

单词 reasoned
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔LOGICAL〕It became clear that calm, reasoned arguments were not working in this volatile situation. 局势动荡,冷静理智的讨论显然已经不起作用。朗文写作活用〔LOGICAL〕We must have an informed and reasoned debate of the moral issues involved. 对于所涉及的道德问题,我们必须进行一次有理有据的辩论。朗文写作活用〔age of reason〕An age at which a person is considered capable of making reasoned judgments.能辨别是非的年龄:被认为有能力做出理性判断的年龄美国传统〔correct〕They reasoned, correctly, that she was away for the weekend.他们的推断没错,她出去度周末了。牛津高阶〔debate〕The nature of this book is to provoke reasoned debate.本书旨在引发理性的讨论。牛津搭配〔reason with sb〕The police reasoned with the hijackers to at least let the children go free.警察劝说劫持犯,让他们至少把孩子们放了。剑桥高阶〔reasoned〕Abortion is an issue which produces little reasoned argument.对堕胎这个问题很少有理智的看法。柯林斯高阶〔reason〕He reasoned that both statements couldn't be true.他推断,两种说法都不可能正确。韦氏高阶〔reason〕He reasoned that since she had not answered his letter she must have left here.他推断,由于她没有给他回信,她一定是已经离开这里了。21世纪英汉〔reason〕He reasoned the problem out and came to a conclusion.他对这个问题加以分析之后得到了结论。英汉大词典〔reason〕He was reasoned into a Labourite.他经人说服而成为工党党员。英汉大词典〔reason〕His speech was admirably reasoned.他的讲演极有逻辑性。英汉大词典〔reason〕I reasoned that changing my diet would lower my cholesterol level.我推断改变自己的饮食可以降低我的胆固醇水平。柯林斯高阶〔reason〕I reasoned that if he could do it, so could I.我推断, 如果他能这么做, 那我也可以。外研社新世纪〔reason〕I reasoned that it was cheaper to go by bus.我认为乘公共汽车去便宜些。牛津同义词〔reason〕I reasoned with him, but I couldn’t persuade him.我跟他讲道理,可是说不通他。牛津同义词〔reason〕Newton reasoned (that) there must be a force such as gravity 牛顿推断出这一定是由于某种力的缘故,比如重力。剑桥高阶〔reason〕She reasoned that she must have left her bag on the train.她断定准是把包落在火车上了。牛津高阶〔reason〕She reasoned that something must be wrong.她推断出肯定哪里出了问题。韦氏高阶〔reason〕They reasoned that other businesses would soon copy the idea.他们推断其他企业也会很快仿效这个办法。朗文当代〔reason〕They couldn't fire him, he reasoned. He was the only one who knew how the system worked.他推断他们不会解雇他。他是唯一知道这套系统如何运转的人。牛津高阶〔reason〕We reasoned that they would not dare leave before dark.我们推断他们不敢在天黑前离开。麦克米伦高阶〔reason〕We have reasoned her out of her wish to be married to a foreigner.我们通过讲道理劝她打消嫁给外国人的愿望。21世纪英汉Aristarchus of Samos reasoned that the Earth went round the sun, not vice versa, though nobody believed him for centuries. [ 希腊]萨摩斯岛的阿里斯塔克斯推断地球是绕着太阳转的,而不是反之,但几个世纪以来没有人相信他。剑桥国际From the presence of a giraffe in the garden, Gerald reasoned (that) the circus had arrived in town. [+ (that) clause] 从花园里出现长颈鹿杰拉尔德推断马戏团已到镇上。剑桥国际He prefers to meet criticism with personal invective rather than with reasoned argument.他宁愿用带有人身攻击的恶骂对付批评,而不是去据理力争。剑桥国际I reasoned him into being sensible.我说服他理智些。剑桥国际I reasoned him out of selling his house. 我说服他不把房子卖掉。译典通I reasoned that he did not come because his old car had broken down again. 我推想他没有来是因为他的老爷车又抛锚了。译典通I have reasoned with him as to his conduct. 关于他的行为我已规劝过他了。译典通Newton reasoned (that) there must be a force such as gravity, when an apple fell on his head. [+ (that) clause] 当苹果掉在他头上时 牛顿推断一定有像引力那样一种力。剑桥国际She reasoned with her sons that they needed to work harder if they were going to pass their exams.她劝告儿子们,他们要通过考试的话得更用功。剑桥国际The decision was arrived at not by reasoned argument but by prime ministerial fiat.这个决定不是通过论证得出的,而是首相下达的命令。剑桥国际The police reasoned with the hijackers to at least let the children go.警察劝告劫机者至少放孩子走。剑桥国际




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