

单词 multiple
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Bence-Jones protein〕A protein occurring in the serum and urine of patients with certain diseases, especially multiple myeloma.本斯·琼斯蛋白:一种存在于患某些疾病的病人的血清和尿液中的蛋白质,尤指多发性骨髓美国传统〔COURT/TRIAL〕Mathers called it the worst multiple murder case in the city's history. 马瑟斯称这是该市历史上最严重的连环杀人案。朗文写作活用〔HOSPITAL〕He arrived in casualty with multiple injuries to his head. 他来到急诊室,头部多处受伤。朗文写作活用〔HTLV-I〕A retrovirus that causes diseases similar to multiple sclerosis.HTLV-Ⅰ 病毒:一种反录病毒,会引起类似多发性硬化的疾病美国传统〔LOT〕Lauda was pulled from his blazing car with multiple burns. 劳达被人从燃烧的汽车里拖出来,身上多处烧伤。朗文写作活用〔LOT〕She suffered multiple injuries after jumping out of a fifth floor window. 她从五楼的窗台跳下来,身上多处受伤。朗文写作活用〔MIRV〕To equip a military force with a missile system of multiple independent warheads.用多弹头分导再入飞行器装备军队美国传统〔MIRV〕To provide with multiple independent warheads.给…配备多弹头分导再入飞行器弹头美国传统〔MUD〕A computer program, usually running over the Internet, that allows multiple users to participate in virtual-reality role-playing games.多位使用者区域:一种在网络上能让多位玩家同时参与虚拟角色扮演的程序美国传统〔NOW〕As of now, there is no cure for multiple sclerosis. 目前多发性硬化症尚无治疗方法。朗文写作活用〔aneuploid〕Having a chromosome number that is not a multiple of the haploid number for the species.非整倍的:染色体数不是单倍体的整多倍的美国传统〔battered child〕A child upon whom multiple, continuing, often serious nonaccidental injuries have been inflicted usually by parents, guardians, or other caregivers.受虐儿童:遭受多次的连续性伤害的儿童,通常为严重的非意外伤害,由其父母、监护人或其他看管者加诸给他们美国传统〔beta-interferon〕A family of glycoproteins that are produced by fibroblasts, have antiviral properties, and are used in the treatment of multiple sclerosis.β干扰素:由成纤维细胞产生、具有抗病毒性的糖蛋白族,用于治疗多发性硬化美国传统〔blastomycosis〕A fungal infection caused by a blastomycete and characterized by multiple inflammatory lesions of the skin, mucous membranes, or internal organs.芽生菌病:由芽生菌引起的一种真菌传染病,其特点为皮肤、粘膜或内部器官多样的发炎损害美国传统〔buhrstone〕A tough, silicified limestone formerly used to make millstones. It is typified by the presence of multiple cavities that originally housed fossilized shells.磨石,砂质多孔石灰岩:一种坚硬的,硅化石灰石,以前用来制作磨石。具有最初由化石化的贝壳而形成的多孔特征美国传统〔clone〕To make multiple identical copies of (a DNA sequence).复制,克隆:制成大量(DNA序列)的同样复制品美国传统〔competently〕The government performed competently in the face of multiple challenges.政府在应对多重挑战时表现不错。外研社新世纪〔competently〕The government performed competently in the face of multiple challenges.面临多种挑战,政府表现得非常出色。柯林斯高阶〔contusion〕He suffered multiple contusions of the leg.他腿上青一块紫一块的。韦氏高阶〔copy〕The copier had been set for multiple copies.复印机已设置为多份复印。牛津搭配〔cumulus〕A dense, white, fluffy, flat-based cloud with a multiple rounded top and a well-defined outline, usually formed by the ascent of thermally unstable air masses.积云:一种浓密、平底状的白色云块,有一个多重圆形的顶部和界线分明的轮廓,通常是由不稳定的热气团上升形成的美国传统〔death sentence〕Multiple myeloma is not an inevitable death sentence.多发性骨髓瘤不一定是绝症。外研社新世纪〔degeneracy〕Genetics The presence in a genetic code of multiple codons for the same amino acid.【遗传学】 兼并:在同一个氨基酸多个密码子的一个遗传密码中出现美国传统〔deliver〕We'll soon be delivering this software on multiple platforms.我们很快将在多功能平台上发布这个软件。