

单词 porridge
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔LIQUID〕I hate lumpy porridge. 我最讨厌有团块的粥。朗文写作活用〔address〕He now addressed himself eagerly to his porridge.这时他急切地喝起粥来。英汉大词典〔burgoo〕New England Any of several thick stews, originally an oatmeal porridge.【新英格兰】 燕麦薄粥:一种稠的焖菜,来源于一种燕麦片食品美国传统〔consist〕Breakfast consisted of porridge served with butter.早餐是麦片粥配佐餐黄油。柯林斯高阶〔gruel〕A thin, watery porridge.粥,薄糊:一种稀的,水状的麦片粥美国传统〔live off〕Their room was bare of furniture and they lived off porridge.他们的房间没有家具, 他们靠喝粥度日。外研社新世纪〔lump〕The porridge lumped.麦片粥结块了。21世纪英汉〔mush〕A thick porridge or pudding of cornmeal boiled in water or milk.玉粉精:在水中或者牛奶中煮的黏稠的糊状物或者搅拌物美国传统〔oatmeal〕A porridge made from rolled or ground oats.燕麦片粥或燕麦糊:用燕麦片或燕麦粉制成的粥美国传统〔pass ... on〕I'll pass on the fried potato crisp, but take the porridge.炸土豆片我不吃了,粥还是要喝的。21世纪英汉〔porridge〕He did his porridge peacefully, earned his remission and came out.他安分地服刑,后来获减刑出狱。英汉大词典〔porridge〕He did ten years porridge for armed robbery.他因持械抢劫服了10年刑。剑桥高阶〔pottage〕Archaic Porridge.【古语】 燕麦粥美国传统〔put ... on〕As he has a bad cold,he has put on nothing but a bowl of porridge.他因为重感冒,今天只喝了一碗粥。21世纪英汉〔raisin〕For breakfast I have porridge made with water, to which I add raisins.早餐我喝用水煮的麦片粥,还往里加葡萄干。柯林斯高阶〔scum〕Scum the bubble when the porridge is boiling.粥煮沸时,请把浮沫撇去。21世纪英汉〔subsist〕The prisoners subsisted on one mug of the worst quality porridge three times a day.犯人们每日三餐靠一碗稀粥度日。柯林斯高阶〔work〕They ordered porridge, kippers, eggs, and bacon – the works.他们要了粥、熏鲱鱼、鸡蛋和熏肉,什么都有。麦克米伦高阶Porridge is often eaten for breakfast.粥一般在早饭吃。剑桥国际He did ten years porridge for armed robbery.他因武装抢劫服了10 年刑。剑桥国际We could hear the porridge beginning to bubble (= make the sound of bubbles rising to the top).我们能听见粥开始冒泡的声音。剑桥国际




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