

单词 授职
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔institutionary〕an institutionary banquet 授职庆宴英汉大词典〔investiture〕the investiture of a bishop 主教授职仪式文馨英汉〔investiture〕the investiture of a bishop 主教授职仪式英汉大词典〔investiture〕the investiture of a bishop.主教授职仪式。牛津同义词〔investiture〕the investiture of the Prince of Wales 威尔士亲王的授职仪式韦氏高阶〔investiture〕the investiture of the new Chief of State新国家元首的授职外研社新世纪〔priest〕the ordination of women priests 女司祭的授职礼牛津高阶〔professorial〕a new professorial chair 新的教授职位朗文当代〔professorial〕the cuts which have led to 36 per cent of professorial posts remaining unfilled. 裁员导致36%的教授职位空缺柯林斯高阶〔professorial〕the cuts which have led to 36 per cent of professorial posts remaining unfilled导致36%的教授职位保持空缺的经费削减外研社新世纪〔professorship〕a professorship in Japanese 日语教授职位朗文当代〔professorship〕a visiting professorship 客座教授职位牛津高阶〔readership〕a readership in linguistics 语言学准教授职位朗文当代〔tenured〕a tenured professorship at an American university 在美国大学受永久聘任保障的教授职务文馨英汉




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