

单词 复苏
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔OBVIOUS〕clear signs of an economic recovery 经济复苏的明显迹象朗文写作活用〔PART〕a revival of interest in the spiritual and moral dimensions of life 对生活中精神和道德方面的兴趣的复苏朗文写作活用〔born-again〕born-again patriotism; a born-again fiscal conservative. 复苏的爱国心;复兴的财政保守主义美国传统〔cardiopulmonary〕cardiopulmonary resuscitation 心肺复苏术剑桥高阶〔climb〕a long slow climb out of recession 从经济衰退中漫长缓慢的复苏牛津搭配〔climb〕the long slow climb out of the recession 经济衰退期后长时间的缓慢复苏牛津高阶〔durability〕doubts about the strength and the durability of the recovery对经济复苏的强度和持久性的怀疑外研社新世纪〔false dawn〕a false dawn for the economy 经济复苏的假象牛津高阶〔impetus〕the primary impetus behind the economic recovery 促进经济复苏的主要推动力英汉大词典〔incipient〕the incipient economic recovery 刚出现的经济复苏英汉大词典〔incipient〕the incipient signs of economic recovery 经济复苏的初期迹象麦克米伦高阶〔jolt〕a method of jolting the economy out of recession 使经济从衰退中复苏的方法牛津高阶〔lead〕an export-led economic recovery 由出口主导的经济复苏朗文当代〔mouth-to-mouth〕mouth-to-mouth resuscitation 口对口复苏法英汉大词典〔nationalism〕a 19th-century resurgence of Finnish nationalism 19 世纪芬兰民族主义的复苏牛津搭配〔orthodoxy〕a resurgence of religious orthodoxy 宗教正统信仰的复苏麦克米伦高阶〔plan〕an ambitious economic recovery plan 雄心勃勃的经济复苏计划朗文当代〔prescription〕a prescription for economic recovery 经济复苏的办法麦克米伦高阶〔quicken〕warm spring days that quicken the earth 使大地复苏的温暖春天英汉大词典〔recovery〕the prospects of economic recovery 经济复苏的前景牛津搭配〔recovery〕the recovery of business after a recession.衰退后业务的复苏。牛津同义词〔reinvigorate〕reinvigorate the nation's economic recovery 给国民经济复苏注入新的活力英汉大词典〔rejuvenate〕physical/economic rejuvenation 恢复活力;经济复苏韦氏高阶〔rekindle〕rekindled an old interest in the sciences. 复苏对科学的兴趣美国传统〔renewal〕a period of economic renewal 经济复苏期麦克米伦高阶〔renewal〕a renewal of interest in World War II history 对第二次世界大战史兴趣的复苏 英汉大词典〔resurgence〕a period of economic resurgence经济复苏时期外研社新世纪〔resurgent〕a resurgent economy 复苏的经济文馨英汉〔resurgent〕a resurgent stock market 复苏的股市韦氏高阶〔resuscitate〕withered plants resuscitated by rain 因雨水滋润而复苏的植物英汉大词典〔revive〕an attempt to revive the British economy复苏英国经济的努力外研社新世纪〔shadow〕throw the economic recovery into shadow 使经济复苏成为幻影英汉大词典〔short cut〕a shortcut to economic recovery经济复苏的捷径外研社新世纪〔sustainability〕a sustainable recovery in consumer spending. 消费支出的持续性复苏柯林斯高阶〔sustainable〕a sustainable recovery in consumer spending消费支出的可持续复苏外研社新世纪〔tangible〕tangible evidence that the economy is starting to recover经济开始复苏的明确迹象外研社新世纪〔world〕world economic recovery 全球经济复苏 英汉大词典a false dawn for the economy 经济复苏的假象牛津商务a mini-recovery in the housing market 住房市场的微弱复苏牛津商务sustainable economic growth/recovery 经济的可持续增长/复苏牛津商务




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