

单词 offers
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔EXERCISE〕The sports centre offers such activities as dance classes, aerobics and weight training. 体育中心提供的活动包括舞蹈班、有氧操和举重训练。朗文写作活用〔FREE〕The clinic offers free advice on contraception. 这家诊所免费提供有关避孕的咨询意见。朗文写作活用〔IN GENERAL〕Most of the time people vote for the party that offers them financial advantages. 在多数情况下人们会投票给承诺在经济上给他们带来好处的政党。朗文写作活用〔LITTLE〕The report offers little hope that the economy will improve any time soon. 这篇报告几乎没有带来经济很快会好转的希望。朗文写作活用〔LOGICAL〕The company offers sound financial advice to individuals and businesses. 本公司为个人和企业提供合理的理财建议。朗文写作活用〔NO〕If someone offers you a cigarette, just say no thanks. 如果有人给你香烟,你就说不要。朗文写作活用〔ORGANIZATION〕A complaints system is being set up to make it easier for residents to complain about the service that the council offers. 正在建立一个投诉体系,方便居民对市政委员会所提供的服务提出投诉。朗文写作活用〔OWE〕The helpline offers financial advice to people who are in debt. 这个求助热线为负债的人提供财务方面的建议。朗文写作活用〔PAY〕The management has been trying to buy off union activists with substantial pay offers. 管理层试图以高薪收买工会中的积极分子。朗文写作活用〔PEACEFUL〕The airport chapel offers a haven of peace only metres away from the bustle of the departure lounge. 机场的小教堂是个安静的憩息之处,离繁忙的候机室才几米远。朗文写作活用〔PROVIDE/SUPPLY〕Sending goods by road offers greater speed and flexibility. 通过陆路运送货物更快、更灵活。朗文写作活用〔PROVIDE/SUPPLY〕The booklet offers practical advice to new parents. 小册子向新生儿的父母提供有用的建议。朗文写作活用〔SEX〕Dr Ruth offers advice on sexual problems. 鲁思博士为性问题提供咨询。朗文写作活用〔SIGN〕When Emma offers to help you it's a sure sign that she wants something from you! 埃玛要是说给你帮忙,那必定是她有求于你!朗文写作活用〔STUDY〕Seventy percent of the university's business students have job offers by graduation. 这所大学有70%的商科学生在毕业之前就得到了工作机会。朗文写作活用〔TRADITION〕The trip offers you a unique opportunity to experience the culture of the remote hill tribes of the north. 这趟旅游使你有独一无二的机会体验一下北方偏远山区部落的文化。朗文写作活用〔VARIOUS/OF DIFFERENT KINDS〕The college offers a wide variety of language courses. 这所学院开设各种语言课程。朗文写作活用〔VARIOUS/OF DIFFERENT KINDS〕The shop offers a wide selection of glasses frames to choose from. 这家商店有各种眼镜架可供选择。朗文写作活用〔WATCH〕I always keep my eyes open for discounts and special offers. 我一直留意折扣和特价商品。朗文写作活用〔abundant〕He offers abundant evidence that he is right.他提供大量的证据证明自己是对的。韦氏高阶〔accessory〕The book offers advice on choosing fabrics, furniture, and accessories.这本书提供了在如何选择面料、家具和装饰品方面的建议。麦克米伦高阶〔acquaint sb/yourself with sth〕The Broadcasting Museum offers workshops to acquaint children with the world of radio.广播博物馆还举办讲习班让孩子们了解无线电世界。剑桥高阶〔ad hoc〕I accept offers of work on an ad hoc basis.我接受临时提供的工作。外研社新世纪〔air transportation〕The hotel offers free ground transportation to and from the airport. [=the hotel has vehicles that will take you to and from the airport for free] 宾馆提供往返机场的免费地面交通服务。韦氏高阶〔amenity〕It offers all the amenities you would expect in a car of its size.