

单词 eu
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔EU〕a meeting of EU commissioners 欧盟委员会会议麦克米伦高阶〔accession〕the accession of new member states to the EU in 2004 新成员国在 2004 年正式加入欧盟牛津高阶〔accession〕the new accession states of the EU 正式加入欧盟的新成员国牛津高阶〔ally〕countries allying themselves with the EU 与欧盟结盟的国家韦氏高阶〔ban〕the EU ban on imports of meat treated with growth-enhancing hormones欧盟对用含促生长激素肉类的进口禁令外研社新世纪〔breakdown〕the breakdown of talks between the US and EU officials.美国和欧盟官员间谈判的破裂柯林斯高阶〔compile〕statistics compiled in each of the EU member states由欧盟各成员国汇编的统计数据外研社新世纪〔constituent〕the EU and its constituent members 欧盟及其成员国朗文当代〔contribute〕the largest net contributors to EU funds.向欧盟基金净捐资额最大的捐助者柯林斯高阶〔contributor〕the largest net contributors to EU funds欧盟基金的最大净捐献国外研社新世纪〔country〕the member states of the EU 欧盟成员国牛津高阶〔diktat〕an EU diktat from Brussels 来自布鲁塞尔欧盟的命令牛津高阶〔directive〕proposals for implementing the EU directive on paternity leave 实施欧盟关于陪产假指示的建议朗文当代〔enfranchise〕the enfranchisement of EU citizens 欧盟公民享有的选举权朗文当代〔enlargement〕enlargement of the EU 欧盟的扩大朗文当代〔expenditure〕the country with the highest per capita expenditure on health care in the EU 欧盟之中人均保健支出最高的国家牛津搭配〔export〕exports from the EU to Canada 从欧盟到加拿大的出口商品牛津搭配〔guideline〕new EU guidelines on food hygiene 欧盟关于食品卫生新的指导方针牛津搭配〔guide〕a free helpline to guide businessmen through the maze of EU grants.帮助商业人士处理纷繁复杂的欧盟拨款事宜的免费热线电话柯林斯高阶〔harmonize〕the proposal to harmonize tax levels throughout the EU 统一欧盟税收水平的提议朗文当代〔informality〕an informal meeting of EU ministers.欧盟部长非正式会议柯林斯高阶〔infraction〕minor infractions of EU regulations 对欧盟规定的轻微触犯牛津高阶〔join〕countries that would like to join the EU 愿意加入欧盟的国家麦克米伦高阶〔legislative〕the main legislative body of the EU 欧盟的主要立法机构朗文当代〔minister〕a meeting of EU Foreign Ministers 欧盟外交部长会议牛津高阶〔minister〕a meeting of EU foreign ministers 欧盟外交部长会议朗文当代〔pile〕another pile of directives from the EU 又一堆来自欧盟的指示朗文当代〔political〕the first purely political decision taken by the EU 欧盟采取的第一个纯粹政治性的决定牛津搭配〔precipitate〕an irrational EU decision to ban British beef, which led to a precipitate fall in consumption造成牛肉消费量突然下降的欧盟对英国牛肉进口的不理智禁令外研社新世纪〔presidency〕the current holder of the EU presidency 现任欧盟主席牛津高阶〔quote〕quote EU law 援引欧盟的法律英汉大词典〔secede〕secede from the EU 从欧盟中退出英汉大词典〔summit〕a summit of EU leaders 欧盟首脑会议麦克米伦高阶〔top-level〕top-level meetings between EU leaders 欧盟领导人的最高级会议朗文当代〔transport〕the EU transport commissioner 欧盟运输专员麦克米伦高阶〔underbelly〕the soft underbelly of the EU 欧盟的薄弱环节英汉大词典〔unified〕a unified EU import market 统一的欧盟进口市场朗文当代〔uniformity〕uniformity between the countries in the EU 欧盟国家间的统一性 英汉大词典〔whereby〕a proposal whereby EU citizens would be allowed to reside anywhere in the EU 允许欧盟公民在欧盟任何地方居住的一项提议朗文当代〔withdrawal〕a campaign for Britain's withdrawal from the EU 争取英国退出欧盟的运动牛津高阶a plan to abolish the zero rating of exports within the EU 废除欧盟内部出口零增值税的方案牛津商务heavily subsidized imports from the EU 来自欧盟的受大量补贴的进口牛津商务products approved for import into the EU 获准进入欧盟的产品牛津商务reciprocal trade between the EU and Chile 欧盟和智利之间的互惠贸易牛津商务the EU Transport Commissioner 欧盟交通事务专员牛津商务the division of labour between member states and the EU 欧盟与其成员国之间的分工牛津商务




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