

单词 sharing
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔ILLNESS/DISEASE〕a vaccine which protects against Hepatitis B, a highly infectious virus which is transmitted sexually or by sharing infected needles. 一种防止感染乙型肝炎的疫苗,乙型肝炎是通过性行为或共用受感染的注射针传染的高感染性病毒朗文写作活用〔agreeable〕sharing a bottle of wine with an agreeable companion.与友善的同伴共饮一瓶酒柯林斯高阶〔averse〕was averse to sharing a table with them; investors who are averse to risk-taking.反对与他们共用一桌;反对冒险的投资者美国传统〔between〕sharing the responsibilities between the four of them由他们4人分担责任21世纪英汉〔confidence〕close friends sharing confidences 分享秘密的亲密朋友韦氏高阶〔context〕a neutral context for sharing and debating ideas 交流思想和进行辩论的中立环境牛津搭配〔descent〕groups sharing common descent 拥有共同血统的人群牛津搭配〔domestically〕a plan for sharing domestic chores.分担家务活的计划柯林斯高阶〔domestic〕a plan for sharing domestic chores一个分担家务的计划外研社新世纪〔equally〕sharing the work equally 平均分担工作韦氏高阶〔ethos〕a community in which people lived according to an ethos of sharing and caring 人们按照分享与关爱的精神来生活的社区朗文当代〔facilitate〕facilitate the sharing of resources 有利于资源共享英汉大词典〔intimate〕sharing an intimate moment 共享幽会时刻韦氏高阶〔needle〕the dangers of sharing needles 共用针头的危险牛津搭配〔peer-to-peer〕peer-to-peer file sharing 点对点文件共享剑桥高阶〔people〕pl. peo.ples A body of persons sharing a common religion, culture, language, or inherited condition of life.【复数】 peo.ples 民族:有共同的宗教信仰、文化、语言或继承同一种生活条件的人的群体美国传统〔purpose〕a group of individuals sharing a common purpose 目的相同的一群人牛津搭配〔share out〕a formula for sharing out power among the various clans.在各个宗亲中平分权力的方案柯林斯高阶〔share out〕a formula for sharing out power among the various clans各集团之间平分权力的方案外研社新世纪sharing information laterally throughout the company 在整个公司里横向分享资讯牛津商务




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