

单词 smoothing
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔concrete〕Before the concrete sets the surface can be given a final smoothing over.在混凝土凝固之前,表层还可以最后再平整一遍。牛津搭配〔facer〕One that faces, especially a device used in smoothing or dressing a surface.磨光机:进行表面磨光的某物,尤指用于使表面光滑或装饰表面的装置美国传统〔file〕Any of several hardened steel tools with cutting ridges for forming, smoothing, or reducing especially metallic surfaces.锉刀:一种带有为形成、磨平或缩少金属平面的切割边缘的坚硬铁具美国传统〔flatly〕After a moment his right hand moved across the cloth, smoothing it flat.过了一会儿,他用右手把布抹平。柯林斯高阶〔float〕A tool for smoothing the surface of plaster or cement.灰泥镘刀:一种用来抛光灰泥或水泥的工具美国传统〔lap〕A wheel, disk, or slab of leather or metal, either stationary or rotating, used for polishing and smoothing.磨盘:由皮革或金属制成的轮子、圆盘或平板,或固定或转动,用于磨平和磨光美国传统〔nail file〕A small flat file used for shaping and smoothing the fingernails.指甲锉刀:用于修剪和磨光指甲的扁平小锉刀美国传统〔nylon〕This woman wore seamed nylons and kept smoothing her skirt.这个女士穿着长筒尼龙缝袜,不停地把裙子弄平整。柯林斯高阶〔passing〕Affairs are smoothing down with the passing of time.事态正随着时间的流逝而逐渐平息。英汉大词典〔plane〕A carpenter's tool with an adjustable blade for smoothing and leveling wood.平刨,木工刨:具有可以调节的刃,用以刨平或修整木材的木工用具美国传统〔plane〕A trowel-shaped tool for smoothing the surface of clay, sand, or plaster in a mold.(瓦工的)镘:用以刮光模子中泥土、沙粒或灰泥的表面的铲型工具美国传统〔roughdry〕To dry (laundry) without ironing or smoothing out.把(洗的衣服)晾干但不熨平美国传统〔sandpaper〕Heavy paper coated on one side with sand or other abrasive material and used for smoothing surfaces.砂纸:一种用于抛光和磨光的在其一表面涂有沙子或其他磨料的重纸美国传统〔skirt〕She sat down, smoothing her skirt.她坐下来,抚平裙子的下摆。牛津搭配〔slick〕An implement used to make a surface slick, especially a chisel used for smoothing and polishing.可使表面光滑的工具:用来使一个表面光滑的工具,尤指用于修光和打磨的凿子美国传统〔smooth out〕Baker was smoothing out differences with European allies.贝克正在努力消除同欧洲盟国之间的分歧。柯林斯高阶〔smooth out〕I started smoothing out the tablecloth.我开始着手平整台布。外研社新世纪〔smoothly〕Their talks were aimed at smoothing the path towards a treaty to limit long-range weapons.他们的会谈旨在为缔结限制远程武器条约铺平道路。柯林斯高阶〔smooth〕Be sure to wear gloves when smoothing mirror edges.磨平镜子边缘时一定要戴手套。麦克米伦高阶〔smooth〕Frances sat smoothing her skirt down over her knees.弗朗西丝坐着抚平垂在膝部的裙子。麦克米伦高阶〔smooth〕I saw her brows puckering and then smoothing out again.我看着她双眉紧蹙,然后又舒展开来。英汉大词典〔smooth〕She was smoothing out the creases in her skirt.她正设法弄平裙子上的皱褶。牛津高阶〔smooth〕The act of smoothing.弄平:使变得平整的行动美国传统〔spatula〕Spoon the batter into the prepared pan, smoothing over the top with a spatula.将面糊舀入备好的平底锅中,用刮铲将表面抹平。柯林斯高阶〔steamroller〕A steam-driven machine equipped with a heavy roller for smoothing road surfaces.蒸汽压路机:一种装有重滚子用蒸汽带动并用于平整路面的机器美国传统〔steel wool〕Fine fibers of steel matted or woven together to form an abrasive for cleaning, smoothing, or polishing.钢绒,钢棉:缠织在一起用作清洗、磨光擦亮的钢制细纤维美国传统〔trough〕Investing small amounts regularly is a good way of smoothing out the peaks and troughs of the stock market.定期小额投资是均衡股市高峰和低谷的好办法。剑桥高阶Investing small amounts regularly is a good way of smoothing out the peaks and troughs of the stock market.有规律的小数额投资是缓和股票市场高峰和低谷的好方法。剑桥国际




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