在同样大小的车中,这款车有你所期望的所有便利设施。韦氏高阶〔amusement park〕A commercially operated enterprise that offers rides, games, and other forms of entertainment.游乐园:一种商业性经营单位,提供骑马、游戏和其它娱乐方式美国传统〔anchorage〕Sand offers poor anchorage.沙砾地下锚不宜。英汉大词典〔apocalypse〕The book offers a vision of the future in which there is a great nuclear apocalypse.这本书描述了未来核战争带来的灭顶之灾。剑桥高阶〔appealing〕The city offers an appealing combination of sporting and cultural events.这座城市把体育活动和文化活动结合在一起,很有吸引力。朗文当代〔asking price〕Offers 15% below the asking price are unlikely to be accepted.低于要价15%的报价不大可能被接受。柯林斯高阶〔automatically〕Israel offers automatic citizenship to all Jews who want it.以色列为所有希望获得公民身份的犹太人敞开大门。柯林斯高阶〔backhanded〕He means to help us even though he offers to do so in a backhanded way.他真心想帮助我们,尽管他是兜着圈子表示这个意思的。英汉大词典〔ballpark〕The offers for the contract were all in the same ballpark.就此合同的开价均在同一范围内。牛津高阶〔bang〕This option offers more bang for your buck.这个选择物超所值。外研社新世纪〔bank〕Which bank offers you the service that best suits your financial needs?哪家银行提供的服务最适合你的财务需求?外研社新世纪〔bargain〕The airline regularly offers last-minute bookings at bargain prices.航空公司定期提供最后时刻的低价订票服务。剑桥高阶〔bespoke〕The company also offers a bespoke service of whatever combination you like.该公司还可根据您的组合喜好提供定制服务。外研社新世纪〔beware〕Beware salespeople who promise offers that seem too good to be true.要提防那些满口应承的推销人员,说得越天花乱坠越不可信。剑桥高阶〔bewildering〕The college offers a bewildering range of courses.学院开设了一大堆令人眼花缭乱的课程。剑桥高阶〔broadband〕Internet connection via broadband offers many advantages.宽带互联网有许多优点。剑桥高阶〔buffet〕The restaurant offers a breakfast buffet.这家餐馆提供自助早餐。韦氏高阶〔but〕This new product offers many advantages: speed, convenience, and durability, to name but a few.这种新产品有很多优点,如快捷、方便、耐用,这只是列举一二。韦氏高阶〔buy〕S & G offers great buys on computer software. S & G 公司可提供性价比很高的电脑软件。柯林斯高阶〔certification〕The school offers scuba diving certification.这所学校颁发水肺式潜水资格证。韦氏高阶〔charge〕She offers individual counselling sessions, for which she charges £40 an hour.她提供个人咨询服务, 收费是每小时40英镑。外研社新世纪〔check〕Check our website for details of our special offers.要想了解我们的特别优惠的详情,请浏览我们的网站。麦克米伦高阶〔choice〕The store offers a wide choice of fruits and vegetables.商店提供许多可供选择的水果和蔬菜。美国传统〔clue〕The sculpture offers a clue as to how Picasso's last phase must be interpreted.这具雕塑为毕加索生命的最后阶段应该如何解读提供了线索。外研社新世纪〔commanding〕What other home offers such a commanding view of the capital?还有谁家的房子能有这样俯瞰首都的开阔视野?外研社新世纪〔condensation〕A few pages further on you might find a condensation of a book that offers ten ways to be a better manager.再多看几页, 你可能就会找到告诉你成为好经理的10种方法的一段节略。外研社新世纪〔convenience〕The supermarket offers a bag-packing service, as a convenience to customers.为方便顾客,这家超级市场提供装袋服务。朗文当代〔cost〕The hotel offers tea and coffee at no extra cost.酒店供应茶和咖啡,不另收费。牛津搭配〔coverage〕The course offers good coverage of the subject.该课程充分地涵盖了本科目的内容。