

单词 eu
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ACCEPT〕The idea of a common defence force has been accepted by some EU governments. 共同防御的构想已为一些欧盟政府所接受。朗文写作活用〔AGREE〕Officials hope to find a compromise between Britain and other EU members. 政府官员希望英国和其他欧盟成员国之间能达成妥协。朗文写作活用〔AMOUNT〕An agreement on fishing quotas was reached by EU ministers yesterday. 昨天欧盟各部长就捕鱼限额问题达成了协议。朗文写作活用〔BLAME〕Farmers have laid the blame for their problems entirely on EU policies. 农场主把他们的问题全归咎于欧盟的政策。朗文写作活用〔COMPARE〕The British are good drivers compared to those in the rest of the EU. 与欧盟其他地方的驾车者相比,英国人算是好司机了。朗文写作活用〔COMPLICATED〕The EU bureaucracy in Brussels has grown in size and authority. 欧盟在布鲁塞尔的官僚体系规模扩大了,权力也增加了。朗文写作活用〔COUNTRY〕EU ministers proposed a multilateral agreement on arms control. 欧盟各国部长提出一项多边武器控制协议。朗文写作活用〔CRITICIZE〕France launched a bitter attack on EU proposals to reduce farm subsidies. 法国对欧盟削减农业补贴的方案提出强烈批评。朗文写作活用〔DETERMINED〕Firm action would show both sides that the EU and the UN really meant business. 坚决的行动将向双方显示欧盟与联合国是十分认真的。朗文写作活用〔DISCUSS〕Differences over EU policy were left to be thrashed out at a later date. 欧盟政策上的分歧留待日后再作讨论。朗文写作活用〔ENVIRONMENT〕The bill is an EU attempt to ensure the sustainability of cod fishing groups in the North Sea. 这个议案是欧盟为保证北海鳕鱼捕捞业的可持续性所作的努力。朗文写作活用〔GDP per capita〕Ireland's GDP per capita is now above the EU average.爱尔兰的人均国内生产总值现在已超过欧盟平均水平。剑桥高阶〔ILLEGAL〕It was a clear contravention of EU regulations. 这明显违反了欧盟的规定。朗文写作活用〔LEAST〕Of all the EU countries, Britain spends the least on higher education. 所有欧盟国家当中,英国在高等教育方面的支出最少。朗文写作活用〔MONEY〕Most regions in Spain and Portugal qualify for sizeable development grants from the EU. 西班牙和葡萄牙的大部分地区都有资格从欧盟得到大笔的发展补助金。朗文写作活用〔Mediterranean〕The Mediterraneans are grateful to the EU.地中海沿岸居民对欧盟很是感激。外研社新世纪〔Rubicon〕Most EU states have crossed the Rubicon and adopted the euro.大多数的欧盟国家已经下了决心采用欧元。剑桥高阶〔SELL〕Britain's total exports to the other EU member states now exceed imports. 现在英国对其他欧盟成员国的出口总量超过了进口量。朗文写作活用〔STOP〕Britain has threatened to block new EU legislation on human rights. 英国威胁说要阻止欧盟新的人权法规。朗文写作活用〔UNIMPORTANT〕EU financiers say that recent problems on the US stock markets were not significant for Europe. 欧盟的金融家称最近美国股市的问题没有影响欧洲。朗文写作活用〔accession〕Poland's accession to the EU 波兰加入欧盟这一情况剑桥高阶〔accession〕Some 81.9% of voters backed EU accession.81.9%的投票者支持加入欧盟。外研社新世纪〔acquisition〕They have made acquisitions in several EU countries.他们在几个欧盟国家购买了一些产业。牛津高阶〔aim〕The country is still pursuing its aim of joining the EU.该国仍在努力实现加入欧盟的目标。牛津搭配〔apply〕Turkey had applied to join the EU.土耳其已申请加入欧盟。外研社新世纪〔apportion〕The experts are even-handed in apportioning blame among EU governments.专家们在明确对欧盟各国政府所应追究的责任时十分公正。柯林斯高阶〔apportion〕The experts are even-handed in apportioning blame among EU governments.专家们在明确欧盟各国政府应被追究的责任时一视同仁。外研社新世纪〔assurance〕The EU is now acquiring greater assurance and authority.