

单词 长笛
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔MUSIC〕Charles likes to play Celtic music on his flute. 查尔斯喜欢用长笛吹奏凯尔特音乐。朗文写作活用〔MUSIC〕Zwilich's flute concerto was nominated for Best Contemporary Classical Composition. 兹维利奇的长笛协奏曲被提名角逐“最优秀现代古典音乐作品”奖。朗文写作活用〔WORD/PHRASE/SENTENCE〕The more often you play the flute, the better you'll get. Remember the old saying, practice makes perfect. 长笛练得越多就吹得越好,记住这句老话,熟能生巧。朗文写作活用〔also〕She sings beautifully and also plays the flute and piano.她歌唱得好,还会吹长笛和弹钢琴。朗文当代〔ancestor〕This wooden instrument is the ancestor of the modern metal flute.这种木质乐器是现代金属长笛的雏形。剑桥高阶〔category〕Flutes form a separate category of wind instruments.长笛是管乐器中独立的一个类别。牛津搭配〔charanga〕A style of popular Cuban dance music characterized by the use of violins and flutes along with percussion instruments, piano, bass, and vocals.贾浪卡舞曲:古巴民间舞曲,以运用小提琴、长笛与打击乐器及钢琴、贝斯及和声著称美国传统〔concerto〕Mozart's concerto for flute and harp 莫扎特的长笛和竖琴协奏曲剑桥高阶〔entertainment〕I play the flute in a wind band for recreation.我在管乐队吹长笛消遣。牛津高阶〔fipple flute〕A flute, such as a recorder, with a fipple.哨笛:一种带有一个音栓的长笛,例如竖笛美国传统〔flageolet〕A small flutelike instrument with a cylindrical mouthpiece, four finger holes, and two thumbholes.六孔竖笛:一种有圆柱形吹口、四个指孔和两个拇指孔的小的长笛状乐器美国传统〔flauta〕A tortilla rolled around a filling such as beef, chicken, or cheese into a flutelike shape and sometimes deep-fried.玉米饼卷:一种把未经发酵的玉米饼卷在牛肉、鸡肉或干酪等填充物外面做成长笛形的食品,有时需长时间煎烤美国传统〔flautist〕A flutist.长笛演奏者美国传统〔flute〕An organ stop whose flue pipe produces a flutelike tone.笛音音栓:一种能从通气管中发出类似长笛音调的乐器的音栓美国传统〔flute〕Music To play (a tune) on a flute.【音乐】 吹笛子:用长笛演奏(曲子)美国传统〔flute〕Music To play a flute.【音乐】 吹长笛美国传统〔flute〕To produce in a flutelike tone.发出长笛般的音调美国传统〔flute〕To sing, whistle, or speak with a flutelike tone.以长笛般的音调唱歌、吹口哨或说话美国传统〔flutist〕One who plays the flute.长笛演奏者美国传统〔get〕She's taking flute lessons, but she really doesn't seem to be getting anywhere with it.她正在上长笛班,但是她好像一点进步都没有。剑桥高阶〔instrumentation〕Some of the instrumentation is exquisite, particularly for harp and flute.有些器乐段落谱写得非常优美,尤其是竖琴和长笛的部分。柯林斯高阶〔instrumentation〕Some of the instrumentation is exquisite, particularly for harp and flute.某些段落的配器非常细腻, 尤其是竖琴和长笛部分。外研社新世纪〔jointed〕A flute is made of wood or metal in three jointed sections.长笛由木头或金属制成,分3段相接插。剑桥高阶〔melody〕The melody is then taken up by the flutes.接着由长笛奏主旋律。牛津高阶〔mouth〕The opening in the mouthpiece of a flute across which the player blows.笛子:长笛上吹奏者吹气的开口美国传统〔orchestra〕She plays the flute in the school orchestra.她在校管弦乐队里吹长笛。牛津高阶〔part〕The song's flute part is especially beautiful.这首曲子的长笛声部尤其动听。韦氏高阶〔repertoire〕There is an extensive repertoire of music written for the flute.为长笛演奏而谱写的曲目林林总总,丰富多彩。剑桥高阶〔school〕He learned to play the flute at/in school.他在学校学会了吹长笛。韦氏高阶〔score〕The suite is scored for flute and violin.这组曲是为长笛和小提琴而编。麦克米伦高阶〔serenade〕In the interval a blond boy dressed in white serenaded the company on the flute.幕间休息时,一位身着白衣的金发男孩用长笛为来宾演奏了一支小夜曲。柯林斯高阶〔so-so〕Sommers performed a flute solo a few weeks ago that got so-so reviews.萨默斯几周前表演了一场长笛独奏,反映平平。柯林斯高阶〔sound〕He produces a good clean sound on his flute.他用长笛奏出优美清晰的乐音。牛津搭配〔the〕Fiona's learning the flute.菲奥娜在学吹长笛。朗文当代〔tibia〕Music An ancient flute originally made from an animal's leg bone.【音乐】 胫骨古笛:古代的一种由动物的腿骨制成长笛美国传统〔tootle〕He tootled on the flute.他吹长笛。韦氏高阶〔tootle〕The act or sound of tooting softly and repeatedly, as on a flute.(发)嘟嘟声:轻轻、反复吹奏的动作或音,例如在长笛上美国传统〔tootle〕The flute tootled quietly.长笛不断发出幽幽的嘟嘟声。英汉大词典〔tootle〕To toot softly and repeatedly, as on a flute.轻轻地反复发响亮的声音,例如在长笛上美国传统〔trill〕The boy trilled on a flute.男孩在长笛上吹颤音。21世纪英汉〔waft〕The sound of a flute wafted down the stairs.长笛的声音飘到了楼下。剑桥高阶〔wind instrument〕Saxophones and flutes are wind instruments.萨克斯管和长笛是管乐器。剑桥高阶〔woodwind〕The clarinet, flute, saxophone, and bassoon are all woodwind instruments.单簧管、长笛、萨克斯管以及低音管都属于木管乐器。剑桥高阶A flute is made of wood or metal in three jointed sections.长笛是用木头或金属制成,有三个相连的部分。剑桥国际He plays the flute like a professional. 他吹长笛已达到专业人员的水平。译典通If you listen carefully to this piece of music, you can hear a flute in the background.如果你仔细听这首曲子,你可以听到长笛的伴音。剑桥国际Mozart's concerto for flute and harp 莫扎特的长笛和竖琴协奏曲剑桥国际She lays aside a few dollars whenever possible so that one day she can buy a flute.只要一有可能她就会存几美元,这样有一天她就可以买一枝长笛。剑桥国际The clear (=not rough) sound of the flute could be heard above the other instruments.在众多的其他乐器声之上能够听见清亮的长笛的声音。剑桥国际There is an extensive repertoire of music written for the flute .有很多长笛演奏曲目。剑桥国际This piece of music was composed for the flute and the harp.这首曲子是为演奏长笛和竖琴而谱写的。剑桥国际




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