

单词 分词
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔Nez Perce〕percé [past participle of] percer [to pierce] percé percer的过去分词 [刺破] 美国传统〔absolute〕an absolute infinitive [participle] 独立不定词[分词](如: To begin with, .../It being Sunday, she didn't go to school.)文馨英汉〔ad libitum〕libitum [past participle of] libēre [to please] libitum libēre的过去分词 [使快乐,使满足] 美国传统〔aquatint〕tinta [dyed] from Latin tincta [feminine past participle of] tingere [to dye] tinta [染色的] 源自 拉丁语 tincta tingere的阴性过去分词 [染色] 美国传统〔ascared〕scared [past participle of] scare scared scare的过去分词美国传统〔aswoon〕past participle of *swōgan [to lose consciousness] *swōgan的过去分词 [失去意识] 美国传统〔bid〕past tense and past participle bid To make an offer to pay or accept a specified price: 【过去时态与过去分词】 bid 投标:出价或接受某一特定的价格:美国传统〔bid〕past tense and past participle bid To offer (someone) membership, as in a group or club: 【过去时态与过去分词】 bid 成为会员:接受为某一团体或俱乐部的成员:美国传统〔bid〕past tense and past participle bid To seek to win or attain something; strive. 【过去时态与过去分词】 bid 力求:企图得到或赢得某物;力求美国传统〔bloodshot〕shotten [suffused] [past participle of] shoot shotten [布满的,充满的] shoot的过去分词美国传统〔bon vivant〕vivant [present participle of] vivre [to live] vivant vivre的现在分词 [居住] 美国传统〔brindled〕probably from brende [past participle of] brennen [to burn] 可能源自 brende brennen的过去分词 [燃烧] 美国传统〔catalogue raisonné〕raisonné [methodical, descriptive] [from past participle of] raisonner [to reason, analyze] raisonné [方法的,描述的] 源自raisonner的过去分词 [推理,分析] 美国传统〔comestible〕of comēsus [past participle of] comedere [to eat up] comēsus的变化 comedere的过去分词 [吃尽] 美国传统〔cost〕past tense and past participle costed To estimate or determine the cost of: 过去式和过去分词 costed 估价:估计或决定…价格:美国传统〔decrepit〕crepitus [past participle of] crepāre [to burst, crack] crepitus crepāre的过去分词 [爆破,破裂] 美国传统〔drawn butter〕drawn [past participle of] draw [to bring to a proper consistency (obsolete)] drawn draw的过去分词[使具有一定的黏稠性(废用)] 美国传统〔equipollent〕pollēns [present participle of] pollēre [to be powerful] pollēns pollēre的现在分词 [强有力的] 美国传统〔found object〕trouvé [past participle of] trouver [to find] trouvé trouver的过去分词 [寻找] 美国传统〔glogg〕alteration of glödgat (vin) [mulled (wine)] [from past participle of] glödga [to mull] glödgat (vin) 的变化 [加糖和香料并烫热(的酒)] 源自glödga的过去分词 [加糖和香料并烫热] 美国传统〔hapax legomenon〕legomenon [neuter sing. passive participle of] legein [to count, say] legomenon legein的中性单数被动语态分词 [说,表达] 美国传统〔immaculate〕maculātus [past participle of] maculāre [to blemish] from macula [spot] maculātus maculāre的过去分词 [玷污] 源自 macula [污点] 美国传统〔impudent〕pudēns [present participle of] pudēre [to be ashamed] pudēns pudēre的现在分词 [羞耻的] 美国传统〔nolens volens〕nōlēns [present participle of] nolle [to be unwilling] nōlēns nolle的现在分词 [不乐意] 美国传统〔obiter dictum〕dictum [from neuter past participle of] dīcere [to say] dictum 源自dīcere的中性过去分词 [说话] 美国传统〔objet trouvé〕trouvé [past participle of] trouver [to find] trouvé trouver的过去分词 [我,寻找] 美国传统〔participial〕a participial adjective 分词形容词英汉大词典〔poste restante〕restante [feminine present participle of] rester [to remain] restante rester的阴性现在分词 [继续存在] 美国传统〔prefix〕fixer [to place] from Latin fīxus [past participle of] fīgere [to fasten] fixer [放置] 源自 拉丁语 fīxus fīgere的过去分词 [固定] 美国传统〔ramshackle〕alteration of ransackled [past participle of] ransackle [to ransack] ransackled的变化 ransackle的过去分词 [仔细搜查] 美国传统〔rap〕past participle rapt To enchant or seize with rapture. 【过去分词】 rapt 使着迷:使陷入狂喜,销魂的境地美国传统〔refrain〕alteration of refrait [past participle of] refraindre [to break off, repeat] refrait的变化 refraindre的过去分词 [中止,重复] 美国传统〔refried beans〕refritos [pl. past participle of] refreir [to refry] refritos refreir的过去分词复数 [重新煎炸] 美国传统〔res gestae〕gestae [feminine pl. past participle of] gerere [to carry, show] gestae gerere的阴性复数过去分词 [实行,显示] 美国传统〔res judicata〕iūdicāta [feminine past participle of] iūdicāre [to judge] iūdicāta iūdicāre的阴性过去分词 [判决] 美国传统〔se-tenant〕tenant [present participle of] tenir [to hold] tenant tenir的现在分词 [握住] 美国传统〔shine〕past tense and past participle shined To make glossy or bright by polishing. 过去式和过去分词 shined 抛光:通过擦拭使…变得有光泽或光亮美国传统〔suit〕past participle of *sequere [to follow] *sequere的过去分词 [跟着] 美国传统〔sulky〕perhaps ultimately from Old English āsolcen [from past participle of] āseolcan [to become sluggish] 可能最终源自 古英语 āsolcen 源自āseolcan的过去分词 [变得缓慢的,变得懒散的] 美国传统〔tirade〕probably back-formation from martirant [present participle of] martirer [to torture] influenced by mar [to one's misfortune,] tiranz [executioner, tyrant] 可能源自 martirant的逆成词 martirer的现在分词 [折磨] 受 mar的影响 [不幸地] tiranz [死刑执行者,暴君] 美国传统




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