欧盟现在更加自信也更具权威了。外研社新世纪〔assurance〕The EU is now acquiring greater assurance and authority.现在欧共体越来越有自信与权威性了。柯林斯高阶〔backing〕They have won financial backing from the EU.他们获得了欧盟的经济支持。牛津搭配〔balk〕Some EU governments will balk at the huge sums involved.一些欧盟国家政府会因其中所涉及的巨额款项而退缩。外研社新世纪〔brand name〕Drugs can be sold under different brand names throughout the EU.药品可以用不同的商标在欧盟各国出售。柯林斯高阶〔buttress〕An enlarged EU should be a buttress against extremism.扩大后的欧盟应该抵制极端主义。外研社新世纪〔chair〕He was about to chair a meeting in Venice of EU foreign ministers.他将主持在威尼斯召开的欧盟外长会议。柯林斯高阶〔come〕The organization comes under the authority of the EU.该组织受欧盟当局的管辖。朗文当代〔concert〕Britain has to pursue policies in concert with other EU members.英国必须和其他欧盟成员国一起贯彻各项政策。朗文当代〔consensus〕The EU Council of Finance Ministers failed to reach a consensus on the pace of integration.欧盟财政部长会议未能就一体化的速度达成共识。朗文当代〔contingent〕There were contingents from the navies of virtually all EU countries.几乎欧盟各国都派出了海军分队。外研社新世纪〔contingent〕There were contingents from the navies of virtually all EU countries.几乎欧盟各国都派出了海军分队。柯林斯高阶〔contravene〕Tax-avoidance legislation does not contravene EU law.避税立法并没有违反欧盟法律。外研社新世纪〔data〕These demands could breach EU data-protection laws.这些要求可能违反欧盟数据保护法律。牛津搭配〔dead〕The old argument about whether the UK should be a member of the EU should now be dead and buried.以前关于英国是否应该成为欧盟成员国的争论,现在应该已经失去意义了。朗文当代〔deem〕UK plans were deemed to infringe EU law.英国的计划被认为触犯了欧盟的法律。朗文当代〔deficit〕The UK remained in deficit with all countries outside the EU.英国对欧盟之外的所有国家都有逆差。牛津搭配〔deputation〕The deputation from the EU arrives/arrive tomorrow.欧盟代表团明天到达。剑桥高阶〔directive〕A new EU directive on maternity leave will come into force next month.欧盟的一项产假新政策将在下个月生效。牛津搭配〔directive〕Thanks to a new EU directive, insecticide labelling will be more specific.根据欧盟的一项新指令, 杀虫剂的标签标注将更加明确。外研社新世纪〔directive〕Thanks to a new EU directive, insecticide labelling will be more specific.根据欧盟的一项新指令,杀虫剂的标签标注将更加明确。柯林斯高阶〔directive〕The EU has issued a new set of directives on pollution.欧盟发布了一系列关于污染的新指令。牛津高阶〔directive〕The EU issued a new drinking water directive.欧盟发布了一项新的饮用水规范。牛津搭配〔donation〕There have been generous donations from EU funds.欧盟给予了慷慨的捐款。朗文当代〔ease〕The agreement will ease the way for other countries to join the EU.该协议将为其他国家加入欧盟扫除障碍。朗文当代〔embryo〕The new foreign-policy unit will be an EU foreign ministry in embryo.这个新成立的外交政策部门将成为欧盟外交部的雏形。外研社新世纪〔end〕The EU is demanding an end to the ivory trade.欧盟要求停止象牙贸易。朗文当代〔enlargement〕There was widespread support for EU enlargement(= the fact of more countries joining).欧盟扩大得到了广泛的支持。牛津高阶〔entry〕Hungary's entry into the EU 匈牙利加入欧盟牛津搭配〔equal〕The EU nations together have an economy about equal in size to that of the US.欧盟各国的经济实力总和与美国相当。牛津搭配〔examine〕The plans will be examined by EU environment ministers.欧盟各国环境部部长将仔细研究这些计划。