

单词 经济援助
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔aid〕seek military and economic aid 寻求军事和经济援助英汉大词典〔assistance〕a viable programme of economic assistance. 切实可行的经济援助方案柯林斯高阶〔assistance〕a viable programme of economic assistance切实可行的经济援助计划外研社新世纪〔assistance〕financial assistance for people on low incomes 给低收入者的经济援助牛津高阶〔conference〕a conference on economic aid 关于经济援助的会议牛津搭配〔developed〕financial aid to less developed countries 对欠发达国家的经济援助牛津高阶〔expense〕financial help to meet the expenses of an emergency 供紧急情况下开支的经济援助牛津高阶〔fight〕the fight to get financial aid 争取获得经济援助的努力朗文当代〔for〕economic aid for the future reconstruction of the country. 用于该国未来重建的经济援助柯林斯高阶〔for〕economic aid for the future reconstruction of the country用于该国未来经济重建的经济援助外研社新世纪〔hatch〕hatch a programme of economic aid 拟订一个经济援助方案 英汉大词典〔increased〕increased financial aid 增加的经济援助英汉大词典〔offer〕the government's offer of financial aid 政府愿提供经济援助的提议麦克米伦高阶〔package〕an economic aid package 一揽子经济援助计划英汉大词典〔package〕an economic aid package for third-world countries为第三世界国家提供的一揽子经济援助计划外研社新世纪〔thermal〕financial assistance with repair, thermal insulation and improvements to homes through Government grants. 政府拨款供修缮、隔热和房屋改造之用的经济援助柯林斯高阶〔victim〕to provide financial aid to hurricane/flood, etc. victims 为飓风/洪水等的受灾者提供经济援助剑桥高阶financial aid to less developed countries 对欠发达国家的经济援助牛津商务




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