

单词 national day
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔draw near〕The national day is drawing near.国庆节临近了。21世纪英汉〔dress ... up〕We shall dress the hall up for the National Day.我们要把大厅布置一新过国庆节。21世纪英汉〔light〕Public buildings were lit up for celebrating the National Day.为庆祝国庆节,公共建筑物灯火辉煌。英汉大词典〔mourning〕The Armenian authorities declared May 29 a national day of mourning.亚美尼亚当局宣布 5 月 29 日为全国哀悼日。朗文当代〔national〕National Day 国庆日英汉大词典〔parade〕The PLA troops paraded through Tiananmen Square on National Day.国庆节那天,中国人民解放军列队经过天安门广场接受检阅。21世纪英汉〔proclaim〕The President proclaimed a national day of mourning.总统宣布了国家哀悼日。韦氏高阶〔rehearse〕We rehearsed our National Day programme all afternoon.我们整个下午都在排演国庆节的节目。英汉大词典The National Day was celebrated throughout the country. 全国都在庆祝国庆日。译典通




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