

单词 简讯
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔SEND〕The club sends out a monthly newsletter to all its members. 俱乐部给所有会员发一份每月一期的简讯。朗文写作活用〔channel〕The newsletter is a useful channel of communication between teacher and students.简讯是有助于师生沟通的渠道。牛津高阶〔paragraph〕A brief article, notice, or announcement, as in a newspaper.短文,简讯:报纸上的一篇简短的文章、告示或声明美国传统〔personal〕A personal item or notice in a newspaper.关于个人的简讯:报纸上的个人简讯或短评美国传统〔touch〕A regular newsletter keeps people in touch with local events.定期新闻简讯可以让人们了解当地时事。朗文当代〔unsubscribe〕Please unsubscribe me from your newsletter.请取消我对你们电子简讯的订阅。麦克米伦高阶〔up-to-date〕The newsletter will keep you up to date with our progress.简讯将让你了解我们的最新进展。麦克米伦高阶〔update〕She had heard the news-flash on a TV channel's news update.她已经在一家电视台的新闻快讯中听到了这则简讯。外研社新世纪A newsletter will help to keep the product (at) front of mind.业务简讯有助于让人记住产品。牛津商务Our monthly newsletter will keep you up to date with all the latest developments.我们的每月简讯将使你了解最新的动态。剑桥国际Sign up for our monthly email newsletter.报名接收我们每月一期的电子邮件简讯。牛津商务Subscribe to our free email newsletter.请订阅我们的免费电邮简讯。牛津商务The company publishes a fortnightly bulletin for its staff.这家公司每两周为员工出一期简讯。剑桥国际They listened to the daily bulletin on their crackling radio.他们用那台噼啪作响的收音机收听每日简讯。剑桥国际




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