

单词 长石
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔adularia〕A variety of transparent or translucent orthoclase.冰长石:正长石透明或半透明的变体美国传统〔amphibolite〕A chiefly amphibole rock with minor plagioclase and little quartz.角闪岩:主要由角闪石、少量斜长石和石英组成的岩石美国传统〔andesite〕A gray, fine-grained volcanic rock, chiefly plagioclase and feldspar.安山岩:一种灰色的,纹理细密的火山岩,主要是斜长石和似长石美国传统〔anorthite〕A rare plagioclase feldspar with high calcium oxide content occurring in igneous rocks.钙长石:一种氧化钙含量很高稀有斜长石,多出现于火成岩中美国传统〔anorthosite〕A variety of diorite consisting chiefly of feldspar.斜长岩:主要含有长石的各种闪长岩美国传统〔aplite〕A fine-grained, light-colored granitic rock consisting primarily of orthoclase and quartz.细晶岩:主要由正长石和石英构成的一种纹理细密的淡色花岗岩类岩石美国传统〔basalt〕A hard, dense, dark volcanic rock composed chiefly of plagioclase, pyroxene, and olivine, and often having a glassy appearance.玄武岩:一种硬的、致密的、黑色的火山岩。它主要由斜长石、辉石和橄榄石组成,外表经常很光滑美国传统〔dacite〕A light gray volcanic rock containing a mixture of plagioclase and other crystalline minerals in glassy silica, similar in appearance to rhyolite.石英安山岩:一种浅灰色的火山岩,包含斜长石与其它呈光滑硅土状的结晶矿物,在外表上与流纹岩相似美国传统〔diabase〕A dark-gray to black, fine-textured igneous rock composed mainly of feldspar and pyroxene and used for monuments and as crushed stone.辉绿岩:一种贝岩,颜色深灰至黑,带有细微网纹,主要由长石和辉石构成,用作纪念碑或碎石块美国传统〔diorite〕Any of various dark, granite-textured, crystalline rocks rich in plagioclase and having little quartz.闪长岩:一种黑色花岗岩的纹理的结晶质火岩石,富有斜长石,含有少量石英美国传统〔eclogite〕A coarse-grained basic rock consisting of a greenish mixture of pyroxene, quartz, and feldspar with large red garnet inclusions.榴辉岩:由辉石、石英、长石与红色石榴子石成分所组成的粗粒基岩美国传统〔feldspathic〕Of, relating to, or containing feldspar.长石的:属于、关于或含长石的美国传统〔felsite〕A fine-grained, light-colored igneous rock, composed chiefly of feldspar and quartz.霏细石:一种纹理细密且颜色浅的主要由长石和石英构成的火成岩石美国传统〔granophyre〕A fine-grained granite porphyry having a groundmass with irregular intergrowths of quartz and feldspar.花斑岩:一种细晶的花斑岩,带有不规则交生的石英和长石的基质美国传统〔granulite〕A fine-grained metamorphic rock often banded in appearance and composed chiefly of feldspar, quartz, and garnet.白粒岩;变粒岩;麻粒岩:一种通常有条带状外观的细粒变质岩,主要由长石、石英和石榴石组成美国传统〔labradorite〕A variety of plagioclase feldspar found in igneous rocks and characterized by brilliant colors in some specimens.拉长石:一种斜长岩长石的变体,发现于火成岩中,某些样本中含有丰富绚烂的颜色美国传统〔lamprophyre〕Any of several intermediate igneous rocks constituting feldspar and ferromagnesium minerals that occur as dikes and minor intrusions.煌斑岩:任一种含有长石和铁镁矿物中型的黑色岩石,呈现为岩脉或侵入岩美国传统〔melaphyre〕A dark igneous porphyry embedded with feldspar crystals.暗玢岩:嵌有长石晶体的黑色火成斑岩美国传统〔monzonite〕An igneous rock composed chiefly of plagioclase and orthoclase, with small amounts of other minerals.二长岩:一种主要由斜长石和正长石组成的火成岩,还含有少量其它矿物美国传统〔moonstone〕A variety of feldspar valued as a gem for its pearly translucence.月长石:一种因为具有珍珠半透明的光泽而被视为宝石的长石美国传统〔ophitic〕Having a texture composed of lath-shaped plagioclase crystals in a matrix of pyroxene crystals.有斜长石结晶结构的:在嵌有化石水晶基质的晶体中,由条形纹条石组成的结构的美国传统〔pericline〕A variety of albite occurring as elongated white crystals.周缘:在白色晶体上延长的各种钠长石美国传统〔petuntze〕A variety of feldspar sometimes mixed with kaolin and used in Chinese porcelain.瓷土:长石的一种,有时混有高岭土,并用于中国瓷器中美国传统〔porphyry〕Rock containing relatively large conspicuous crystals, especially feldspar, in a fine-grained igneous matrix.斑岩:含有嵌入致密的合成基质的相对较明显的长石晶体的岩石美国传统〔salic〕Of or relating to certain minerals, such as quartz and the feldspars, that commonly occur in igneous rocks and contain large amounts of silica and alumina.硅铝质的:属于或有关特定矿物质的,如石英和长石,常常在火成岩中出现,含有大量硅和铝美国传统〔sanidine〕A glassy variety of orthoclase feldspar, known as moonstone when translucent.透长石:一种玻璃质正长石,半透明时即为月长石美国传统〔spar〕A nonmetallic, readily cleavable, translucent or transparent light-colored mineral with a shiny luster, such as feldspar.晶石:一种随时可分裂的淡色非金属矿石,呈透明或半透明状,有闪亮的光泽,例如长石美国传统〔syenite〕An igneous rock composed primarily of alkali feldspar together with other minerals, such as hornblende.正长岩:一种火成岩,主要由碱长石与其它矿物,如角闪石组成美国传统〔trachyte〕A light-colored igneous rock consisting essentially of alkali feldspar.粗面岩:一种浅色火成岩,主要由碱长石构成美国传统




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