

单词 auxiliary
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔WAAC〕Women's Army Auxiliary Corps.陆军妇女辅助队美国传统〔WAAF〕Women's Auxiliary Air Force.空军妇女辅助队美国传统〔adjunct〕A person associated with another in a subordinate or auxiliary capacity.助手,副手:以从属或辅助身份与他人发生联系的人美国传统〔annex〕A building added on to a larger one or an auxiliary building situated near a main one.附属建筑:附属于大建筑的建筑物或坐落于主体建筑附近的附属建筑美国传统〔army〕A tactical and administrative military unit consisting of a headquarters, two or more corps, and auxiliary forces.野战部队:包括一个司令部,两个或多个军以及辅助力量的军事战略和行政单位美国传统〔assistant〕Giving aid; auxiliary.给予协助的;辅助的美国传统〔assistant〕Holding an auxiliary position; subordinate.从属的:处于从属地位的;从属的美国传统〔auxiliary〕A hearing aid is a necessary auxiliary to those whose hearing is impaired.助听器对听觉受损者是必要的辅助物。英汉大词典〔auxiliary〕Grammar An auxiliary verb.【语法】 助动词美国传统〔auxiliary〕Grammar Of, relating to, or being an auxiliary verb.【语法】 助动词的:属于、关于或作为助动词的美国传统〔auxiliary〕In the sentence "she has finished her book", "has" is an auxiliary.在句子she has finished her book中,has是助动词。剑桥高阶〔auxiliary〕The government's first concern was to augment the army and auxiliary forces.政府关心的首要问题是扩充军队及辅助队伍。柯林斯高阶〔auxiliary〕The restaurant is operated by the Palo Alto Auxiliary for the benefit of the Lucile Salter Packard Children's Hospital.这家餐厅由帕洛阿尔托志愿组织经营, 收益用来资助露西尔•帕卡德儿童医院。外研社新世纪〔auxiliary〕The restaurant is operated by the Palo Alto Auxiliary for the benefit of the Lucile Salter Packard Children's Hospital.这家餐厅由帕洛阿尔托附院经营,收益用来资助露西尔·帕卡德儿童医院。柯林斯高阶〔donkey engine〕A small auxiliary steam engine used for hoisting or pumping, especially aboard ship.辅助机车:尤指船上的小型辅助蒸汽发动机,用来吊升货物或抽水美国传统〔exciter〕An auxiliary generator used to provide field current for a larger generator or alternator.励磁机:为别的发电机或电动机提供产生磁场用的电流美国传统〔fairing〕An auxiliary structure or the external surface of a vehicle, such as an aircraft, that serves to reduce drag.整流装置:运载工具(如飞机的)用以减少阻力的一种附件或外部表面美国传统〔jato〕An auxiliary jet-producing unit providing additional thrust for a takeoff.助飞器:一种用于起飞时增加推力的辅助喷气装置美国传统〔jato〕An aircraft takeoff aided by an auxiliary jet or rocket.助飞:用喷气机或火箭帮助航空器起飞美国传统〔machine〕A system or device for doing work, as an automobile or a jackhammer, together with its power source and auxiliary equipment.机械系统:用来工作的系统或装置,如汽车或手持式凿岩机,包括其动力源和辅助设备美国传统〔paging〕The transfer of pages of data between a computer's main memory and an auxiliary memory.分页,页试调度:计算机主存和辅存间对数据页面的传送美国传统〔peripheral〕Auxiliary.辅助的美国传统〔peripheral〕An auxiliary device, such as a printer, modem, or storage system, that works in conjunction with a computer.外部设备:辅助设备,如与计算机连接工作的打印机、调制解调器或存储系统美国传统〔posigrade〕Of, relating to, or being an auxiliary rocket on a multistage spacecraft that is fired in the direction of the spacecraft's motion to separate the sections.正加速度的火箭:多节航天器上的辅助火箭的,这种火箭点燃后沿航天器运行方向推进,并分为几部分美国传统〔predication〕The predicate consists of auxiliary and predication.谓语包括助词和述谓部分。英汉大词典〔secondary〕One that acts in an auxiliary, subordinate, or inferior capacity.副手:位于附属、从属或低级地位的人美国传统〔skid fin〕An upright auxiliary airfoil formerly placed above the upper wing in biplanes to increase lateral stability.防滑翼:早期在双翼飞机上翼装置的垂直附助性机翼,目的在于增加横向稳定性美国传统〔slat〕A movable auxiliary airfoil running along the leading edge of the wing of an airplane.活动辅助翼:一种可移动的辅助机翼,沿飞机机翼的前端延伸美国传统〔slot〕A gap between a main and an auxiliary airfoil to provide space for airflow and facilitate the smooth passage of air over the wing.(飞机的)翼缝:主机翼与辅机翼之间的沟,用于提供空气流动的空间和帮助空气平稳地流过机翼美国传统〔subprincipal〕An auxiliary or bracing rafter in a frame.次要承重结构美国传统〔subsidiary〕Serving to assist or supplement; auxiliary.辅助的,补助的美国传统〔tab〕A small auxiliary airfoil that is attached to a larger one and that helps stabilize an aircraft.调整片,补翼:附着在较大的机翼上,用来帮助稳定飞机辅助性的小机翼美国传统The auxiliary units are called in only when the main force has been overtaxed. 只有在主力军承受过重压力时才会召来预备部队。译典通The assistants will receive auxiliary rates of pay.助手们可获得附加报酬。剑桥国际




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