

单词 in disgrace
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ASHAMED〕Browne was caught using drugs, and was sent home from the private school in disgrace. 布朗使用毒品被人发现,很不体面地被私立学校遣送回家。朗文写作活用〔RUMOUR〕The scandal over the deal forced the corporation's president to resign in disgrace. 有关这笔交易的丑闻迫使公司总裁不光彩地辞职了。朗文写作活用〔brought disgrace upon/on〕She was forced to leave in disgrace.她被迫蒙羞离去。韦氏高阶〔disgrace〕He is in disgrace for revealing defence secrets.他因泄露国防机密而失势。英汉大词典〔disgrace〕He is in disgrace with his father.他在他父亲那里失宠了。外研社新世纪〔disgrace〕He's in disgrace for having left his room in a mess.他房间里乱七八糟,真是丢脸。牛津搭配〔disgrace〕His vice president also had to resign in disgrace.他的副总统也被迫不光彩地辞去职务。柯林斯高阶〔disgrace〕Holman was sent home in disgrace after assaulting one of the other players.霍尔曼在攻击另一名运动员后被很不光彩地打发回家。麦克米伦高阶〔disgrace〕Sam was in disgrace with his parents.萨姆已失宠于他的父母。牛津高阶〔disgrace〕She was sent home from the Olympics in disgrace.她被不光彩地从奥运会赛场打发回国了。牛津搭配〔disgrace〕The president had to resign in disgrace.总统不得不灰溜溜地辞职了。外研社新世纪〔disgrace〕The swimmer was sent home from the Olympics in disgrace.这位游泳运动员很不光彩地从奥运会上被遣送回国。牛津高阶〔disgrace〕They were sent home in disgrace.他们被灰溜溜地送回了家里。剑桥高阶〔disgrace〕Toranaga sent us away in disgrace.寅寿把我们很不光彩地打发走了。朗文当代〔disgrace〕Two years ago he was in disgrace, sent home from the European Championship after attacking another player.两年前他在欧洲锦标赛上对另一名选手动粗, 之后被迫打道回府, 颜面尽失。外研社新世纪〔ignominy〕If they were caught, she would be thrown out in disgrace, dismissed with ignominy.一旦他们被抓住,她就会名誉扫地,被很不光彩地撤职开除。柯林斯高阶〔slink〕He slunk away in disgrace.他丢了脸,就熘走了。牛津同义词〔thirst〕His thirst for power has resulted in disgrace and ruin upon himself.他对权力的渴求已使他身败名裂。英汉大词典Brian's in disgrace for signing Jack's forms (= People do not approve of what he did).布赖恩因在杰克的表格上签字而为人所不齿。剑桥国际




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