

单词 分解
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔COMPLETE/NOT COMPLETE〕This is only a partial solution to the problem. 这只能部分解决问题。朗文写作活用〔MEASURE〕It takes your body about an hour to burn up one unit of alcohol, such as half a pint of beer. 人体需要大约一小时分解一个单位的酒精量,比如半品脱啤酒之类。朗文写作活用〔PART〕Scientists have to break the compound down into its constituents in order to analyze it. 科学家为了进行分析,必须把化合物分解成它的化学成分。朗文写作活用〔accelerate〕The process eliminates odour and accelerates decomposition.这一过程消除气味并加速分解。外研社新世纪〔analysis〕The separation of an intellectual or substantial whole into its constituent parts for individual study.分解:把知识或物质整体分为组成部分进行个体研究美国传统〔anatomy〕The bodily structure of a plant or an animal or of any of its parts.分解:动植物及其身体部分的结构美国传统〔apoptosis〕Disintegration of cells into membrane-bound particles that are then eliminated by phagocytosis or by shedding.细胞凋亡:细胞分解成带膜的颗粒,然后在噬菌作用或脱落作用下被清除美国传统〔biolysis〕The decomposition of organic material by living organisms, such as microorganisms.生物分解:有机物质被生物所分解,如微生物美国传统〔break down〕It breaks down into its constituent parts.它分解成了零七碎八的部件。外研社新世纪〔break down〕The foods you eat break down in the body's digestive system.吃下去的食物在消化系统中分解。韦氏高阶〔break down〕Water can be broken down into hydrogen and oxygen through electrolysis. = Water can break down into hydrogen and oxygen through electrolysis.通过电解作用,水会被分解为氢气和氧气。韦氏高阶〔break up〕Enzymes help break up protein molecules.酶有助于分解蛋白质分子。韦氏高阶〔breakup〕The act or an instance of breaking up, as a division, dispersal, or disintegration.分散,分离:分离的行为或实例,如分裂、分散或分解美国传统〔break〕Bacteria are added to help break down the sewage.下水道中加入细菌帮助分解污物。朗文当代〔break〕Food is broken down in the stomach.食物在胃里分解。朗文当代〔break〕Like all natural substances, it is easily broken down by bacteria.像所有的自然物质一样,它很容易被细菌分解。麦克米伦高阶〔break〕Sentences break up into clauses.句子可分解成子句。英汉大词典〔break〕Sugar and starch are broken down in the stomach.糖和淀粉在胃里分解。英汉大词典〔break〕Sugar and starch are broken down in the stomach.糖和淀粉在胃里被分解。牛津高阶〔break〕These enzymes break down food in the stomach (= cause food to separate into smaller pieces).这些酶在胃中分解食物。剑桥高阶〔break〕To decompose or cause to decompose chemically.从化学上分解,使从化学上分解美国传统〔carbonize〕To reduce or convert a carbon-containing substance to carbon, as by partial burning.使炭化:把含碳物质分解或转化为碳,如通过不完全燃烧美国传统〔catabolite〕A substance produced by the process of catabolism.代谢产物:分解代谢过程产生的物质美国传统〔chromatolysis〕The dissolution or disintegration of chromophil material, such as chromatin, within a cell.染色质溶解:染色物质的溶解或分解,如细胞中的染色质美国传统〔colony〕The food requires larger bacterial colonies to help break it down.这种食物需要更大的细菌菌落协助分解。外研社新世纪〔comminute〕To reduce to powder; pulverize.弄碎:分解成粉末;粉碎美国传统〔component〕Break the problem down into its component parts.把这个问题分解成若干组成部份。牛津高阶〔crack〕Chemistry To break into simpler molecules by means of heat.【化学】 裂化:通过加热分解成更简单的分子美国传统〔cut〕Lye cuts grease.碱液能分解油脂。英汉大词典〔decay〕Biology To break down into component parts; rot.【生物学】 腐烂:分解成各组成部分;腐烂美国传统〔decomposed〕The fertiliser releases nutrients gradually as bacteria decompose it.随着细菌的分解,肥料逐渐释放出各种营养成分。柯林斯高阶〔decomposer〕An organism, often a bacterium or fungus, that feeds on and breaks down dead plant or animal matter, thus making organic nutrients available to the ecosystem.腐生菌;腐生物:一种有机物,通常是细菌以死的动植物为食并把它们分解,藉此为生态系统提供有机养分美国传统〔decompose〕The bacteria decomposed the milk into its solid and liquid elements.细菌把牛奶分解成固态和液态成分。21世纪英汉〔decompose〕The compound will decompose in the presence of light.在有光的条件下,化合物会分解。韦氏高阶〔decomposition〕The act or result of decomposing; disintegration.分解或分解结果;分裂美国传统〔decompound〕To decompose.