麦克米伦高阶〔demyelinating disease〕Multiple sclerosis is the most common demyelinating disease.多发性硬化症是最常见的髓鞘脱失病。剑桥高阶〔discount〕They usually give you a discount if you buy multiple copies.你如果多买几本他们通常会给你打折。剑桥高阶〔dissociation〕Psychiatry Separation of a group of related psychological activities into autonomously functioning units, as in the generation of multiple personalities.【精神病学】 分裂,解体:一组相关的心理活动分解为自行运作单位,如多种人格的产生美国传统〔duple〕Music Consisting of two or a multiple of two beats to the measure.【音乐】 双拍子的:每小节含有两拍或偶数拍的美国传统〔euploid〕Having a chromosome number that is an exact multiple of the haploid number for the species.整倍体的:恰好是单倍体数的倍数的染色体的美国传统〔fight〕One of the passengers was fighting for her life (= so ill or injured that she might die) last night after receiving multiple injuries in the collision.一名女乘客在相撞意外中多处受伤,昨晚努力与死神搏斗。剑桥高阶〔fig〕The sweet, hollow, pear-shaped, multiple fruit of this plant, having numerous tiny seedlike fruits.无花果:这种植物的味甜、中空且呈梨状的聚花果,有许多细小像种子的果肉美国传统〔flimsy〕Thin paper usually used to make multiple copies.复写纸,打字纸:复写用的薄纸美国传统〔fracture〕He suffered/sustained multiple fractures in a motorcycle accident.他在一起摩托车事故中多处骨折。剑桥高阶〔fruitlet〕Botany A single member of a multiple fruit.【植物学】 聚花果的单元美国传统〔gate〕Electronics A circuit with multiple inputs and one output that is energized only when a designated set of input pulses is received.【电子学】 选通电极,门电路:具有多个输入端和一个输出端,只有当一套指定的输入端受到脉冲时才有能量美国传统〔gimmick〕Multiple shutter-speeds are mostly a sales gimmick.多重快门速度大多数是销售花招。外研社新世纪〔harmonic〕A wave whose frequency is a whole-number multiple of that of another.调波:一种频率是另一种波频率整数倍的谐波美国传统〔henceforth〕Multiple Sclerosis (henceforth referred to as MS) 多发性硬化(以下称为 MS)朗文当代〔heteroploid〕Having a chromosome number that is not a whole-number multiple of the haploid chromosome number for that species.异倍体的:染色体的数目不是单倍体物种的染色体的整倍数的美国传统〔hyperploid〕Having a chromosome number greater than but not an exact multiple of the normal euploid number.超倍的:有一个染色体数目的,此数目比正常超倍体数目大,但不是它的整倍数美国传统〔identity〕Shanghai itself has multiple identities.上海本身就具有多重身份。牛津搭配〔inclusion〕The book's value stems from its inclusion of multiple viewpoints.这本书的价值源于它包括了不同的视点。剑桥高阶〔incommensurable〕Mathematics Having no common measure or number of which all the given lengths or measures are integral multiples.【数学】 不可通约的,无共同尺度的:没有一个公约数或一个数值能使所有给出的长度或度量成为其整数倍数美国传统〔injury〕The inquest heard that he died from multiple injuries.死因调查认定他死于多发伤。牛津搭配〔inquest〕The inquest heard that she died from multiple injuries.死因调查表明她死于多处受伤。朗文当代〔lacerate〕She suffered multiple lacerations to the face.她的面部多处被划伤。牛津高阶〔layer〕There are multiple layers of meaning in the story.这个故事有多层含义。朗文当代〔manifold〕A pipe or chamber having multiple apertures for making connections.多支管:具有几个用于连接空口的管子或空腔美国传统〔meaning〕Examine the writing closely, and you discover multiple layers of meaning.多层意思麦克米伦高阶〔mixed farming〕The use of a single farm for multiple purposes, as the growing of cash crops or the raising of livestock.混合耕作:多种目标的单个农场的应用,使其种植多种用途的商品作物或饲养牲畜美国传统〔multiple birth〕The number of multiple births has risen sharply.多胎产的数量显著增加。朗文当代〔multiple personality disorder〕In multiple personality disorder, the alternate personalities have distinct characteristics, names, and histories.