

单词 rundown
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔run-down〕the impetus behind the rundown of the coal industry.促使煤炭行业紧缩的原因柯林斯高阶〔rundown〕rundown housing projects.失修住房项目美国传统〔rundown〕a rundown in the labour force due to rapid mechanization 由于迅速机械化而引起的劳动力减员英汉大词典〔rundown〕a rundown of stock levels 库存水平的降低麦克米伦高阶〔rundown〕a rundown of the week's news 一周新闻综述英汉大词典〔rundown〕a rundown of transport services 交通运输的缩减牛津高阶〔rundown〕a rundown of/in our public services 我们公用事业的减缩韦氏高阶〔rundown〕give a brief rundown on the situation 作简要的形势报告英汉大词典〔rundown〕the rundown of British Steel's activities in Scotland 英国钢铁公司在苏格兰业务的缩减朗文当代〔rundown〕the rundown of the coal industry煤炭行业的紧缩外研社新世纪〔rundown〕the rundown of the health service 医疗服务的缩减麦克米伦高阶〔rundown〕the rundown of the plastics industry 塑料工业的紧缩英汉大词典〔rundown〕the general rundown of the army 军队的一般性减员剑桥高阶〔street〕a rundown house in the backstreets of Cairo 开罗偏僻小巷里一座破败的房屋牛津搭配〔turn〕water that had been turned to ice; turn a rundown house into a show place.已变成冰的水;把一所破旧的房子改变成一个表演场所美国传统




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