

单词 ordinary people
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔beyond〕expensive luxuries that are beyond the reach of ordinary people 非普通人可企及的昂贵奢侈品朗文当代〔gear〕an excellent magazine geared toward ordinary people 一份面向普通民众的优秀杂志英汉大词典〔individual〕donations from private individuals(= ordinary people rather than companies, etc.) 私人捐赠牛津高阶〔piece〕an occasional piece on the lives of ordinary people 关于普通人生活的偶然之作牛津搭配〔suffer〕a prolonged civil war, in which ordinary people have suffered terribly 使平民百姓痛苦不堪的长期内战麦克米伦高阶〔unapprehended〕a theory unapprehended by ordinary people 不为一般人所理解的理论英汉大词典〔uprising〕a popular uprising (=by the ordinary people in a country) 平民暴动朗文当代〔uprising〕a popular uprising(= by the ordinary people of the country) 平民暴动牛津高阶




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