柯林斯高阶〔exception〕The law applies to all EU countries; Britain is no exception .这项法律适用于所有欧盟国家,英国也不例外。朗文当代〔expand〕The EU could be expanded to include former communist countries.欧盟可以通过吸收前共产主义国家来扩大自己的规模。麦克米伦高阶〔farm〕The EU has decided to cut farm subsidies.欧盟已决定削减农业补贴。牛津搭配〔favourable〕In Switzerland, banks and big companies are favourable to EU membership.在瑞士, 银行和大公司都赞同加入欧盟。外研社新世纪〔fire〕The EU came under fire from the US over its biotech policy. () 欧盟在生物技术政策上受到美国的抨击。牛津搭配〔fold〕The EU wanted to bring the US back into the fold.欧盟想要让美国重新回到他们的阵营之中。柯林斯高阶〔follow〕Most EU countries have signed the agreement and the US is expected to follow shortly (=soon) .大多数欧盟国家已签署这个协议,预计美国也会很快跟上。朗文当代〔freely〕EU citizens can now travel freely between member states.欧盟国家的公民现在可以在成员国之间自由旅行。牛津高阶〔freely〕EU members are allowed to travel freely between member states.欧盟成员可以在成员国之间自由旅行。朗文当代〔free〕Merchandise can now circulate freely among the EU countries.商品现在可以在欧盟各国自由流通。柯林斯高阶〔fulfil〕Britain was accused of failing to fulfil its obligations under the EU Treaty.英国被指责未能履行欧盟条约所规定的义务。朗文当代〔grouping〕These small nations constitute an important grouping within the EU.这些小国家是欧盟中的一个重要小集团。牛津高阶〔guide through〕A free helpline has been set up to guide businessmen through the maze of government and EU grants.为帮助商务人士处理纷繁复杂的政府与欧盟拨款事宜而开通了一条免费服务热线。外研社新世纪〔guideline〕The EU has issued guidelines on appropriate levels of pay for part-time manual workers.欧盟已经颁布了有关兼职体力劳动者适宜的酬劳标准。剑桥高阶〔hand〕Now the EU has revealed its hand.这一下欧盟摊牌了。牛津搭配〔harmonize〕The UK wants an international agreement to harmonize practices throughout the EU.英国希望有个国际协定来协调整个欧盟内各国的做法。麦克米伦高阶〔her〕Britain's apparently deep-rooted distrust of her EU partner英国对其欧盟伙伴根深蒂固的不信任外研社新世纪〔her〕Our reporter looks at reactions to Britain's apparently deep-rooted distrust of her EU partner.英国对其欧盟伙伴显然存在着根深蒂固的不信任,我们的记者就人们对此的反应进行了报道。柯林斯高阶〔honeymoon〕Austrians voted for EU membership by a two-to-one majority in a June 1994 referendum, but the honeymoon is definitely over.奥地利在1994年6月举行的全民公决中以2比1的多数票支持加入欧盟,但这一蜜月期明显已经结束了。柯林斯高阶〔honeymoon〕Austrians voted for EU membership by a two-to-one majority in a June 1994 referendum, but the honeymoon is definitely over.奥地利在1994年6月举行的全民公决中以二对一的多数通过加入欧盟, 但这一蜜月期明显已经结束了。外研社新世纪〔including〕Four more countries applied to join the EU, including Sweden and Austria.另有4个国家申请加入欧盟,其中包括瑞典和奥地利。麦克米伦高阶〔inner〕You need to have a detailed grasp of the inner workings of the EU.你得详细了解欧盟的内部运作机制。外研社新世纪〔integration〕We are working to bring about closer political integration in the EU.我们正致力于实现欧盟内部更加紧密的政治一体化。牛津搭配〔jack〕He feels that the EU smothers the national spirit and reduces every man jack of us to the least common denominator.他觉得欧盟会扼杀民族精神, 从而使我们每个人变得千篇一律。外研社新世纪〔jump-start〕The EU is trying to jump start the peace process.欧盟正试图推动和平进程。柯林斯高阶〔jump-start〕The EU is trying to jump-start the peace process.欧盟正试图推动该和平进程。