

单词 on either side
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔KNOW/NOT KNOW〕The walkers in front crossed the ledge easily, seemingly oblivious to the fact that there was a 3000 foot drop on either side. 走在前面的人很轻巧地跨过岩架,好像没察觉到两侧都有3,000英尺的落差。朗文写作活用〔alcove〕In the alcoves on either side of the fire were bookshelves.火炉两侧的壁龛里是书架。外研社新世纪〔arcade〕A roofed passageway or lane, especially one with shops on either side.有拱廊的街道:有屋顶的通道或小巷,尤指两边有商店时美国传统〔astride〕The town lies astride (= on either side of) the River Havel.这座城镇横跨哈弗尔河。剑桥高阶〔bank〕Snow was banked up on either side of the road.路的两旁堆积起了雪。朗文当代〔bee block〕A piece of hardwood on either side of a bowsprit through which forestays are reeved.前中桅支索眼板:船首斜桁任一侧的硬木,用于系前支索美国传统〔connect〕The cross-channel ferries connect with trains on either side.海峡轮渡两头与火车联运。英汉大词典〔either〕He sat in the back of the car with a policeman on either side.他坐在汽车后座上,两边各有一名警察。朗文当代〔either〕The offices on either side were empty.两边的办公室都是空的。牛津高阶〔either〕There are houses on either side of the street.街道的每一旁都有房子。文馨英汉〔either〕Unfortunately I was sitting at the table with smokers on either side of me.真倒霉,餐桌上坐在我两边的人都抽烟。剑桥高阶〔eustachian tube〕A slender tube that connects the tympanic cavity with the nasal part of the pharynx and serves to equalize air pressure on either side of the eardrum.耳咽管,咽鼓管:一条连接鼓膜腔与鼻腔部分的细管,起到使两边耳鼓气压均等的作用美国传统〔fall away〕On either side of the railway tracks the ground fell away sharply.铁路轨道两侧都是很陡的斜坡。外研社新世纪〔fall〕On either side of the tracks the ground fell away sharply.跑道两侧都是很陡的斜坡。柯林斯高阶〔feelings〕There were no hard feelings on either side.双方都没有记恨对方。外研社新世纪〔front bench〕The first bench on either side of the aisle in a parliament, reserved for ministers and leaders of the principal political parties.议会的正面席:为内阁大臣及主要党派领导人保留的国会过道两边的第一把椅子美国传统〔gill arch〕One of several bony or cartilaginous arches located on either side of the pharynx and supporting the gills in fish and amphibians.鳃弓:位于咽两边的支撑鱼和两栖动物的鳃的骨或软骨弓美国传统〔gonion〕The outer point on either side of the lower jaw at which the jawbone angles upward.下颌角点:下颚两侧的突出点,在这此下颚骨向上弯曲美国传统〔guard〕Football One of the two offensive linemen on either side of the center.【橄榄球】 侧卫:中线两侧的两进攻队员之一美国传统〔gutter〕A trough or channel for carrying something off, such as that on either side of a bowling alley.沟槽:把某物排走的槽或沟,比如在保龄球道两边的球槽美国传统〔hem in〕The brick path to the door was hemmed in on either side by tall, unkempt boxwood hedges.通往门口的砖路两旁是高大、杂乱的黄杨树篱。柯林斯高阶〔hem in〕The path to the door was hemmed in on either side by tall hedges.通往大门的小路两侧是高高的树篱。外研社新世纪〔kyack〕A packsack that hangs on either side of a packsaddle.驮袋:一种挂在驮鞍两侧的背包美国传统〔labia majora〕The two outer rounded folds of adipose tissue that lie on either side of the vaginal opening and form the external lateral boundaries of the vulva.大阴唇:在阴道口两侧的两片外面的圆形脂肪组织褶皱,构成了外阴外侧边界美国传统〔line〕There was a line of fir trees on either side of the road.道路两旁枞树林立。朗文当代〔loin〕The part of the body of a human being or quadruped on either side of the backbone and between the ribs and hips.