在多种人格障碍中,每种人格有独特的性格、名字和生平。剑桥高阶〔multiple sclerosis〕She died recently after a long battle with multiple sclerosis.她与多发性硬化进行了长期斗争, 最近才去世。外研社新世纪〔multiple system atrophy〕There is no cure for multiple system atrophy; the aim of treatment is to control symptoms.没有治愈多系统萎缩症的办法,治疗的目的是控制症状。剑桥高阶〔multiplex〕A building, especially a movie theater or dwelling, with multiple separate units.复合式建筑:包括多个独立房间的建筑,特别是影剧院或住宅美国传统〔multiple〕Baxter was rushed to the hospital with multiple stab wounds.巴克斯特因遭多处刺伤被火速送进了医院。朗文当代〔multiple〕Doing things in multiples becomes a necessity in a land where space is at a premium.在土地奇缺的地方就必须充分利用空间成倍地办事。英汉大词典〔multiple〕Having multiple partners increases your risk of sexual diseases.性伴侣多会增加你得性病的危险性。朗文当代〔multiple〕He died of multiple injuries.他因多处受伤而死。外研社新世纪〔multiple〕He died of multiple injuries.他死于多处受伤。柯林斯高阶〔multiple〕He suffered multiple injuries in the accident.在车祸中他身体多处受伤。韦氏高阶〔multiple〕He suffered multiple injuries in the crash.他在撞车事故中多处受伤。麦克米伦高阶〔multiple〕His new album includes multiple versions of the same songs.他的新专辑包括同一些歌曲的多种版本。朗文当代〔multiple〕It made it almost impossible for the smaller retailer to compete against the multiples.这使得小零售商几乎不可能跟连锁店竞争。外研社新世纪〔multiple〕It made it almost impossible for the smaller retailer to compete against the multiples.这使得小零售商几乎不可能跟连锁店竞争。柯林斯高阶〔multiple〕She made multiple copies of the report.她将报告复印了多份。韦氏高阶〔multiple〕The most common multiple births are twins, two babies born at the same time.最常见的多胎是双胞胎,两个婴儿同时出生。柯林斯高阶〔multiple〕The young man died of multiple burns.那个年轻人因多处烧伤死亡。剑桥高阶〔multiple〕Their numerical system, derived from the Babylonians, was based on multiples of the number six.他们的数制源自古巴比伦人,以数字6的倍数为基数。柯林斯高阶〔multiple〕These children have multiple (= many different) handicaps.这些孩子身患多种残疾。剑桥高阶〔multiple〕Traveller's cheques are available in multiples of €10(= to the value of €10, €20, €30, etc.).购买旅行支票以 10 欧元的倍数计算面值。牛津高阶〔multiple〕We count the seconds, minutes, and hours in multiples of six and ten.我们按六和十的倍数来计算时间。外研社新世纪〔multiple〕We made multiple copies of the report.我们把报告复印了多份。剑桥高阶〔multiple〕Words can have multiple meanings.单词可能有多种意思。麦克米伦高阶〔multiplicate〕Multiple.多种的美国传统〔multiply〕In many or multiple ways.多样地:用多种方式地美国传统〔multiport〕Having, relating to, or being a system of multiple ports for injecting fuel separately into each cylinder of an engine.多汽缸的:把燃料分别注入发动机的每一个汽缸中的多汽缸系统的,或与其有关的美国传统〔myeloma〕She was diagnosed with multiple myeloma when fractures in her vertebrae were found.当她的脊椎被发现有裂缝时,她被诊断出患有多发性骨髓瘤。剑桥高阶〔oblique angle〕An angle, such as an acute or obtruse angle, that is not a right angle or a multiple of a right angle.斜角:不是直角或直角倍数的角,如锐角或钝角美国传统〔occupation〕A council could refuse to register a house as being in multiple occupation if the proposed manager was not a fit and proper person.如果受推荐的管理人不适合, 市政委员会有可能拒绝将一所房子登记为多人居住。外研社新世纪〔partner〕People who have had multiple partners are more at risk from sexually transmitted diseases.有多个性伴侣的人得性传播疾病的风险更大。牛津搭配〔phlyctena〕A small blister or vesicle, especially one of multiple blisters caused by a mild burn.小水疱:小水疱或水泡,尤指中度烧伤造成的众多水疱中的一个美国传统〔piercing〕He has several tattoos and multiple piercings.