

单词 bestow
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔amrita〕The ambrosia, prepared by the Hindu gods, that bestows immortality.甘露:印度神话中赐人长生不老的仙露美国传统〔bestow on〕The first prize was bestowed upon the winner.头奖授给了获胜者。21世纪英汉〔bestow〕It was a title bestowed upon him by the king.那是国王赐给他的头衔。牛津高阶〔bestow〕The George Cross is a decoration that is bestowed upon/on British civilians for acts of great bravery.乔治十字勋章是为了表彰英国平民的英勇行为而颁发的。剑桥高阶〔bestow〕The Queen has bestowed a knighthood on him.女王已经授予他爵士头衔。外研社新世纪〔bestow〕The Queen has bestowed a knighthood on him.女王已经授予他爵士头衔。柯林斯高阶〔bestow〕The country bestowed its highest medal on the war hero.国家给战争英雄颁发国家最高奖章。21世纪英汉〔bestow〕The king had friends on whom he bestowed land and privileges.国王赐予他的朋友土地和特权。麦克米伦高阶〔bestow〕The landlord bestowed him for the night.店主留他住一夜。21世纪英汉〔bestow〕The university bestowed on/upon her an honorary degree.这所大学授予了她荣誉学位。韦氏高阶〔bestow〕Time spent in study is time well bestowed.把时间用于学习是用得其所。(或:花在学习上的时间是充分利用的时间。)21世纪英汉〔bestow〕You should bestow more time to work and less to daydreaming.你应多花点时间去工作而少花点时间去幻想。21世纪英汉〔boon〕A benefit bestowed, especially one bestowed in response to a request.恩惠:有益的赐予,尤指某人答复请求时的赐予美国传统〔craft〕He has won the greatest honours his craft can bestow.他获得了自己所在行会能够授予的最高荣誉。外研社新世纪〔donative〕The Roman Emperor's custom was at certain solemn times to bestow on his soldiers a donative.古罗马皇帝的惯例是在某些庄严的场合向士兵发放赠品。英汉大词典〔enfranchise〕To bestow a franchise on.赋予投票权美国传统〔entail〕To bestow or impose on a person or a specified succession of heirs.赠与,限嗣继承:限制某人或按某特定顺序继承美国传统〔favour〕Rodrigo accepted the favours bestowed on him by the new king.罗德里戈接受了新任国王赐予他的恩赏。牛津搭配〔gift〕Something that is bestowed voluntarily and without compensation.礼物,赠品:主动给予并不要报偿的东西美国传统〔given〕Bestowed as a gift; presented.赠送的:作为礼物给予的;赠送的美国传统〔give〕To bestow as a name.作为名称给予美国传统〔grace〕Divine love and protection bestowed freely on people.上帝的仁慈和恩典:神赐予人的爱和无偿赠予的保护美国传统〔grace〕The mantra bestows Siva's grace upon the devotee.曼怛罗将湿婆神的恩典赐予虔诚的信徒。牛津搭配〔honour〕The medal is the highest honour the association can bestow (=give).这奖章是该协会可授予的最高荣誉。朗文当代〔largess〕Liberality in bestowing gifts, especially in a lofty or condescending manner.慷慨的赠与:赠送礼物方面的慷慨大度,尤其是指以一种傲慢的或恩赐般态度的美国传统〔largess〕Money or gifts bestowed.赏赐物:赏赐的钱或礼物美国传统〔misplace〕To bestow (confidence, for example) on an improper, unsuitable, or unworthy person or idea.把(如信任)寄托于一个不正确的、不适当或不值得的人或计划美国传统〔miter〕To bestow a miter upon.给主教加冠美国传统〔receive〕To have (a title, for example) bestowed on oneself.拥有头衔:具有授予自己的(例如头衔)美国传统〔title〕The king bestowed lands and titles upon his followers.国王赐予他的追随者土地和头衔。牛津搭配〔unworthy〕He considered himself unworthy of the honour they had bestowed on him.他认为自己不配得到大家赋予他的荣誉。牛津高阶He saw writers and artists as being important to the state for they could bestow credibility on the regime.他认为作家和艺术家对国家很重要,因为他们能够给当政者以良好声誉。剑桥国际I hardly deserve the praises that were bestowed upon me. 我当不起这样的夸赞。译典通May you be bestowed pennons to fly with. 愿你被赐予飞翔的翅翼。译典通My friend bestowed me for the night. 我朋友留我住了一夜。译典通Paintings of a hunting dog and a bay mare, velvet drapery, antique globes and leather-bound books bestowed a tweedy elegance on the room.猎狗和赤褐色母马的画, 天鹅绒帷帘,古老的地球仪以及皮装书给房间增添了一丝雍容恬适的文雅。剑桥国际Princess Royal is a title sometimes bestowed on the eldest or only daughter of a sovereign.长公主有时候是授予国王的长女或唯一的女儿的称号。剑桥国际The Chancellorship of the University was bestowed upon her in 1992. 1992 年她被授予大学校长的职位。剑桥国际The George Cross is a decoration that is bestowed on British civilians for acts of great bravery.乔治十字勋章是为表现勇敢的英国平民颁发的。剑桥国际The engineer bestowed much time on the project. 这位工程师把大量时间花在那个工程上。译典通




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