外研社新世纪〔know〕I don't know that you need a passport for travelling within the EU.我不能肯定你在欧盟国家里旅行要不要护照。朗文当代〔lay〕The EU has laid down tough standards for water quality.欧盟规定了严格的水质标准。麦克米伦高阶〔legislation〕Member states may not adopt legislation contrary to EU law.成员国不能采纳与欧盟法律相悖的立法。牛津搭配〔limit〕The EU has set strict limits on levels of pollution.欧盟对污染程度订下了严格的限制。牛津高阶〔limit〕The EU has set strict limits on pollution levels.欧盟对污染程度订下了严格的限制。牛津高阶〔loggerheads〕France was left isolated and at loggerheads with other EU member countries over its refusal to fall into line with demands to cut state borrowing.法国与其他欧盟成员国要求削减国家借贷的意见相左,因而受到它们的孤立,与它们闹得不可开交。柯林斯高阶〔meet〕Representatives of EU countries will meet with senior American politicians to discuss the trade crisis.欧盟国家的代表们将会晤美国高级政要以讨论贸易危机。朗文当代〔membership〕Greece first applied for membership of the EU in 1975.1975 年,希腊首次申请加入欧盟。朗文当代〔membership〕Several new countries have applied for membership of the EU.几个新国家已经申请成为欧盟成员。麦克米伦高阶〔membership〕The criteria for membership of the EU are economic, social, legal and political.加入欧盟的标准包括经济、社会、法律和政治四个方面。外研社新世纪〔member〕Turkey is not yet a full member of the EU.土耳其还不是欧盟的正式成员。朗文当代〔next〕Next day the EU summit strengthened their ultimatum.次日,欧盟峰会发出了更加强硬的最后通牒。柯林斯高阶〔niggardly〕Officials say the EU, which is supposed to provide most of the food needs, is being particularly niggardly.官员们说应该提供所需的大部分食品的欧盟现在特别小气。柯林斯高阶〔niggardly〕Officials say the EU, which is supposed to provide most of the food needs, is being particularly niggardly.据官员们称, 本该满足大部分粮食需求的欧盟其实一直都很吝啬。外研社新世纪〔nominate〕The EU would nominate two members to the committee.欧盟将为该委员会指定两名成员。外研社新世纪〔nominate〕The EU would nominate two members to the committee.欧盟将为该委员会指定两名成员。柯林斯高阶〔oddity〕A non-euro EU member will be an oddity.一个不使用欧元的欧盟成员国将成为异类。外研社新世纪〔open up〕If the agreement is to succeed, the EU must open up its markets.协议若要生效, 欧盟必须开放其市场。外研社新世纪〔output〕EU countries are steadily increasing agricultural output.欧盟国家正在稳步提高农业产量。外研社新世纪〔override〕The EU commission exercised its power to override British policy.欧盟委员会行使其权力来否决英国的政策。朗文当代〔partner〕Britain's EU partners 英国的欧盟伙伴国英汉大词典〔paymaster〕As the main EU paymaster, Germany contributes £8 billion annually more than it gets back from Brussels.作为欧盟最主要的财务贡献者, 德国每年给欧盟的钱要比从欧盟那里得到的多80亿英镑。外研社新世纪〔paymaster〕As the main EU paymaster, Germany contributes £8 billion annually more than it gets back from Brussels.作为欧盟的大老板,德国每年要出资80亿英镑,比它从欧盟得到的要多。柯林斯高阶〔people〕The EU was intended to unite the peoples of Europe.欧盟的目的是要团结欧洲各国人民。牛津搭配〔place〕With a strong economy and stable currency, the country is well placed to cope with the challenges of joining the EU.该国经济强大,货币稳定,在应对加入欧盟的各种挑战方面很有优势。麦克米伦高阶〔prejudice〕There is little prejudice against workers from other EU states.对来自其他欧盟国家的劳工可说并无偏见。牛津高阶〔quadruple〕Norway has quadrupled its exports to the EU.挪威对欧盟的出口已经增加了3倍。柯林斯高阶〔quid〕They're quids in, thanks to the EU.多亏了欧盟, 他们现在境况很好。