麦克米伦高阶〔credit〕On the credit side, the restaurant offers a wide range of choices.就优点而言,这家餐馆提供的菜品选择范围广。韦氏高阶〔discount〕The store offers a two percent discount when customers pay in cash.顾客以现金支付时,商店可给予百分之二的折扣。韦氏高阶〔distance〕The college offers a wide range of distance-learning courses.学院开设一系列远程学习课程。牛津搭配〔dry〕As she got older, offers of modelling work began to dry up.随着她年龄渐长,邀请她做模特儿的工作已越来越少。牛津高阶〔encouragement〕The latest survey offers no encouragement.最近的调查结果并不令人鼓舞。英汉大词典〔escape〕The path offers an easy escape.从这条路出去很容易逃生。外研社新世纪〔estimated〕The shop also offers a curtain-making and fitting service. Quotes and estimates can be prepared by computer on the spot.那家商店还提供窗帘制作和安装服务,而且可以用计算机现场制作报价单和预算书。柯林斯高阶〔excursion〕Our ship offers 13 different excursions.我们的船提供 13 种不同的旅游路线。牛津搭配〔extracurricular〕The school offers a variety of extracurriculars. [=extracurricular activities] 这所学校有各种各样的课外活动。韦氏高阶〔feature〕The network offers interactive features.该网络有互动功能。牛津搭配〔flood〕We've been flooded with offers of help.人们纷纷表示愿意为我们提供帮助。朗文当代〔franchisee〕One of the most important aspects of franchising is the reduced risk of business failure it offers to franchisees.特许经营最重要的方面之一是为特许经营者降低生意失败的风险。外研社新世纪〔full〕The Health Centre offers a full range of services.健身中心提供全套服务。朗文当代〔gift-wrap〕The store offers a gift-wrapping service.这家商店提供礼品包装服务。牛津高阶〔glimpse〕The exhibition offers a fascinating glimpse at life beneath the waves.这个展览展示了精彩神奇的海底世界。牛津搭配〔good〕The merchandise is reasonably priced and offers exceptionally good value.这些商品定价合理,很是划算。柯林斯高阶〔greatly〕All offers of help will be greatly appreciated .如蒙帮助,感激不尽。朗文当代〔greenness〕A Swiss company offers to help environmental investors by sending teams round factories to ascertain their greenness.一家瑞士公司表示愿意向工厂周边派遣小组进行环境检测以协助环境投资者。柯林斯高阶〔guaranteed〕The savings scheme offers a guaranteed income of 8 per cent over four years.该储蓄方案保证四年期有8%的收益。外研社新世纪〔guarantee〕The company offers a full money-back guarantee.这家公司有全额退款保障。牛津搭配〔hope〕A coalition government offers the country its best hope for peace.联合政府将最有可能为这个国家带来和平。麦克米伦高阶〔hope〕This new treatment offers hope to thousands of cancer patients.这种新的治疗方法给数千癌症患者带来了希望。朗文当代〔hotel〕The hotel offers excellent facilities.这家旅馆设施非常完善。牛津搭配〔house〕The bank offers attractive rates to first-time house buyers.银行给首次购房者提供的利率很有吸引力。牛津搭配〔ideal〕The scheme offers an ideal opportunity for youngsters to get training.该计划为年轻人提供了获得培训的极好机会。朗文当代〔indigent〕That hospital offers free treatment to indigents.那家医院为穷苦人提供免费治疗。英汉大词典〔infinite〕The city offers an infinite variety of things to do.在这个城市有许许多多事情可做。麦克米伦高阶〔instant〕The modern technology of communications offers us instant knowledge.现代通信技术为我们提供顷刻即可获得的知识。英汉大词典〔interest-free〕The company offers interest-free loans.该公司提供无息贷款。文馨英汉〔inundate〕We have been inundated with offers of help.主动援助多得使我们应接不暇。牛津高阶〔investment〕The financial company offers several kinds of investments.这家金融公司提供几种投资业务。