

单词 in disguise
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔a blessing in disguise〕Losing that job was a blessing in disguise really.失去那份工作真是因祸得福。剑桥高阶〔a blessing in disguise〕Not getting the job turned out to be a blessing in disguise, since she got a much better job soon afterward.没得到那份工作其实是塞翁失马,因为之后不久,她就找到了一份比那好得多的工作。韦氏高阶〔blessing〕Not getting that job was actually a blessing in disguise, because I have now got a much better one.没有得到那份工作其实是塞翁失马,因为现在我已得到一个好得多的工作。英汉大词典〔blessing〕The failure to conclude the trade talks last December could prove a blessing in disguise.去年12月份贸易谈判中止可能因祸得福。柯林斯高阶〔blessing〕The failure to conclude the trade talks last December could prove a blessing in disguise.去年12月的贸易谈判没有达成协议, 说不定是塞翁失马。外研社新世纪〔disguised〕You'll have to travel in disguise.你只能乔装出行。柯林斯高阶〔disguise〕A vote for the Liberal Democrats is just a Labour vote in disguise.投自由民主党的票不过是改头换面投工党的票。牛津高阶〔disguise〕He claims that most Western aid to the Third World is just colonialism in disguise.他说西方给第三世界提供的援助大多只是变相的殖民主义行为。剑桥高阶〔disguise〕He often went out in disguise to avoid the ever-present journalists.化装地麦克米伦高阶〔disguise〕He preferred to travel in disguise.他偏爱乔装打扮出行。牛津搭配〔disguise〕He says that the new fee is really just a tax increase in disguise.他说新征费用实际上就是变相的增加税收。韦氏高阶〔disguise〕He went to the house in disguise.他化了装去那所房子。英汉大词典〔disguise〕I've heard that she sometimes travels around the country in disguise.我听说她有时会乔装改扮在国内游历。韦氏高阶〔disguise〕She usually goes out in disguise to avoid being bothered by the public.她外出时通常都要化装,以免受到公众的打扰。剑桥高阶〔disguise〕The redundancy turned out to be a blessing in disguise.那次被裁掉的人结果因祸得福。外研社新世纪〔disguise〕The woman in the park turned out to be a police officer in disguise.公园里的那个女人原来是一个化了装的警察。朗文当代〔disguise〕You'll have to travel in disguise.你必须乔装出行。外研社新世纪〔fart about〕Acting is just a matter of farting about in disguises.演戏只是化了装后干点儿蠢事而已。外研社新世纪He claims that most Western aid to the Third World is just colonialism in disguise (= it appears to be money etc. given freely but it is also a method of controlling a situation).他声称对于第三世界,大多数的西方援助只是变相的殖民主义。剑桥国际He made his escape in disguise. 他化装后逃走了。译典通I had to get out of that house in disguise. 我不得不化了装离开那屋子。译典通My little brother tells people he's a Martian in disguise (= he appears to be an ordinary boy but he is not).我的小弟弟告诉人家,他是乔装打扮的火星人。剑桥国际The ending of that relationship was a blessing in disguise really, since it meant that I focused on my career.那种关系的结束真是因祸得福,因为这意味着我将会一心投身于事业。剑桥国际




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