分解,腐烂美国传统〔definition〕The degree of clarity with which a televised image or broadcast signal is received.清晰度,分解力:接收到电视传播图象或广播信号的清晰程度美国传统〔degradation〕Chemistry Decomposition of a compound by stages, exhibiting well-defined intermediate products.【化学】 降解,递降分解:化合物的递降分解,显示出清楚明白的中间生成物美国传统〔digestion〕The process of decomposing organic matter in sewage by bacteria.细菌分解:用细菌在阴沟里分解有机物的过程美国传统〔digest〕Chemistry To soften or disintegrate by means of chemical action, heat, or moisture.【化学】 煮解:通过化学反应、加热或潮湿的方法,使变软或分解美国传统〔disaggregate〕The teacher disaggregated a sentence into clauses.老师把一个句子分解成从句。21世纪英汉〔disaggregate〕To break up or break apart.分开,分解美国传统〔dissociation〕Psychiatry Separation of a group of related psychological activities into autonomously functioning units, as in the generation of multiple personalities.【精神病学】 分裂,解体:一组相关的心理活动分解为自行运作单位,如多种人格的产生美国传统〔dissociation〕The separation of an electrolyte into ions of opposite charge.电解(作用):一种电解质分解为带有相反电荷的离子的过程美国传统〔dissolvability〕The chemical dissolves into its constituent parts when heated.那化学药物经加热后便分解成其组成的成分。21世纪英汉〔dissolve〕To become disintegrated; disappear.分裂,分解;消散,消失美国传统〔divide up〕Film divides motion up into a series of static images.电影将动作分解为一系列静态画面。21世纪英汉〔dry〕Not sweet as a result of the decomposition of sugar during fermentation. Used of wines.无甜味的:由于发酵期间糖的分解而失去甜味的。用于酒美国传统〔electrolyze〕To cause to decompose by electrolysis.使电解:用电解来引起分解美国传统〔enzyme〕An enzyme in the saliva of the mouth starts the process of breaking down the food.由于唾液中酶的作用,食物进入口腔时就开始了分解过程。剑桥高阶〔explain〕The reasons for the accident have not been fully explained.事故的原因还未得到充分解释。牛津搭配〔explain〕This partly explains why he was so late.这部分解释了他为什么会这么晚。牛津搭配〔exploded view〕An illustration or a diagram of a construction that shows its parts separately but in positions that indicate their proper relationships to the whole.部件分解图:一种结构图解或简图,将各部分分开但使它们处于显示整体间的正确关系的位置美国传统〔factor〕To determine or indicate explicitly the factors of.将…分解或表示为因式美国传统〔flushless toilet〕A toilet that disposes of waste without using water, especially one that utilizes bacteria to break down waste matter.免冲马桶:不用水即可除去废物的马桶,尤指用细菌分解废弃物的马桶美国传统〔gas chromatograph〕An instrument used in gas chromatography to separate a sample of a volatile substance into its components.色彩计:用于色谱法中的一种器械,把具有挥发性的物质分解为它的各个组成部分美国传统〔graph〕A written character that represents a vowel, consonant, syllable, word, or other expression and that cannot be further analyzed.书写单位;书写符号:代表一个元音、辅音、音节、词或其它表达方式,并且不能进一步分解的书写符号美国传统〔hydrogenolysis〕The breaking of a chemical bond in an organic molecule with the simultaneous addition of a hydrogen atom to each of the resulting molecular fragments.分解氢:一个有机体分子中的化学键的断裂,同时给每个产生的分子分裂物加一个氢原子美国传统〔lift〕The police managed to restore calm and the curfew was partially lifted.警方设法恢复了平静,宵禁部分解除。牛津搭配〔molder〕To crumble to dust; disintegrate.粉碎成粉末;分解美国传统〔mold〕Any of various fungi that often cause disintegration of organic matter.真菌:能引起有机物质的分解的真菌美国传统〔mucolytic〕Breaking down or hydrolyzing mucus or mucopolysaccharides.粘液溶解的:分解或水解粘液或粘多糖类的美国传统〔organic〕The cardboard disintegrates organically.硬纸板是会自然分解的。牛津高阶〔osteoclasis〕The process of dissolution and resorption of bony tissue.骨组织吸收:骨组织分解和吸收的过程美国传统〔parse〕Computer Science To analyze or separate (input, for example) into more easily processed components. Used of software.【计算机科学】 分解,分析:把(如输入的信息)分析成或分解成更易处理的部分。用于计算机软件中美国传统〔parse〕To break (a sentence) down into its component parts of speech with an explanation of the form, function, and syntactical relationship of each part.语法分析:把(句子)分解成各个组成词类,并从形式、功能和各部分的句法关系上加以说明美国传统〔part〕Break it down into its constituent parts.将它分解为一个个的构件。