韦氏高阶〔invite〕Offers in the region of £1,000,000 are invited for the property.这块地产征求100万英镑左右的出价。剑桥高阶〔jailhouse lawyer〕A prison inmate who is usually self-taught in the law and offers legal consultation within a prison or corrections system.监狱律师:监牢中的通常自学法律并且在监狱和感化教育系统范围内提供法律咨询的囚犯美国传统〔laundry〕The hotel offers a free laundry service.这家旅馆提供免费洗烫衣物服务。牛津搭配〔light〕A new approach offers an answer, and may shed light on an even bigger question.新方法提供了一个答案, 而且有可能让人们进一步了解更重大的问题。外研社新世纪〔lively〕The book offers a lively account of her travels.书中生动地描绘了她的旅行见闻。朗文当代〔low〕The big supermarket offers the lowest prices in town.这家大型超级市场里的商品价格全城最低。剑桥高阶〔many〕This charming village offers many a treat for visitors.这个迷人的村庄为游客提供许多乐趣。外研社新世纪〔martyr〕She offers to do extra work, then plays the martyr! 她主动提出做额外的工作,然后又装可怜!剑桥高阶〔mix〕The town offers a fascinating mix of old and new.这个小镇新旧结合,很有魅力。牛津高阶〔new〕This new cancer treatment offers hope to many sufferers.这种新型疗法给许多癌症患者带来希望。剑桥高阶〔no-frills〕The restaurant offers no-frills dining.这家餐厅提供基本餐饮。韦氏高阶〔nowhere〕He nowhere offers concrete historical background to support his arguments.他没给出具体的历史背景来支撑他的论点。柯林斯高阶〔offer〕All special offers advertised in this brochure are subject to availability.这本小册子上宣传的所有特价商品售完即止。朗文当代〔offer〕It says in the guide that this area offers some of the best walks in England.旅行指南上说这一乡村地区有几条英格兰最好的徒步线路。剑桥高阶〔offer〕Luck offers once on you.幸运只会在你身上降临一次。21世纪英汉〔offer〕See next week's issue for details of more free offers.请见下周周刊有关更多免费赠品的详情。牛津高阶〔offer〕That department offers courses in a dozen minority languages.那个系用十来种少数民族语言开课。英汉大词典〔offer〕The asking price is £500 but I'm open to offers.要价是 500 英镑,但价钱还可以商量。牛津搭配〔offer〕The drama school offers places to students who can show talent.这所戏剧学校录取能展现天赋的学生。朗文当代〔offer〕The film offers a unique perspective on the issue.这部电影从独特的视角研究那个问题。韦氏高阶〔offer〕The hotel offers excellent facilities for families.本旅馆提供适合全家的优良设施。牛津高阶〔offer〕This month's offers include a shirt, trousers and bed covers.本月的特价商品包括一款衬衫、裤子和多种床罩。柯林斯高阶〔offer〕While the Kiwis are keen to have him, he is still open to offers.尽管新西兰人很想与他签约, 他仍然欢迎其他球队开价。外研社新世纪〔onward〕The company offers flights to Amsterdam with onward travel to The Hague.这家公司提供飞往阿姆斯特丹并接续飞往海牙的航班。朗文当代〔packaging〕His company offers a flexible packaging service for the food industry.他的公司为食品工业提供灵活的包装业务。牛津高阶〔padding〕If you remove the padding from his speech you can see that he offers no new ideas.你如果把他讲话中的废话都剔除的话,就会发现他没提出任何新主张。韦氏高阶〔paltry〕This account offers a paltry 1% return on your investment.这个账户给你投资的回报仅是微不足道的 1%。牛津高阶〔panorama〕The tower offers a panorama of the city.在那幢高楼上可以一览城市的全貌。朗文当代〔partner〕The organization offers health benefits to the domestic partners of employees.该组织向员工在国内的配偶提供健康福利。牛津搭配〔payback〕The no-smoking policy offers a payback of improved employee health.禁烟政策的结果就是员工们健康状况的好转。麦克米伦高阶〔pay〕The job offers good rates of pay and excellent conditions.