruity jokes.他以爱讲十分低级趣味的笑话而出名。剑桥国际He's a showboat outfielder who's famous for his flamboyant catches.他是个有些爱炫耀的外场手,以其华而不实的接球而出名。剑桥国际Her new restaurant is famous for its lip-smacking steaks.她的新餐馆以味美的牛排而出名。剑桥国际Her rapid rise to fame/power/popularity meant that she made many enemies.她的迅速成名/掌权/出名意味着她有了许多敌人。剑桥国际Her reputation was based on her pugnacity as an interviewer.她以一名咄咄逼人的采访者而出名。剑桥国际I never expected that someone as famous as her would stop and talk to a mere mortal like myself.我从没想到像她一样出名的人会停下来和我这样一个普普通通的人说话。剑桥国际It was for her wit and vivacity that she was celebrated rather than her beauty.她真正出名的是她才智和活泼举止,而不是她的美貌。剑桥国际Marilyn Monroe was famous for her breathy (=sexy because the breath can be heard) voice.玛丽莲·梦露以她性感的带有喘气声的声音而出名。剑桥国际Scrooge is a character in Charles Dickens' book ‘A Christmas Carol’who is famous for his meanness.斯克鲁奇是狄更斯的小说《圣诞颂歌》中的人物,以吝啬出名。剑桥国际She has a reputation for toughness (= being strong and determined).她因意志坚强而出名。剑桥国际She has the reputation of being a good doctor.她是一位出名的好医生。剑桥国际She is known chiefly for her commitment to nuclear disarmament.她主要以全力支持核裁军运动而出名。剑桥国际She was, in spite of (= Although she has) fame and fortune, basically an unhappy woman.尽管她出名而富有,可她并不快乐。剑桥国际The jazzman used to play at subway stations before becoming famous. 出名以前这位爵士乐家曾经在捷运站演奏。译典通The new teacher has a reputation for firmness and is unlikely to tolerate the misbehaviour that her predecessor put up with.那位新老师以严格出名,她不大会容忍她的前任所能容忍的不规矩行为。剑桥国际The place is known for its dairy produce. 这地方因生产乳品而出名。译典通The robin is famous for its red breast.知更鸟以其红色的胸脯而出名。剑桥国际Would that she could see her famous son now.要是她现在能看到她出名的儿子该多好。剑桥国际




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