

单词 microphones
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔HIDE〕The secret police had concealed microphones in the walls. 秘密警察在墙里藏了麦克风。朗文写作活用〔READY/NOT READY〕Several reporters were outside, microphones at the ready. 几名记者就在外面,手里拿着麦克风。朗文写作活用〔amplification〕The music was amplified with microphones.音乐声通过麦克风被放大。柯林斯高阶〔amplify〕The music was amplified with microphones.音乐通过麦克风被放大。外研社新世纪〔array〕They sat before an array of microphones and cameras.他们坐在那儿,面对着无数的采访话筒和摄影机镜头。剑桥高阶〔clamping〕Somebody forgot to bring along the U-bolts to clamp the microphones to the pole.有人忘了带把麦克风固定在支架上的U形螺栓。柯林斯高阶〔clamp〕Somebody forgot to bring along the U-bolts to clamp the microphones to the pole.有人忘了带把麦克风固定在支架上的U形螺栓。外研社新世纪〔debug〕The embassy was searched for hidden microphones and thoroughly debugged.对使馆内暗中安装的窃听器进行了搜查和完全排除。21世纪英汉〔forest〕The candidate was surrounded by a forest of microphones.候选人被林立的麦克风给包围了起来。韦氏高阶〔forest〕They descended from the plane into a forest of microphones and cameras.他们从飞机上走下来,迎接他们的是数不清的麦克风和照相机。柯林斯高阶〔gremlin〕The microphones went dead as if the technical gremlins had struck again.麦克风失灵了, 似乎那些破坏人设备的小妖怪又来捣乱了。外研社新世纪〔gremlin〕The microphones went dead as if the technical gremlins had struck again.麦克风没有了声音,似乎小妖怪又把设备弄坏了。柯林斯高阶〔hidden〕There were hidden microphones in the room to record their conversation.房间内有隐藏的话筒记录他们的对话。剑桥高阶〔microphone〕Their remarks were picked up by the hidden microphones.他们的话透过暗藏的麦克风传了出去。牛津高阶〔microphone〕They searched the room for hidden microphones.他们在屋里翻找暗藏的麦克风。朗文当代〔off〕The microphones had been switched off.这些麦克风已关掉。柯林斯高阶〔phonocardiograph〕An instrument consisting of microphones and recording equipment used to monitor and record heart sounds and murmurs.心音描记图:由话筒和记录装置组成的仪器,用来监测和记录心脏声音和杂音美国传统〔point〕They pointed their microphones in my direction.他们冲我举着麦克风。韦氏高阶〔sound ranging〕A method for locating a source of sound, such as an enemy gun, by measuring the travel time of the sound wave to microphones at known positions.声波测距法:一种确定某一声源位置的方法,如测敌人的枪声位置,其方法是通过测量声波到达某些预知位置的麦克风时所用的时间美国传统〔upstage〕He avoided newsmen's microphones and went out of his way not to upstage his superior.他避开新闻记者们的麦克风,尽量不使自己显得比上司更突出。英汉大词典They sat before an array of microphones and cameras.他们坐在一排密密麻麻的话筒和照相机前。剑桥国际They've been eavesdropping on all conversations in the Embassy using secret microphones.他们使用窃听器偷听了大使馆内的所有谈话。剑桥国际




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