这份工作的薪水不错,工作条件也很好。牛津搭配〔pick-and-mix〕The shop offers a pick-and-mix assortment of new and used items.这家商店将新货与旧货搭配销售。韦氏高阶〔pledge〕Philip pledges his support for the strikers and offers to help in any way that he can.菲利普承诺将支持罢工者, 并给予一切力所能及的帮助。外研社新世纪〔policy〕She is following her usual policy of ignoring all offers of help.她遵循着自己的一贯原则,对于他人的主动帮助一概不予理睬。牛津高阶〔possibility〕The course offers a wide range of possibilities for personal development.该课程为个人发展提供多种不同的选择。牛津搭配〔potential〕The new business offers great potential for growth.新业务有巨大的增长潜力。牛津搭配〔pretension〕The restaurant offers excellent food without pretension.这家餐馆东西很好吃,没有自卖自夸。韦氏高阶〔principle〕His investment strategy is based on the principle that the stock market offers the best returns for long-term investors.他的投资策略是基于股票市场会给长线投资者最好的回报这一法则。韦氏高阶〔prospect〕This position offers excellent promotion prospects.这一职位有极好的晋升机会。牛津搭配〔protection〕Our policy offers complete protection against fire an d theft.我们的保单全面承保火灾及盗窃风险。牛津高阶〔protection〕The policy offers complete protection against fire and theft.这份保单对火灾和失窃提供全额保险。韦氏高阶〔quandary〕I've had two job offers, and I'm in a real quandary about/over which one to accept.我得到两份工作,不知该接受哪个,真是左右为难。剑桥高阶〔range〕The hotel offers a wide range of facilities.这家酒店提供各种各样的设施。牛津高阶〔reel sb/sth in〕The article offers tips on how computer users can avoid being reeled in by internet scams.这篇文章给了电脑用户一些指点,让他们避免成为互联网骗局的受害者。剑桥高阶〔repudiate〕He repudiated all offers of friendship.他拒绝任何人给他的友谊。朗文当代〔residential〕The company offers insurance for commercial and residential customers.公司为商户和住户提供保险。韦氏高阶〔retreat〕The church offers retreats several times a year.教会每年提供数次静修之旅。韦氏高阶〔retreat〕Zen Mountain offers numerous wilderness retreats.禅山有许多人迹罕至的静修之处。牛津搭配〔rioter〕A conservatory offers the perfect excuse to let your imagination run riot.音乐学院让你有充分的理由任想象力自由驰骋。柯林斯高阶〔roll〕Offers of help are still rolling in.仍然不断有人表示愿意提供援助。牛津高阶〔s Law〕It's Sod's Law: the day before you go on holiday, someone offers you a job.事情总是这么不凑巧:在你要去度假的前一天有人给你提供了一份工作。麦克米伦高阶〔scorn〕She scorned all my offers of help.她不屑接受我的任何帮助。剑桥高阶〔service〕The company offers direct, fast and frequent services between large towns and cities.公司提供大城镇和城市间的直达、快速、多班次的运输服务。牛津搭配〔sharp〕The new high-definition TV offers razor-sharp pictures and digital sound.这台新的高清电视画面及数字声音都非常清晰。麦克米伦高阶〔shop〕The shop offers a large selection of leather goods at reasonable prices.这家商店出售的皮革制品种类繁多,价格公道。牛津搭配〔site〕The site offers used equipment for sale.这一网站出售二手装备。牛津搭配〔sophisticated〕The capital offers the island's best choice of sophisticated hotels, restaurants, shopping and entertainment.首府拥有该岛最高档的宾馆、餐厅以及购物和娱乐场所。外研社新世纪〔spacious〕This five-bedroom home offers a spacious life by the river.这栋五居室的房子位于河畔, 住起来很惬意。外研社新世纪〔spurn〕She spurned all offers of help.她轻蔑地拒绝一切帮助。朗文当代〔starter〕These prizes are just for starters. Other exciting offers are flooding in.