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释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ATTACK〕Her attacker is described as white, in his mid-fifties and with medium-length dark hair. 她描述说对她行凶的是一个白人,年龄在五十四五岁左右,留着中等长度的黑发。朗文写作活用〔CRUEL〕Heard told the court that he had acted out of love and not malice. 赫德向法院陈述说,他的举动是出于爱,并非恶意。朗文写作活用〔EXPERIENCE〕The hostages described life in the prison camp as a nightmare of fear and uncertainty. 人质描述说,战俘营里的生活犹如噩梦一般,充满了恐惧,生死难料。朗文写作活用〔FRIGHTENED/FRIGHTENING〕One woman cried as she told of the horror of seeing workmates killed in the lift. 一位妇女哭着述说自己看到同事在电梯里被害时的恐怖情景。朗文写作活用〔ILLNESS/DISEASE〕Patients who often complain of minor ailments might have something more important on their minds. 经常述说患有各种小病痛的人可能在为某种更严重的病而担忧。朗文写作活用〔WORRIED/WORRYING〕He could see the strain in her face as she told him what she was going through. 在她向他述说自己所经历的事情时,他看到她一脸紧张。朗文写作活用〔animus〕The court stated that the presence of animus revocandi in the destruction of the will had, nevertheless, been sufficiently proven.法庭陈述说, 尽管如此, 销毁遗嘱所表明的撤销意图仍是有充足证据证明的。外研社新世纪〔describe〕He described finding his mother lying on the floor.他叙述说发现他妈妈躺在地板上。朗文当代〔drone〕He always drones on about his past.他总是以低沉单调的声音述说他的过去。文馨英汉〔encomiast〕A person who delivers or writes an encomium; a eulogist.赞美者:述说或书写赞扬的人;颂扬者美国传统〔express〕The painting expresses the rage of war victims.这幅油画述说了战争受害者的愤怒美国传统〔forage〕Uncle Bub described Union troops foraging, killing pigs and chickens, and stealing food.巴布叔叔描述说, 联军发动袭击, 杀死了猪和鸡, 还偷走了粮食。外研社新世纪〔further〕Davis related that the three girls were pretty; further, that before the ship sailed they had all acquired admirers.戴维斯讲述说那三个女孩很漂亮;此外, 他还讲到船还没起航, 她们就都有了追求者。外研社新世纪〔go on〕She paused to have a sip of coffee and then went on with her account of the accident.她停下来又点了一支烟,然后继续述说她对那次事故的印象。剑桥高阶〔iniquity〕He went on and on about the iniquities of bourgeois oppression.他没完没了地述说资产阶级压迫的罪恶。朗文当代〔isolated〕Victims feel isolated and unable to talk about their experiences.受害者感到孤独无助,无法述说他们的遭遇。麦克米伦高阶〔lay〕She laid her grievances before me.她向我述说苦衷。文馨英汉〔observe〕In his book he observes that the President was an able diplomat.在书中他评述说总统是个外交能手。麦克米伦高阶〔rattle〕She rattled on for hours about her past unfortunate experiences.她喋喋不休地述说她以前的不幸遭遇,一说就是几个小时。21世纪英汉〔recitable〕He loved to recite his personal experiences.他喜欢述说他个人的经历。21世纪英汉〔recital〕A very detailed account or report of something; a narration.描述:对某事物极某详细的述说或报道;叙述美国传统〔recitation〕He went into a recitation of his life from the earliest years.他从他的早年生活开始,逐一述说他的经历。朗文当代〔relay〕He listened while people relayed stories of local corruption.人们辗转述说当地贪赃枉法的事情,他只是听着。英汉大词典〔report〕Witnesses reported hearing a loud noise before the plane crashed.证人讲述说在飞机坠毁前听到一声巨响。麦克米伦高阶〔sob〕He sobbed out his troubles.他哭着述说了自己的烦恼。牛津高阶〔tribunal〕She told the tribunal that she was a victim of sex discrimination.她向特别法庭陈述说自己是性别歧视的受害者。牛津搭配〔vague〕The patient had complained of vague pains and backache.患者自述说隐约感到疼痛和背酸。剑桥高阶He held me close to him, murmuring endearments. 他抱紧了我,喃喃述说著爱意。译典通She told her side of the story in typically strident language during a television interview.在电视访谈中她用明显是十分激越的语言述说了她这一方的说法。剑桥国际




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