他身上有几处纹身,还穿了几个洞。剑桥高阶〔pile-up〕Three people died in a multiple pile-up in freezing fog.有三人死于冻雾引起的连环车祸中。牛津高阶〔ploidy〕A multiple of the basic number of chromosomes in a cell.倍数性:一个细胞中染色体基本数目的倍数美国传统〔point system〕Printing A system of graduating sizes of type in multiples of the point.【印刷术】 点数制:以点的倍数来为印刷字体的大小分级的一种制度美国传统〔process printing〕Printing from multiple halftone images, each inked with a different color such that the composite impression will reproduce the colors of the original.彩色套印:用三色或更多颜色的网目版进行彩色复制,从而使复制品再现原件的颜色美国传统〔profit〕All the profits from the sales of the CD will go to the Multiple Sclerosis Society.销售这张CD所得的全部利润将捐给多发性硬化症协会。麦克米伦高阶〔pyemia〕Septicemia caused by pyogenic microorganisms in the blood, often resulting in the formation of multiple abscesses.脓毒病、脓血病:由血液中的化脓的微生物引起的败血症,经常导致复合式脓肿的形成美国传统〔relapse〕The therapy can reduce the relapse rate for multiple sclerosis.这种疗法可以减少多发性硬化的复发率。牛津搭配〔repetition〕If you can, perform multiple repetitions of this exercise on each hand.如果可能,每只手都反复进行这一练习。牛津搭配〔role〕Many staff perform multiple roles.许多员工身兼数职。牛津搭配〔safe sex〕People who have multiple sexual partners are now more apt to practise safe sex.有多个性伙伴的人现在往往会采取安全性交措施。柯林斯高阶〔schizogony〕Reproduction by multiple asexual fission, characteristic of many sporozoans.裂殖生殖:通过多种无性裂变的生殖,许多孢子虫具有此特点美国传统〔score〕Soldiers using a multiple rocket launcher scored a direct hit on the steeple of a church.士兵们使用多管火箭筒直接击中一所教堂的尖塔。柯林斯高阶〔score〕Soldiers using a multiple rocket launcher scored a direct hit on the steeple of a church.士兵们使用多管火箭筒直接击中一所教堂的尖顶。外研社新世纪〔seizing〕A binding of larger lines made with multiple turns of smaller line.缠扎,捆扎:用较细的绳缠绕数圈将较粗的绳捆扎在一起美国传统〔sequela〕Mild cognitive impairment is a sequela of having multiple concussions while playing football.轻度认知障碍是因踢足球而遭受多次脑震荡的一个后遗症。剑桥高阶〔setting〕The game has multiple difficulty settings.该游戏有多个难度级别设置。牛津搭配〔signature〕A large sheet printed with four or a multiple of four pages that when folded becomes a section of the book.大张印刷纸:四页或四页多的一个大印张,装订在一起构成书的一个书帖美国传统〔singleton〕The sample we studied comprises singletons (we excluded 390 multiple births).我们研究的样本包括单生儿(已将390对多胞胎排除在外)。外研社新世纪〔source〕The evidence is corroborated by multiple sources.多种消息源都证实了这一证据。牛津搭配〔spaced-out〕The spaced-out grandma syndrome is apt to develop when patients are overtreated for the multiple conditions common in old age.如果病人由于常见的多种老年疾病而过度服用药物,老妇痴呆综合征很可能会发展。英汉大词典〔spam〕To send (a message) indiscriminately to multiple mailing lists, individuals, or newsgroups.向…发送垃圾电子邮件:不加选择地将信件寄送至多个电子邮件清单、个人或是新闻群组美国传统〔spam〕Unsolicited e-mail, often of a commercial nature, sent indiscriminately to multiple mailing lists, individuals, or newsgroups; junk e-mail.垃圾电子邮件:主动发出的电子邮件,通常为商业性质,不加选择地将信件寄送至多个电子邮件清单、个人或是新闻群组;垃圾电子邮件美国传统〔sporogony〕Reproduction by multiple fission of a spore or zygote, characteristic of many sporozoans. Sporogony results in the production of sporozoites.孢子生殖:通过一个孢子或受精卵的扩大分裂而生殖,以众多的孢体为特征。孢子生殖导致孢子的产生美国传统〔sporozoite〕Any of the minute undeveloped sporozoans produced by multiple fission of a zygote or spore, especially at the stage just before it infects a new host cell.