这些奖只是个开始。其他激动人心的奖励还会接踵而至。柯林斯高阶〔store〕The store offers a comprehensive line of auto parts.这家商店的汽车配件应有尽有。牛津搭配〔string〕The policy offers 15% interest with no strings attached.这份保单提供 15% 的利息,没有任何附带条件。朗文当代〔stupid〕The school offers special tutorials for slow learners.学校给迟钝的学生提供专门的辅导。美国传统〔superior〕This new model offers superior performance.这种新款式具有卓越功能。韦氏高阶〔support〕The two largest powers in any system must always be major rivals. History offers some support for this view.任何制度里两个最大的权力组织必定总是主要对手,这一点历史可以提供佐证。柯林斯高阶〔tempting〕There are still lots of tempting offers on nearly new cars.接近全新的汽车还有许多很诱人的优惠。麦克米伦高阶〔top-notch〕The hotel offers top-notch service.这家酒店提供最优质服务。韦氏高阶〔trade-last〕A favorable remark that one has overheard about another person and offers to repeat to that person in exchange for a compliment overheard about oneself.恭维话:某人听到的有关另一人的恭维话语,重复说给那人听以换取对方有关自己的赞扬美国传统〔treat〕If you want to treat yourself, the Malta Hilton offers high international standards.如果您想犒劳一下自己,马耳他希尔顿酒店将为您提供高水准的国际化服务。柯林斯高阶〔ultimate〕Working from home offers the ultimate in flexible life styles.在家办公为人们提供了极其灵活的生活方式。柯林斯高阶〔unequalled〕Though small, this restaurant offers a range of fish dishes unequalled anywhere else in London.这家饭店尽管很小,但它做的一系列鱼类菜肴却是伦敦其他饭店都比不了的。剑桥高阶〔unlimited〕Our ISP offers you unlimited access to the Internet.我们的互联网服务提供商使你在使用互联网方面不受限制。麦克米伦高阶〔unlimited〕The ticket offers unlimited travel on British Rail for seven days.凭本票可在七日内不受限制地乘坐英国铁路公司的火车。朗文当代〔unsolicited〕I refuse to give shops my phone number so they can ring me with unsolicited offers.我拒绝把电话号码给店家, 以免他们主动给我打电话推销。外研社新世纪〔variety〕Cable TV offers much more variety than normal TV.有线电视提供比普通电视更丰富多彩的节目。麦克米伦高阶〔view〕The film offers a rather bleak view of contemporary youth.这部影片对当代青年的刻画很令人沮丧。麦克米伦高阶〔view〕The tower offers a breathtaking panorama of Prague.从塔上可看到壮丽的布拉格全景。牛津高阶〔wary〕Be wary about these so-called special offers.要小心这些所谓的特惠。牛津搭配〔widely〕The brochure offers a wide choice of hotels, apartments and holiday homes.这本小册子提供了很多宾馆、公寓、度假屋供选择。柯林斯高阶〔wide〕The region offers wide open spaces and no crowds.这一地区很开阔,没有拥挤的人群。麦克米伦高阶As well as other benefits, the company offers a contributory (Br and Aus) pension scheme/(Am) pension plan (=one that is paid for by both employer and employee.) 在其他福利之外,公司还提供公司和员工共同负担的养老金计划。剑桥国际He rarely offers unsolicited advice.他很少主动提供建议。剑桥国际His book offers some fresh insights into the events leading up to the war.他的书就那些导致战争爆发的事件提供了一些新的深刻见解。剑桥国际I've tried dangling all sorts of offers in front of him to get him to work harder at school, but nothing works.我用各种东西作为奖励,试图诱导他在学校学习努力些,但无济于事。剑桥国际It is better to invest in a company that offers a good rate of return.最好投资于回报率高的公司。牛津商务It says in the guide that this area of the countryside offers some of the best walks in England.据旅行指南说,这一乡村地区有一些英国最好的散步小径。剑桥国际It's an organization that offers free legal advice to people on low incomes.