

单词 romance
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔bittersweet〕a bittersweet romance 一场有苦有乐的恋爱英汉大词典〔bloom〕their blooming romance 他们的热恋韦氏高阶〔boil〕kept their romance on the boil 使他们的爱情保鲜韦氏高阶〔budding〕a budding romance 刚刚发展起来的一段罗曼史朗文当代〔budding〕our budding romance 我们刚刚发展起来的恋爱关系牛津高阶〔budding〕the couples' budding romance 这对情侣刚刚开始的恋爱韦氏高阶〔chime〕a flawless chime of romance and reality.浪漫与现实之间完美的一致美国传统〔collectively〕the group of languages known collectively as Romance languages 统称为罗曼语的诸语言韦氏高阶〔cross〕a novel that is a cross between romance and satire.介于传奇和讽刺之间的小说美国传统〔fairytale〕a fairytale romance 童话般的爱情故事朗文当代〔fantasy〕fantasies of romance and true love.对浪漫和真爱的憧憬柯林斯高阶〔fantasy〕fantasies of romance and true love对浪漫和真爱的幻想外研社新世纪〔forbidden〕a forbidden romance 被禁止的风流韵事麦克米伦高阶〔high〕the emotional highs and lows of a new romance 新恋情带来的情绪起伏朗文当代〔hold〕had to put the romance on hold.得让那个故事有点悬念美国传统〔intrigue〕a novel of intrigue and romance 一部关于阴谋与爱情的小说韦氏高阶〔milk〕milk a romance for jokes 从一件风流韵事中猎取笑料英汉大词典〔mushy〕mushy romance novels 过于感伤的爱情小说朗文当代〔novelettish〕an absurdly novelettish romance 荒诞庸俗的爱情故事英汉大词典〔office〕an office romance 办公室恋情麦克米伦高阶〔on-off〕an on-off romance 断断续续的浪漫史剑桥高阶〔on-screen〕her on-screen romance with Pierce Lawton她在影片中与皮尔斯•劳顿的恋情外研社新世纪〔out〕a romance straigh t out of a fairy tale 直接从童话改编的浪漫故事牛津高阶〔packed〕a novel packed with romance and suspense 充满了浪漫和悬念的小说韦氏高阶〔prophetic〕a charming romance intermingled with scientific fact and prophetic vision.融科学事实和先知远见于其中的一个动人浪漫故事柯林斯高阶〔pulp〕a pulp romance novel 粗劣的色情小说麦克米伦高阶〔rekindle〕rekindle an old romance 旧情复燃韦氏高阶〔romance〕romance novels 言情小说朗文当代〔romance〕romance of the pioneer 拓荒者的冒险精神 英汉大词典〔romance〕a Medieval romance 中世纪的传奇故事朗文当代〔romance〕a cheap romance in a magazine 杂志中的廉价浪漫故事 英汉大词典〔romance〕a historical romance 历史爱情故事剑桥高阶〔romance〕a historical romance set in India 以印度为背景的浪漫历史作品麦克米伦高阶〔romance〕a holiday romance 假日浪漫史牛津高阶〔romance〕a holiday romance with a happy ending 结局圆满的假日艳遇麦克米伦高阶〔romance〕a medieval romance 中世纪的传奇故事韦氏高阶〔romance〕a short holiday romance 短暂的假日罗曼史朗文当代〔romance〕a summer romance 夏日的浪漫韦氏高阶〔romance〕a tale of love and romance 浪漫的爱情故事韦氏高阶〔romance〕an old-fashioned Hollywood romance 老式好莱坞爱情故事韦氏高阶〔romance〕the romance of Hollywood 好莱坞的传奇色彩朗文当代〔romance〕the romance of life in the Wild West 荒无人烟的西部生活的传奇性 英汉大词典〔romance〕the romance of the old West 旧西部的传奇色彩韦氏高阶〔romance〕the romance of travel 旅行的浪漫色彩麦克米伦高阶〔romance〕the romance of travel.旅游的历险故事。牛津同义词〔romance〕the budding romance between Richard and Elise 理查德和埃莉斯之间刚萌芽的恋情牛津搭配〔romance〕the true story of a real-life romance 现实生活中真实的爱情故事牛津搭配〔romance〕try to romance sb.'s daughter 试图追求某人的女儿英汉大词典〔romance〕writers of romance 言情作家麦克米伦高阶〔shipboard〕a shipboard romance 发生在船上的浪漫故事[罗曼史]文馨英汉〔shipboard〕a shipboard romance 船上恋情剑桥高阶〔shipboard〕a shipboard romance 船上恋情朗文当代〔stillborn〕a stillborn romance 夭折的罗曼史朗文当代〔storybook〕a storybook romance 传奇故事般的爱情麦克米伦高阶〔straight〕a straight romance novel 纯粹的爱情小说韦氏高阶〔syrupy〕a syrupy sweet tale of romance 一个过于情意绵绵的浪漫故事麦克米伦高阶〔tale〕tales of bravery and romance 英雄传奇故事麦克米伦高阶〔torrid〕a torrid romance 炽烈的爱情剑桥高阶〔unenlivened〕a life unenlivened by romance 无浪漫奇遇的一生英汉大词典〔whirlwind〕a whirlwind romance 旋风式恋爱英汉大词典




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