腰部:人类或四足动物的身体部分,位于脊柱两侧,肋骨与臀部之间美国传统〔longhouse〕A long communal dwelling, especially of the Iroquois, typically built of poles and bark and having a central corridor with family compartments on either side.长屋:一种公共住宅,尤指易洛魁人的住宅。典型特点是用杆子和树干建成,中间有一条走廊,两侧有各家的房间美国传统〔member〕Mathematics The expression on either side of an equality sign.【数学】 等式的边端:等式两边之表达式之一美国传统〔narrow-bodied〕Being or designating a jet aircraft having a narrow fuselage with seats for passengers on either side of a single aisle running the length of the fuselage.窄身的:有窄机舱的喷气式飞机的,在有机舱的长度的单通道每一边有乘客座位美国传统〔neural crest〕The part of the ectoderm in a vertebrate embryo that lies on either side of the neural tube and develops into the cranial, spinal, and autonomic ganglia.神经脊:脊椎动物胚胎外胚层的一部分。位于神经管的两侧,并逐步发展成头颅神经元、脊髓神经元、自主神经系统神经元美国传统〔parhelion〕A bright spot sometimes appearing on either side of the sun, often on a luminous ring or halo.幻日,假日:有时出现在太阳旁边的一个常常形成光亮的环的明亮光斑美国传统〔pick off〕Both groups on either side are just picking off innocent bystanders.对峙双方都只是在瞄准射击无辜的旁观者。柯林斯高阶〔position〕The guards took up their positions on either side of the door.卫兵们在门两边站好。牛津搭配〔protuberance〕Bunions are bony protuberances that stick out on either side of the foot.拇趾囊肿是脚侧的骨样突出物。剑桥高阶〔quarter〕Before this war is over there will be no quarter given on either side.在这场战争结束之前, 双方都不会心慈手软。外研社新世纪〔restiform body〕A large cordlike bundle of nerve fibers lying on either side of the medulla oblongata and connecting it with the cerebellum.绳状体:一种大型线状神经纤维束,位于延髓任一侧,并将它与小脑相接美国传统〔runaround〕Printing Type set in a column narrower than the body of the text, as on either side of a picture.【印刷术】 狭条排印:比正文窄的栏目排字方式,如图画旁边美国传统〔sense〕There is no sense of urgency on either side.两边都没有紧迫感。柯林斯高阶〔sense〕There is no sense of urgency on either side.双方都没有紧迫感。外研社新世纪〔shoulder〕The edge or border running on either side of a roadway.路肩:沿着路面任意一侧的边界或边缘美国传统〔side〕Guards stood on either side of the gate.卫兵分站在大门的两侧。韦氏高阶〔side〕There is a large window on either side of the front door.前门两侧各有一个大窗户。牛津高阶〔side〕Two large screens stood on either side of the stage (=one on the left and one on the right side of it).舞台的两边立着两块大屏幕。朗文当代〔squarely〕She refused to come down squarely on either side of the argument.她拒绝直接加入争论的任何一方。剑桥高阶〔station〕The musicians stationed themselves quickly on either side of the stairs.乐师们很快就静候在了楼梯的两边。柯林斯高阶〔temple〕The flat region on either side of the forehead.太阳穴:前额两侧的平坦处美国传统〔twin-screw〕Having two propellers, one on either side of the keel, that usually revolve in opposite directions.双推进器的:有两个通常以相反的方向旋转推进器,分别在船的两侧美国传统Missile launchers and radar emplacements were clearly visible on either side of the road.导弹发射装置和雷达阵地在道路的两边都可以清楚地看到。剑桥国际She refused to come down squarely on either side of the argument.她拒绝直接参与争论的任何一方。剑桥国际Walls of rock towered vertically on either side of them as they edged their way along the narrow mountain path.石墙在他们两侧垂直而立,他们就从那狭窄的山间小道挤进去。剑桥国际




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