

单词 过分简单
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔SIMPLE〕There's a tendency in news reports to oversimplify complex issues to make the news more entertaining. 新闻报道往往会把复杂的问题过分简单化,使新闻听起来更具娱乐性。朗文写作活用〔oversimplify〕This is a gross oversimplification of the facts.这显然把事实过分简单化了。牛津高阶〔oversimplify〕To cause distortion or error by extreme simplification of a subject.过分简单化:因为一题目的极度简单化而引起曲解或错误美国传统〔oversimplify〕To simplify to the point of causing misrepresentation, misconception, or error.使过分简单化:简单到了引起曲解、误会或错误的程度美国传统〔simplism〕The tendency to oversimplify an issue or a problem by ignoring complexities or complications.过分简单化:通过忽视其复杂性或困难性而把一个论题或问题过分简化的趋势美国传统〔simplistic〕Simplistic theories are generally one-sided and partial.过分简单化的理论一般都是片面且失之偏颇的。英汉大词典〔simplistic〕They have a simplistic point of view about the war.他们对战争持有一种过分简单化的观点。剑桥高阶〔simplistic〕This is a very simplistic approach to the problem.这是对该问题过分简单化的处理办法。朗文当代〔spoon-feed〕To provide (another) with knowledge or information in an oversimplified way.填鸭式灌输(知识等),对…进行填鸭式教育:以一种过分简单的方式提供给别人知识或信息美国传统〔spoon-feed〕To provide (knowledge or information) in an oversimplified way.填鸭教育:以一种过分简单的方式提供知识美国传统It's hard to explain what happens in the play without oversimplifying.解释这出戏里发生了什么而又不过分简单化,很难。剑桥国际




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