

单词 payable
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BP〕Or B/P Bills payable. 或 B/P 可支付帐单美国传统〔accounts payable〕The company's accounts show a profit this year: our accounts receivable exceed our accounts payable. [=the money owed to us exceeds the money we owe] 公司账目显示我们今年有盈利,应收账款超出了应付账款。韦氏高阶〔actually〕Interest is only payable on the amount actually borrowed.利息只能根据实际借款数目给付。柯林斯高阶〔arrival〕A deposit is payable on arrival (=when you arrive).存款可以随时支取。朗文当代〔bearer bond〕A bond payable to the holder.可支付给持有者的债券美国传统〔cash〕Price $33,330.00, payable $4,930.00 cash with order and fifty monthly payments of $568.00 each, and interest.价格为33,330美元, 订货时应付现金4,930美元, 随后50个月内每月支付568美元, 利息另计。外研社新世纪〔cheque〕Cheques should be made payable to Toyland.支票抬头应该开“玩偶世界”。牛津搭配〔cheque〕Please make your cheques payable to The Brighter Toyshop Ltd (= write this name on them).请把支票开给布赖特玩具有限公司。剑桥高阶〔compensation〕If the government is proved negligent, compensation will be payable.如果证明是政府的疏忽,就应支付赔偿。牛津搭配〔consequence〕The employer is liable for compensation payable in consequence of injury to one of its employees.由于对一名员工造成伤害,雇主有责任给予相应赔偿。牛津搭配〔contingency fee〕A fee, as for an attorney's services, that is payable only in the event of a successful or satisfactory outcome.成功酬金:只在出现成功的或令人满意的结果时才支付的费用,如付给律师的服务费美国传统〔coupon〕Send the coupon with a cheque for £18.50, made payable to 'Good Housekeeping'.将订单连同一张18.50英镑的支票一同寄出,支票抬头为“《好管家》杂志”。柯林斯高阶〔coupon〕Send the coupon with a cheque for £18.50, made payable to 'Good Housekeeping'.将订单连同一张18.50英镑的支票一起寄出, 支票抬头为“《好管家》杂志”。外研社新世纪〔credit〕Interest is payable on credit balances.利息按照贷方余额支付。柯林斯高阶〔death benefit〕Insurance money payable to a deceased person's stipulated beneficiary.死亡保险金:付给死者规定的受益人的保险金美国传统〔demand note〕A bill or draft payable in lawful money upon presentation or demand.即期票据:一经出示或要求即可兑现的支票和汇票美国传统〔dividend〕The final dividend, payable on July 1, is reduced to 1p.将于 7 月 1 日派发的末期红利降至每股 1 便士。牛津搭配〔draft〕The money was payable by a draft drawn by the home.这笔钱可凭国内承兑的汇票支付。柯林斯高阶〔draft〕The money was payable by a draft drawn by the home.这笔钱可在家中签发汇票支付。外研社新世纪〔due bill〕A written acknowledgment of indebtedness to a particular party but not payable to the party's order or transferable by endorsement.非现金偿付的借据:对某一方的债务的书面借据,但不能凭债权方命令付款或通过背书转移美国传统〔due〕Payable immediately or on demand.应付的:可立即支付或应要求可支付的美国传统〔duty〕There will also be stamp duty payable at the applicable rate.还将会有用适用税率计算的应缴印花税。牛津搭配〔enrollment〕A fee is charged for each year of study and is payable at enrolment.学费每年收取, 在注册时缴纳。外研社新世纪〔enrolment〕A fee is charged for each year of study and is payable at enrolment.学费每年收取, 在注册时缴纳。外研社新世纪〔enrolment〕A fee is charged for each year of study and is payable at enrolment.学费每年收取,可在登记注册时缴纳。柯林斯高阶〔enrolment〕The full fee is payable on enrolment.所有费用在注册时缴付。牛津搭配〔fee〕All fees are payable when the invoice is issued.发票开出就应支付各种费用。牛津搭配〔instalment〕The first instalment is payable on application.首期付款应在申请时交付。外研社新世纪〔instalment〕The first instalment of £1 per share is payable on application.每股1英镑的首期付款应在申请时交付。柯林斯高阶〔made payable to〕All checks should be made payable to the university.所有支票的领款人应为那所大学。韦氏高阶〔made payable to〕Make your check payable to “Therapy Associates Inc.” 你的支票应写明是付给“医疗联合公司”的。韦氏高阶〔money order〕An order for the payment of a specified amount of money, usually issued and payable at a bank or post office.汇票:一种要求兑现一定量货币的汇票单据,通常由银行或邮局分发并兑现美国传统〔monthly〕The mortgage is payable in monthly instalments.这抵押贷款按月偿还。朗文当代〔outcome〕These costs are payable whatever the outcome of the case.无论讼案结果如何,这些费用都应照付。牛津高阶〔overdraft〕Hefty fines are payable for those who exceed their overdraft limit.透支限额麦克米伦高阶〔payable〕A 10% deposit is payable in advance.须预付 10% 的押金。牛津高阶〔payable〕A supplement is payable for a single room.单人房应补交房款。麦克米伦高阶〔payable〕An initial fee is payable to the franchiser.应付给授特许权公司一笔先期费用。牛津搭配〔payable〕Cheques should be made payable to Euro Travel Ltd.支票应写明付给“欧洲旅行有限责任公司”。外研社新世纪〔payable〕Cheques should be made payable to M&D Ltd.支票领款人应为M&D有限公司。麦克米伦高阶〔payable〕Cheques should be made payable to the National Trust.支票应该写明付给国民信托组织。朗文当代〔payable〕Interest payments are payable monthly.利息每月支付。剑桥高阶〔payable〕Make the cheque payable to 'ABC Ltd'.