它是一个向低收入的人免费提供法律咨询的组织。剑桥国际Keen to preserve his integrity as an actor, he refused several lucrative Hollywood offers.他渴望保持自己作为演员的诚实,因而几次拒绝了好莱坞报酬丰厚的提议。剑桥国际Our company offers good retirement pensions.我们公司提供优厚的退休金。牛津商务Our policy offers complete protection against fire and theft.我们的保单全面承保火灾和盗窃险。牛津商务Satellite technology offers the opportunity, as never before (= in a way that has not been possible until now), for continuous television coverage of major international events.卫星技术为电视提供前所未有的机会,使其能持续报道国际重大事件。剑桥国际She travels whenever the opportunity offers. 她一有机会就去旅行。译典通Special offers help to ensure a fast turnover of stock.特价销售有助于存货快速周转。牛津商务The airline regularly offers last-minute bookings at bargain prices.这家航空公司定期为最后一分钟购票的乘客提供廉价机票。剑桥国际The book offers a vision of the future in which there is a great nuclear apocalypse.这本书警示了将有一次核灾难的远景。剑桥国际The college's careers service offers careers advice and counselling.学院的职业服务提供职业咨询及辅导服务。牛津商务The hotel offers a wide range of facilities and services.这家酒店提供各种各样的设施和服务。牛津商务The hotel offers high-class accommodation in the city centre.这座位于市中心的宾馆提供了一流的房间设施。剑桥国际The menu offers a broad choice of desserts. 菜单上有各式各样的甜点心。译典通The original price was $3 000, but we're open to offers (= willing to consider offers less than that).原价为 3 000 元,但价钱还可以商量。牛津商务The port offers the most up-to-date cargo-handling facilities.港口提供最先进的货物装卸设施。牛津商务The scheme offers a range of securities priced to be purchased at par.这项计划允许以票面价值购买一系列证券。牛津商务The school offers an exciting and varied programme of social events.学校提供一份令人兴奋、丰富多彩的社会活动计划。剑桥国际The school offers courses in three core areas: business reasoning, social knowledge and interpersonal skills. 学校开设的课程包括三大核心领域:商业论证、社会知识和人际沟通技巧。牛津商务The shop offers a large array of leather goods.本商店出售多种皮革制品。牛津商务The shop offers high-quality processing at a reasonable price.这家商店以合理的价格提供高质量的冲印服务。剑桥国际The special offers were pulling in shoppers.特别优惠吸引了购物者。牛津商务The store offers a gift-wrapping service.这家商店提供礼品包装服务。牛津商务The technology used in compact discs offers the ultimate in high fidelity.激光唱盘技术应用提供最大的高保真音响效果。剑桥国际The town offers several holiday lettings (= buildings that can be rented).该镇提供几处供度假租借的房屋。剑桥国际Their experience offers a salutary lesson to the rest of Europe.他们的经历给欧洲其他地方提供了一个有益的教训。剑桥国际This sort of account offers you instant access to your money.这种帐户可使你随时取钱。剑桥国际This website offers technical advice to newbies.这个网站向网络新手提供技术建议。牛津商务Though small, this restaurant offers a range of fish dishes unequalled anywhere else in London.虽然小了点, 这个餐馆提供了一系列伦敦任何其他地方无可比拟的鱼菜。剑桥国际When several offers came in the house owner upgraded the price. 当有几个人要买这栋房子时,房主提高了房价。译典通You should try to negotiate a better contract instead of passively accepting whatever she offers you.你应该尽力洽谈一份更好的合同,而不是她提什么你都被动接受。剑桥国际




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