外研社新世纪〔ratification〕The EU will now complete ratification of the treaty by June 1.欧盟将于6月1日前完成条约的批准。柯林斯高阶〔ratify〕The treaty still has to be ratified by EU heads of state.这个条约仍然得由欧盟首脑来批准。麦克米伦高阶〔referendum〕Switzerland decided to hold a referendum on joining the EU.瑞士决定就加入欧盟问题举行全民投票。牛津高阶〔regarding〕EU regulations regarding the labelling of food 欧盟有关食品标签的规定麦克米伦高阶〔restriction〕Citizens of the EU can travel without restriction within the EU.欧盟的公民在欧盟境内可以不受限制地出入各国。牛津搭配〔revoke〕The EU is demanding that Canada revoke the legislation.欧盟正要求加拿大撤销这项法律。麦克米伦高阶〔rotate〕The EU presidency rotates among the members.欧盟主席一职由其成员国轮流担任。牛津高阶〔rule〕The packaging does not conform to EU rules.这种包装不符合欧盟的规定。牛津搭配〔set〕Car repair costs are set to rise under EU proposals.受欧盟提议的影响,修车费用很可能会上涨。麦克米伦高阶〔specification〕Legislation will require UK petrol companies to meet an EU specification for petrol.法规将要求英国的汽油公司必须达到欧盟对汽油的规格要求。柯林斯高阶〔stage〕The EU thought it could resolve Europe's worst nightmare and boost its own credibility as a strong actor on the international stage.欧盟认为它能够解决欧洲面临的最严重的困境,提升自己作为国际舞台上一个重要角色的声誉。柯林斯高阶〔standard〕The EU should set minimum standards of employee rights.欧盟应该设定雇员权利的最低标准。朗文当代〔state〕Some weeks ago I recommended to EU member states that we should have discussions with the Americans.几周前,我曾向欧盟成员国提议我们应该和美国人进行磋商。柯林斯高阶〔strongly〕Cynics argue that the EU is stronger on rhetoric than on concrete action.怀疑者认为,相比具体行动,欧盟更擅长夸夸而谈。柯林斯高阶〔tough〕The EU is taking a tough line with the UK over this issue.欧盟在这一问题上对英国采取了强硬的态度。朗文当代〔under〕We believe an offence was committed under EU regulations.我们认为根据欧盟有关规定已经构成了犯罪。柯林斯高阶〔under〕We believe an offence was committed under EU regulations.我们认为根据欧盟有关规定这已经构成了犯罪。外研社新世纪〔until〕The EU will not lift its sanctions until that country makes political changes.除非该国实施政治改革,否则欧盟将不会解除制裁。柯林斯高阶〔watertight〕Unless the ban is watertight, EU laws will overturn it.这条禁令除非是十分严密,否则,欧盟法律会把它推翻的。朗文当代〔whistle-stop〕Bertie Ahern will host a working dinner for Tony Blair tonight as he jets into Dublin on a whistle-stop tour of EU capitals.正在对欧盟各成员国首都作短暂访问的托尼·布莱尔今晚将飞抵都柏林,届时伯蒂·埃亨将设工作晚宴予以款待。柯林斯高阶〔withdraw〕There have been calls for Britain to withdraw from the EU.一直有人要求英国退出欧盟。牛津高阶〔within〕In 1992 cross-border controls within the EU were dismantled.1992年,欧盟内部取消了边境通行管制。剑桥高阶EU enlargement (= the fact of more countries joining the EU) 欧盟扩大牛津商务EU fishery ministers 欧盟各国渔业部长牛津商务An EU national could not be deported solely on the ground of his conviction.一名欧盟公民不能只因为被宣判有罪而遭驱逐出境。剑桥国际As the company operates in Europe, it is subject to EU laws.由于公司在欧洲营运,它受制于欧盟法律。牛津商务Chile has signed a free-trade pact with the EU.智利已经与欧盟签订了一项自由贸易协定。牛津商务Current EU law only obliges companies to publish results every six months.欧盟现行法律仅规定公司每六个月公布一次经营业绩。牛津商务During the dispute, the EU imposed punitive tariffs on US imports.在纠纷发生期间,欧盟对美国进口商品实施惩罚性关税。