孢子体、子孢子:一种由受精卵或孢子的成熟分裂而产生的微小的未发育的孢子物,尤指在未感染一个新的寄生细胞阶段美国传统〔spreadsheet〕The display, with multiple columns and rows, that such a program allows to be printed.电子表格:有许多行和列的表,可以把程序打印出来美国传统〔summation〕Physiology The process by which multiple or repeated stimuli can produce a response in a nerve, muscle, or other part that one stimulus alone cannot produce.【生理学】 积累:通过多个或重复的刺激诱导产生神经、肌肉或其他一种刺激不能产生反应的部分的过程美国传统〔support〕This digital audio player supports multiple formats.这台数字音频播放器支持多种格式。牛津高阶〔surpass〕The number of multiple births has surpassed 100,000 for the first time.多胎产首次突破了 100,000 大关。朗文当代〔sustain〕She sustained multiple injuries in the accident.她在这次事故中多处受伤。剑桥高阶〔trauma〕The accident victim sustained multiple traumas.事故受害者多处受伤。韦氏高阶〔wound〕He died from multiple stab wounds to the neck and upper body.他死于颈部和上半身的多处刺伤。剑桥高阶〔wound〕He had suffered multiple stab wounds to his chest.他的胸口有多处刺伤。牛津搭配Multiple births--of triplets, quadruplets and quintuplets--are becoming more common because of fertility drugs.由于助孕药的使用,多胞胎----三胞胎、四胞胎和五胞胎----正变得越来越普遍。剑桥国际Multiple sclerosis can result in a man being half-paralyzed. 多发性硬化症可以造成一个人半身不遂。译典通Multiple sclerosis is a disease which affects the function of the nervous system (=the way in which it works or operates).多发性硬化是一种影响神经系统工作的病症。剑桥国际All the multiples sell two grades of olive oil--extra virgin and pure.所有的连锁商店卖两种等级的橄榄油----超纯的和纯净的。剑桥国际He suffered / sustained multiple fractures in a motorcycle accident.他在一次摩托车事故中遭受/弄得多处骨折。剑桥国际Her documentaries give voice to (= express) multiple points of view probably because she herself has seen life from many different angles.或许因为她本人就是从许多不同角度审视生活的,所以她拍的记录片表述了多种观点。剑桥国际In medical lingo, multiple organ failure is tantamount to death. 在医疗术语中,多重器官衰竭等同是死亡。译典通It could run multiple large programs at once, and multitask even when I was online.它可以同时运行多个大型程序,并且即使在我上网时也可以多工作业。牛津商务It's hard for us to compete against the big multiples.我们很难与大型连锁店竞争。牛津商务Merge/purge is vital to avoid sending multiple mailings to the same address or individual.名单的合并与筛选对避免向同一个地址或个人寄送多份邮件十分关键。牛津商务She sustained multiple injuries in the accident.她在事故中多处受伤。剑桥国际Technology shares are still trading at high multiples.科技股的市盈率仍然很高。牛津商务The multiple sclerosis that has already made her a quadriplegic is beginning to destroy her lungs.多种硬化症已经使她四肢瘫痪,而且开始损害她的肺部了。剑桥国际The President said that taxing stockholders on corporate dividends represented multiple taxation and was wrong.董事长称对股东的公司分红进行征税意味着多重征税,这种做法是不当的。牛津商务The analyst said that High St. multiples appear to be holding on until next year before deciding to expand.分析家说海大街的连锁商店似乎要到明年才扩大经营。剑桥国际The doctor said that death was due to multiple stab wounds to the neck and upper body.医生说死亡是由于脖子及上身被多处刺伤而造成的。剑桥国际The youth died of multiple (= many) injuries/gunshot wounds.那个年轻人多处受(枪)伤而死。剑桥国际These children have multiple (= many different) handicaps.这些孩子有各种各样的残疾。剑桥国际Try counting them in multiples (= groups) of five.试着五个一组地清点它们。剑桥国际We made multiple (= many) copies of the report.我们复制了许多份报告。剑桥国际We use cross-merchandising to encourage multiple sales.我们利用交叉销售以鼓励多卖。牛津商务We use the hall for multiple purposes. 这个大厅我们派多种用途。译典通




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