牛津搭配〔pepsin〕A digestive enzyme found in gastric juice that catalyzes the breakdown of protein to peptides.胃蛋白酶:胃液中一种消化酶,加速将蛋白质分解成肽美国传统〔phosphofructokinase〕A glycolytic enzyme that catalyzes the phosphorylation of fructose phosphate.磷酸果糖激酶:一种催化果糖磷酸盐磷酸化的糖分解酶美国传统〔primary〕Having a word root or other linguistic element as a basis that cannot be further analyzed or broken down. Used of the derivation of a word or word element.具有不可分的语根的:具有不能再分析或分解的词根或其他语素的用于词或词素的派生美国传统〔pyrolysis〕Decomposition or transformation of a compound caused by heat.热解化用,高温分解:由于热量而导致的化合物的分解或转化美国传统〔raffinate〕The portion of an original liquid that remains after other components have been dissolved by a solvent.残液:某种液体某些成分被分解剂分解后余下的部分美国传统〔reduce ... to〕This substance can be reduced to a single chemical and oxygen by passing an electrical charge through it.通电后,这种物质可以被分解为一种单一的化学制品和氧。21世纪英汉〔reduce〕Water can be reduced to oxygen and hydrogen by electrolysis.水通过电解可以分解为氧和氢。21世纪英汉〔resolve into〕Each of the spirals of light resolved into points.每条螺旋光线都分解成多个点。外研社新世纪〔resolvent〕Causing or able to cause separation into constituents; solvent.能消解的:引起或能引起分解为组成部分的;溶解的美国传统〔resolve〕DNA samples were extracted and resolved.DNA 样本提取后进行了分解。朗文当代〔resolve〕The mixture was resolved into two parts.这种混合物被分解成两部分。韦氏高阶〔resolve〕This mixture will resolve into two separate compounds.这种混合物将分解成两种不同的化合物。朗文当代〔retort〕A closed laboratory vessel with an outlet tube, used for distillation, sublimation, or decomposition by heat.蒸馏瓶:具有流出口管的实验室封闭器皿,用于加热蒸馏、升华或分解美国传统〔rot〕To undergo decomposition, especially organic decomposition; decay.腐烂:尤指器官的分解;腐坏美国传统〔ruminate〕Cows break down their food by rumination.牛通过反刍分解食物。韦氏高阶〔saprolite〕Soft, partially decomposed rock rich in clay and remaining in its original place.腐泥土:柔软的、部分被分解的腐蚀之石,富含于粘土中并且停留在其原始位置美国传统〔sediment〕It is hoped that the oil slick will sink to the seabed where it would be covered within a few years by sediments and eventually decompose.人们希望浮油会沉到海底,并且在数年内被沉积物覆盖,最终分解。剑桥高阶〔slake〕To undergo a slaking process; crumble or disintegrate, as lime.熟化:经过熟化的过程;破碎或分解,如石灰美国传统〔strip〕To dismantle (a firearm, for example) piece by piece.分解(如火器):一件一件地拆卸(如武器)美国传统〔thaw〕Always thaw frozen pastry thoroughly.冷冻的油酥面团总要充分解冻。外研社新世纪〔thermolysis〕Chemistry Dissociation or decomposition of compounds by heat.【化学】 热解:通过加热使化合物离解或分解美国传统〔use〕In anaerobic respiration, sugar is broken down to lactic acid without the use of oxygen.在无氧呼吸中,糖会在不耗费氧气的情况下,被分解为乳酸。剑桥高阶〔yield〕The decomposition of the solution yields nitrogen.此溶液分解后产生氮。英汉大词典Excessive amounts of alcohol damage the liver and affect its ability to break down chemicals in the body.过量饮酒损害肝脏,而且影响它分解身体中的化学物质的功能。剑桥国际Green marketing often uses terms like ‘recyclable’, ‘refillable’ and ‘biodegradable’.绿色营销经常使用“可回收的”、“可重复充填的”和“可生物分解的”这类术语。牛津商务Helicopters sprayed dispersant over the oil-slick in an attempt to break it up before it reached the coastline.直升飞机在浮油上方喷洒分散剂,企图在它到达海岸线之前将之分解。剑桥国际It was feared that the breakup of the oil tanker would result in further pollution.人们担心对油船的分解将导致更大的污染。剑桥国际Peat is an organic substance which is formed when plants partially decompose.泥炭是植物部分分解时形成的有机物质。剑桥国际The UN protested at the dismembering of Bosnia.联合国抗议对波斯尼亚的分解。剑桥国际The disease affects the body's ability to break down some of the body's toxic waste products.这种疾病影响了人体分解体内有毒物质的能力。剑桥国际These chemicals quickly degrade into harmless compounds.这些化学物质迅速分解成无害化合物。剑桥国际This chemical resolves when distilled at a high temperature. 这种化学品在高温下蒸馏就会分解。译典通We hope to make all our packaging biodegradable or able to be recycled.我们希望使我们所有的包装材料能被生物分解或回收利用。剑桥国际




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