

单词 parents
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔adulthood〕children who lose their parents before reaching adulthood 未成年就失去双亲的孩子牛津搭配〔advise〕advise with one's parents 与父母商量英汉大词典〔alienation〕alienation of a child from his parents 孩子与父母的疏远英汉大词典〔alongside of〕children working alongside of their parents 与父母一起劳作的孩子们韦氏高阶〔anger〕mounting anger among teachers and parents 老师和家长不断升级的怒火牛津搭配〔arrangement〕an arrangement between the school and the parents 学校和家长的一项约定牛津高阶〔authority〕adult authority figures such as parents and teachers 成年权威人物,例如父母和老师牛津搭配〔behaviour〕his behaviour towards / toward his parents 他对待父母的态度牛津搭配〔biologically〕foster parents for young teenagers whose biological parents have rejected them.被亲生父母抛弃的青少年的养父母柯林斯高阶〔challenging〕the skills of parents to deal with difficult and challenging behaviour from their children父母应对孩子的难缠和逆反行为的技巧外研社新世纪〔childcare〕childcare facilities for working parents 为职业父母提供的照管儿童的设施牛津高阶〔child〕parents with preschool children (=children who are too young to go to school) 有学龄前儿童的父母朗文当代〔concerned〕the concerned parents of youthful offenders.少年犯他们忧心的父母美国传统〔concern〕the concerns expressed by parents 父母表达的关切朗文当代〔consent〕consent from the parents 父母的同意牛津搭配〔conversation〕a conversation between Jane and her parents 简和父母的谈话牛津搭配〔counselling〕counselling for parents and children 亲子辅导牛津搭配〔criminalize〕the Scottish Executive's bill to criminalise parents who smack their children苏格兰行政院提出的给打孩子的家长定罪的法案外研社新世纪〔dialogue〕the need for dialogue between both parents 双方父母对话的必要性麦克米伦高阶〔eavesdrop〕eavesdrop on one's parents (或parents' conversation) 偷听父母的谈话英汉大词典〔education〕parents who choose private education for their children 为孩子选择私立教育的父母牛津搭配〔elderly〕one's elderly parents 上了年纪的双亲英汉大词典〔environment〕parents who strive to provide a stimulating environment for their children to grow up in 致力于为孩子的成长提供一个激励性环境的父母牛津搭配〔expectation〕parents with high expectations of their children 怀有很高的期望/期望不高麦克米伦高阶〔family〕parents with young families 子女尚幼的父母牛津搭配〔family〕the nuclear family of parents and children 父母与子女组成的核心家庭牛津搭配〔feckless〕feckless parents 不负责任的父母英汉大词典〔fecund〕fecund parents 多子女的父母文馨英汉〔fecund〕fecund parents 多子女的父母英汉大词典〔figure〕authority figures such as parents and teachers诸如父母、老师之类的权威人物外研社新世纪〔fussy〕fussy parents 瞎操心的父母牛津高阶〔glow〕parents glowing with pride.洋溢着父母的骄傲美国传统〔involvement〕the involvement of parents in their children's education 父母对儿女教育的参与牛津搭配〔learning disability〕parents with learning disabled children 有学习障碍的儿童的家长韦氏高阶〔medieval〕parents with a medieval attitude toward dating.父母对于约会的守旧态度美国传统〔my〕my parents 我的父母剑桥高阶〔nag〕children nagging their parents into buying things.一直吵着让父母买东西的孩子们柯林斯高阶〔nag〕children nagging their parents into buying things缠着让父母买东西的孩子们外研社新世纪〔obedience〕show obedience to one's parents 顺从父母英汉大词典〔of〕the responsibility/duty of parents 父母的责任韦氏高阶〔overprotective〕overprotective parents 溺爱子女的父母牛津高阶〔parent〕the identities of the adoptive parents 养父母的身份牛津搭配〔passion〕the passion of love parents and children experience for each other父母和孩子之间彼此感受到的强烈的爱外研社新世纪〔plight〕the plight of single parents who want to return to work想重返职场的单亲父母的困境外研社新世纪〔proud〕proud parents 自豪的父母牛津高阶〔pupil〕the parents of secondary school pupils 中学生的家长牛津搭配〔rebellion〕rebellion against their parents 他们与父母对抗牛津搭配〔rebel〕teenage boys rebelling against their parents 不服从父母的十几岁男孩朗文当代〔re〕talk to a girl re her parents 向一女孩谈有关她父母的事英汉大词典〔rowing〕the rowing parents 老是吵吵嚷嚷拌嘴的父母英汉大词典〔sentimentalization〕to sentimentalize over one's parents who died in the war回想起战争中死去的父母亲而十分伤感21世纪英汉〔shirk〕parents who shirk their responsibilities towards their children 逃避教养子女的责任的父母朗文当代〔stroller〕parents pushing strollers 推着婴儿车的父母牛津搭配〔tender〕tender parents 慈爱的双亲英汉大词典〔thirtysomething〕thirtysomething parents 三十多岁的父母韦氏高阶〔tie〕a child's emotional tie to his parents 孩子对父母的亲情 英汉大词典〔unloving〕unloving parents 缺少爱心的父母韦氏高阶〔vilify〕the vilification of single parents by right-wing politicians 右翼政客对单亲父母的诋毁牛津高阶〔weight〕the overwhelming weight Freud assigned parents in our development.弗洛伊德认为父母在我们的成长过程中所起到的举足轻重的作用柯林斯高阶〔well-intentioned〕well-intentioned grandparents who interfere between parents and children 在父母和孩子之间瞎掺和的、好心的祖父母朗文当代




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