

单词 sprung
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔HOLE〕The boat had sprung a leak and it was sinking fast. 船突然出现裂缝,下沉得很快。朗文写作活用〔START〕Dozens of websites have sprung up to provide information for travelers. 一时间冒出了许多为旅行人士提供信息的网站。朗文写作活用〔conspiracy theory〕Conspiracy theories sprung up soon after the leader's assassination.那位领袖人物被暗杀后,各种阴谋论就马上传开了。韦氏高阶〔die〕The wind died as suddenly as it had sprung up.风突然刮了起来, 又突然停息了。外研社新世纪〔grass roots〕A grassroots environmental movement has sprung up.基层的环保运动已经涌现。韦氏高阶〔housing〕Many new housing developments had sprung up around the city.城市周围雨后春笋般冒出了许多新的住宅开发项目。牛津搭配〔leak〕The boat had sprung a leak (=a hole had appeared in it) .小船出现了漏洞。朗文当代〔leak〕The boat had sprung a leak.船出现了一条裂缝。外研社新世纪〔leak〕The heating pipes have sprung a leak.暖气管出现了裂隙。外研社新世纪〔leak〕The pipe has sprung a leak.管子裂开了一条缝。牛津搭配〔leak〕The water pipe sprung a leak and flooded the cellar.水管爆漏,致使地下室遭到水淹。英汉大词典〔microfinance〕Since 1976, microfinance programs have sprung up in developing nations around the world.自1976年以來,微型信贷在全球各个发展中国家纷纷涌现。剑桥高阶〔nowhere〕Houses had sprung up out of nowhere on the hills.山丘上突然冒出一幢幢的房子。柯林斯高阶〔obscure〕Two new skyscrapers had sprung up, obscuring the view from her window.两座新摩天大楼拔地而起,挡住了她窗外的风景。剑桥高阶〔outlet mall〕In the last ten years, outlet malls have sprung up all over the country.过去10年中,廉价商品销售中心如雨后春笋般在全国各地冒了出来。剑桥高阶〔outride〕An unstressed syllable or cluster of syllables within a given metrical unit that is omitted from the scansion pattern in sprung rhythm.一音部内的轻音节:跳韵中按轻重韵律念时被省略的一个既定音步里的非重读音节或音群美国传统〔sprang或sprung〕All the window frames of the old building have sprung.这幢旧楼的所有窗框全都翘曲了。21世纪英汉〔sprang或sprung〕Another superhigh building has sprung in our city.又一座摩天大楼在我们的城市之中耸立起来。21世纪英汉〔sprang或sprung〕He was sprung from my loins.他是我的亲生儿子。21世纪英汉〔sprang或sprung〕I don't know why such new gifted people have sprung up in my life.我不知道怎么回事,在我的周围一下子涌现了那么多有才华的新人。21世纪英汉〔sprang或sprung〕My left foot was sprung in the match.在那次比赛中,我扭伤了我的左脚。21世纪英汉〔sprang或sprung〕The case was sprung to.案子很快就了结了。21世纪英汉〔sprang或sprung〕The log would be sprung easily without paint.圆材不涂漆使用很容易开裂。21世纪英汉〔sprang或sprung〕This spring has been sprung.这只弹簧已经被拉松,弹不回去了。21世纪英汉〔sprang或sprung〕Your children have sprung up now.你的孩子现在都长大了。21世纪英汉〔spring ... on〕Mother reindeer had to leave her baby behind on whom the hyenas had sprung.驯鹿妈妈无可奈何地离开了被一群鬣狗扑住的孩子。21世纪英汉〔spring from〕Unhappiness was sprung from rapacity.不幸源自贪婪。21世纪英汉〔spring to〕The door has sprung to.门已经弹回关上了。21世纪英汉〔spring up〕Has anything new sprung up today?今天有什么新鲜事发生吗?21世纪英汉〔spring up〕Thousands of new businesses have sprung up in the past couple of years.过去几年里数千家新企业如雨后春笋般涌现出来。剑桥高阶〔spring〕All our errors have sprung from carelessness.我们所有的错误都是由粗心造成的。英汉大词典〔spring〕His lawyer managed to get him sprung from prison.他的律师设法使他获释出狱。韦氏高阶〔spring〕His left leg was sprung.他的左腿扭伤了。英汉大词典〔spring〕I have sprung my racket.我把球拍打裂了。英汉大词典〔spring〕The board has sprung.这块木板已经弯曲。文馨英汉〔spring〕The boy has really sprung up.这个男孩长得真快。英汉大词典〔spring〕The door has sprung.这扇门翘了。英汉大词典〔spring〕The yacht has sprung a leak in the hull.帆船的船体上出现了一条裂缝。柯林斯高阶〔spring〕The yacht has sprung a leak in the hull.游艇艇身突然开始漏水。外研社新世纪〔spring〕This clip has been sprung.这枚回形针已经松脱而夹不住东西了。英汉大词典〔spring〕Tom sprung out of bed and ran downstairs.汤姆跳下床冲到楼下。朗文当代〔spring〕Where have you sprung from? 你从哪里冒出来的?文馨英汉〔surprise〕Johnson sprung a surprise by winning the first round.约翰逊爆出了冷门,第一回合就赢了。牛津搭配He is sprung from noble ancestors. 他出身名门。译典通Squatter camps have sprung up all across the capital in the past few years.最近几年,擅自占地者的营地在首都到处出现。剑桥国际The urgent need for housing has meant that jerry-built apartments have sprung up all over the city.对住房的急需已经意味着偷工减料建成的公寓大楼已在全城雨后春笋般地出现。剑桥国际Thousands of new businesses have sprung up in the past couple of years.近几年来,上千家新企业如雨后春笋般地涌现出来。剑桥国际Two new skyscrapers had sprung up, obscuring (= hiding) the view from her window.两座新的摩天大楼拔地而起,遮住了她窗外的景色。剑桥国际




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