牛津商务Employees' rights are protected during a transfer of undertaking by an EU regulation.在按欧盟法规进行的企业过户过程中,员工的权利受到保护。牛津商务Fake goods are being smuggled into the EU.冒牌货被走私进入欧盟。牛津商务He has called for a ban on new GM products entering the EU.他已呼吁禁止新的转基因产品进入欧盟。牛津商务I do not go along with his views on the EU.我不同意他在欧盟问题上的观点。牛津商务In 1992 cross-border controls within the EU were dismantled.在1992年,欧共体内部的边界通行管制措施被取消。剑桥国际In a little-publicised addendum to the treaty the 12 EU leaders made a declaration on racism and xenophobia.在条约的一个鲜为人知的附录中,12位欧洲联盟领导人就种族歧视和恐外症发表了宣言。剑桥国际In theory there is full labour mobility within the EU.理论上欧盟内劳动力有充分的流动性。牛津商务Members of EU countries with nothing to declare go through the blue channel.没有东西申报的欧盟国家的成员走蓝色通道。剑桥国际She works for the EU, translating from English into French and Italian.她为欧盟工作,把英语翻译成法语和意大利语。剑桥国际Small sugar exporters are set to lose their preferential access to the EU.规模小的食糖出口商注定不能优先入市欧盟。牛津商务Something should be done about the grain mountains and wine lakes of the EU.该想办法处理欧盟的大量谷物和酒了。剑桥国际Stabilisers agreed by the EU mean that prices paid to farmers will be cut if they produce more than 160 million tonnes of cereal a year.欧盟通过的平抑措施意味着如果农民们每年生产的谷物超过1亿6千万吨,那么收购价格便会下降。剑桥国际The EU has become Chile's largest export market.欧盟已经成为智利最大的出口市场。牛津商务The EU has issued a new set of directives on data protection.欧盟就数据保护事项发布了一套新的指示。牛津商务The EU has issued some guidelines on appropriate levels of pay for part-time manual workers.欧盟已颁布了非全职的体力劳动工人工资水平的标准。剑桥国际The EU has published a list of products targeted for sanctions.欧盟公布了制裁产品的清单。牛津商务The EU is negotiating a free-trade agreement with Chile.欧盟正与智利商谈一项自由贸易协定。牛津商务The EU needs to get its act together to enforce the new law.欧盟必须组织起来实施这项新法律。牛津商务The EU presidency rotates among the members.欧盟主席的职位由其成员国轮流担任。牛津商务The EU will take in more new members next year. 欧盟明年将接纳更多的新成员。牛津商务The changes helped pave the way for 12 new members to join the EU in 2004.这些改革为 12 个新成员国于 2004 年加入欧盟铺平了道路。牛津商务The city has the highest cost of living in the EU.这城市的生活费用在欧盟中是最高的。牛津商务The country is due to become a full member of the EU.这个国家如期成为欧盟的正式成员。牛津商务The deputation from the EU arrives/arrive tomorrow.欧盟来的代表团于明日到达。剑桥国际The law allowed unlimited cabotage rights within the EU.法律赋予在欧盟内地区无限制的航空航海权。牛津商务The merger would be in breach of EU competition law.合并将违反欧盟竞争法。牛津商务There have been calls for Britain to withdraw from the EU.一直有人呼吁要求英国退出欧盟。牛津商务There is little prejudice against workers from other EU states.对来自其他欧盟国家的工人没甚么偏见。牛津商务These fiscal measures are a clear breach of the EU treaty.这些财政措施明显违反了欧盟条约。牛津商务They have won financial backing from the EU.他们获得了欧盟财政上的支持。牛津商务Trading with EU members is harder for non-member countries.对非成员国来说,与欧盟成员国做贸易难度比较大。牛津商务You will need to sign a declaration that you are an EU resident.你必须签署一份声明表示你是欧盟居民。牛津商务




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