写明支票付给“ABC有限责任公司”。外研社新世纪〔payable〕No tax is payable on these earnings.这些收入不需交税。牛津搭配〔payable〕Please make your cheque payable to WWF.请写明你的支票领款人为WWF。剑桥高阶〔payable〕Purchase tax was not payable on goods for export.出口商品不需要交购买税。柯林斯高阶〔payable〕State pensions become payable to women at age 60.国家养老金支付给年满 60 岁的女性。朗文当代〔payable〕Tax is payable on the interest.利息要支付税金。朗文当代〔payable〕The integrated child credit will be payable to adults in the family.儿童的综合抵税金额会返还给家庭中的成年人。外研社新世纪〔payable〕The price is payable in monthly instalments.本价格可按月分期付款。牛津高阶〔payable〕The rent is payable in advance .租金预付。朗文当代〔payable〕This amount is payable immediately.这笔钱应即时支付。牛津搭配〔payable〕Write, enclosing a cheque made payable to Cobuild Limited.写封信,附上一张支付给Cobuild有限公司的支票。柯林斯高阶〔perpetuity〕An annuity payable indefinitely.终身年金:无期限地可获得的年金或养老金美国传统〔point〕A guarantee fee of 25 basis points is payable.需要付一笔25个基点的担保费。外研社新世纪〔premium〕The amount paid or payable, often in installments, for an insurance policy.保险金:为保险单而通常分期支付的钱美国传统〔presentation〕The cheque is payable on presentation.本支票见票即付。英汉大词典〔quarterly〕The rent is payable quarterly.房租按季度支付。朗文当代〔refundable〕A refundable deposit is payable on arrival.可退还订金到店即可退还。柯林斯高阶〔remittance〕Please enclose your remittance, making cheques payable to Thames Valley Technology.请附上汇款,支票收款人为泰晤士河谷科技公司。柯林斯高阶〔returnable〕A returnable 150,000 lire deposit is payable on arrival.到达后可返还150,000里拉的定金。麦克米伦高阶〔returnable〕A returnable deposit is payable on arrival.抵达时应支付可退还押金。牛津高阶〔reverse〕Cheques should be made payable to Country Living and your address written on the reverse.支票抬头必须写“《乡村生活》杂志”,你的地址应写在背面。柯林斯高阶〔run〕To become payable.成为应付款的美国传统〔sum〕The landlord has the right to recover any sums payable under this lease 房东有权收取本租约下所有的应付款项。牛津搭配〔supplement〕If you want to travel on a different day, a flight supplement is payable.如需改签另一天的航班,需要支付航班附加费。牛津搭配〔time bill〕A bill of exchange payable at an indicated future time.定期汇票:在未来指定时间付款的票据美国传统〔time〕Payable on a future date or dates.定期的:在未来的某个或某些时期偿还的美国传统〔year end〕Tax is payable six months after the year end.财政年结束后的6个月应当缴纳税款。外研社新世纪A 10% deposit is required, with the balance payable on completion of the work.要求缴付 10% 的订金,尾数待工程完成时支付。牛津商务A break fee of $60 million is payable if the company pulls out of the sale.如果这公司退出这出售交易,便要支付 6000 万元的终止协议费用。牛津商务A returnable deposit is payable on arrival.到达时即应交纳可退还的押金。牛津商务Cheques should be made payable to Toyland plc.支票的抬头人应是 Toyland plc。牛津商务If you miss a repayment the full amount of the loan becomes due and payable.如果你不按期还款,则必须偿还到期的全额贷款。牛津商务If you pay the balance on your monthly statement of account within 14 days, no interest will be payable.如果你在 14 天内付清月度对账单上的欠款,就不需要支付利息。牛津商务Interest payments are payable (= to be paid) monthly.利息每月支付。剑桥国际Make your cheque payable to Next plc.将你的支票收款人写成内科斯股份有限公司。牛津商务Managers need to keep control of payables.经理们必须控制应付账款。牛津商务Please make your cheque payable to WWF.请让你的支票可以付给世界野生动物基金会。剑桥国际Please make your cheques payable to The Brighter Toyshop Ltd (=Please write this name on them).请把支票开给布莱特玩具店有限公司。剑桥国际Tax is not payable on many essential items of family expenditure including domestic energy and water supplies, public transport and most foods.许多家庭基本开支项目不需缴税,如家庭能源及水的供应、公交车和大多数食品。剑桥国际The dividend is payable on 7 March to shareholders as at 21 February.2 月 21 日结算的红利于 3 月 7 日付给股东。牛津商务The full fee is payable in advance.全部费用可提前支付。牛津商务The letter of credit is payable 30 days after sight.本信用证为见票后 30 天付款。牛津商务The mortgage is payable in 83 monthly instalments of $720 and a balloon payment of $112 000 at the end of the seventh year.这按揭分 83 个月偿还,每月 720 元,在第七年年底支付最后一笔 112 000 元的大额尾付贷款。牛津商务The price is payable in monthly instalments.这笔费用可按月分期支付。牛津商务The price of the car is payable in 12 monthly instalments.这辆车的价格可以分12个月付清。剑桥国际The shares were issued with a cumulative dividend of 9.25%, payable quarterly.所发行的股票累积股利为 9.25%,按季支付。牛津商务This is a bill payable on demand. 这是张见票即付的汇票。译典通We are able to negotiate cheques payable in most currencies.我们能用多种货币兑付支票。牛津商务When an invoice comes in you send it to the guy in accounts payable to deal with.收到发票后就送给负责应付账款的那人处理。牛津商务




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