

单词 逐出
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔banish from〕to banish a criminal from a city把罪犯驱逐出某城市21世纪英汉〔banishment〕banishment from political and industrial life从政界和产业界逐出外研社新世纪〔banish〕an immigrant whose citizenship was revoked and who was expatriated because he had concealed his criminal record. 这位移民因为隐瞒了犯罪的事实被取消了国籍并被驱逐出境。美国传统〔banish〕was convicted of heresy and banished from the kingdom. 被控为异端并被逐出王国。美国传统〔bounce〕to be bounced out of the country被驱逐出境21世纪英汉〔broad〕fling sb. out on the broad of his back 猛推某人肩背将其逐出英汉大词典〔deport from〕to deport someone from a place把某人驱逐出某地21世纪英汉〔deportable〕a deportable alien. 被驱逐出境的外国人美国传统〔deportable〕arrest sb. as a deportable alien 把某人作为应驱逐出境的外国人逮捕英汉大词典〔deportation〕a deportation hearing 驱逐出境听证会韦氏高阶〔deportation〕a deportation order 驱逐出境令英汉大词典〔deportation〕a government decision earlier this month to deport all illegal immigrants. 本月早些时候出台的将所有非法移民驱逐出境的政府决议柯林斯高阶〔deportation〕the deportation of illegal workers 非法工人被驱逐出境麦克米伦高阶〔deportation〕thousands of Albanian migrants facing deportation. 数千名面临驱逐出境命运的阿尔巴尼亚移民柯林斯高阶〔deport〕a deportation order 驱逐出境令牛津高阶〔deport〕a government decision earlier this month to deport all illegal immigrants本月早些时候出台的将所有非法移民驱逐出境的政府决议外研社新世纪〔deport〕deport a foreign spy 将外国间谍驱逐出境英汉大词典〔dislodge from〕to dislodge the enemy troops from their fortifications把敌军逐出防御工事21世纪英汉〔ejection〕the ejection of hecklers from the meeting将捣乱分子逐出会场外研社新世纪〔eject〕to eject someone from a building or country.把某人驱逐出建筑物或国境。牛津同义词〔exclusion〕an exclusion order to keep your partner out of your home 将你的伴侣逐出家门的命令牛津搭配〔excommunicable〕excommunicable behavior. 应受逐出教会处罚的行为美国传统〔excommunicate〕an advertiser excommunicated from a newspaper一名被逐出报社的广告员21世纪英汉〔excommunicate〕the threat of excommunication. 逐出教会的威胁柯林斯高阶〔expatriate from〕to expatriate Jews from Germany把犹太人都从德国逐出21世纪英汉〔expel from〕to expel the enemy from a country把敌人逐出国境21世纪英汉〔expel〕to expel an army of occupation from a country把占领军逐出国境21世纪英汉〔expulsion〕an expulsion order 驱逐出境令英汉大词典〔expulsion〕his expulsion from the Soviet Union in 1964 1964 年他被苏联驱逐出境朗文当代〔expulsion〕sb.'s expulsion from Germany 某人的被驱逐出德国英汉大词典〔hoof〕hoof sb. out of the club 把某人逐出俱乐部英汉大词典〔infidel〕a holy war, to drive the infidels and the non-believers out of this holy land为了将不信教者驱逐出这片圣地的一场圣战外研社新世纪〔muscle〕be muscled out of an organization 被逐出组织英汉大词典〔occupation〕the deportation of Jews from Paris during the German occupation德军占领巴黎期间对犹太人的驱逐出境外研社新世纪〔rough〕roughed the passer and was ejected from the game. 对传球者动作粗暴而被逐出比赛美国传统〔run〕run the spies out of the country 把间谍驱逐出境英汉大词典〔stay〕stay the expulsion order 推迟执行驱逐出境的命令英汉大词典〔thunderbolt〕thunderbolts of excommunication 逐出教会的威吓英汉大词典〔thunder〕the thunders of the Church (基督教)教会的威吓(如逐出教门等)英汉大词典〔turn〕to turn someone adrift逐出某人;使某人流浪;辞退某人21世纪英汉




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