

单词 上变
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Anglicize〕To become English in form or character.英国化,英语化:在形式或特点上变得英国化或英语化美国传统〔aggressive〕Her mood became openly aggressive when his name was mentioned.别人一提到他的名字,她就马上变得火药味十足。牛津搭配〔awake〕I want to be wide awake for the board meeting at ten.我想让自己的头脑在10点钟的董事会上变得很清醒。麦克米伦高阶〔bit〕It just fell to bits in my hands.它就在我手上变成了碎片。剑桥高阶〔consign〕It was a decision which consigned him to political obscurity.那个决定使他在政治上变得默默无闻。朗文当代〔constant〕In history, change is constant.在历史上变化是不断的。英汉大词典〔expert〕Over the years we've become quite expert at dealing with these sorts of problems.这几年来我们在这些问题的处理上变得得心应手。麦克米伦高阶〔full-time〕Keeping pace with changes is a full-time job.跟上变化的脚步是很难的。朗文当代〔inactive〕Young people are becoming politically inactive.年轻人在政治上变得不热衷了。朗文当代〔incommensurate〕His thinking is incommensurate to the changed condition.他的思想配合不上变局。文馨英汉〔inflect〕To alter (the voice) in tone or pitch; modulate.变音:在音高和音调上变化;转调美国传统〔inhabit〕The actor just inhabits a character and becomes different physically.演员无非就是进入角色,在形体上变个样。英汉大词典〔lock〕He had the operation after his knee locked on the training ground.他的膝盖在训练场上变得僵直, 因此做了这个手术。外研社新世纪〔magic〕He did a bit of magic at the children's party.他在儿童聚会上变了个小魔术。外研社新世纪〔magic〕He earns extra money doing magic at children's parties.他靠在儿童聚会上变戏法挣点儿外快。牛津搭配〔magnify〕To make greater in size; enlarge.使…在尺寸上变大;放大美国传统〔old〕Having become slower in flow and less vigorous in action. Used of a river.缓滞的:流速上变缓的,不那么湍急的。用于形容河流美国传统〔orientalize〕To become oriental in character.东方化:在特性上变成东方式的美国传统〔outlaw〕Trade union membership was virtually outlawed under the newly introduced legislation.根据新近推行的法律,工会成员身份实际上变成非法的了。麦克米伦高阶〔overtake〕Our original plan was overtaken by events(= the situation changed very rapidly)and we had to make a new one.我们原来的计划没赶上变化,只好再订一个新的。牛津高阶〔philosophical〕Lewis had grown philosophical about life.刘易斯在人生问题上变得很达观。外研社新世纪〔politically〕Women were becoming more politically active.妇女在政治上变得愈来愈活跃。朗文当代〔politics〕Her politics have become more liberal over the past few years.在过去的几年中,她在政治上变得更加倾向于自由主义。剑桥高阶〔responsible〕Many big companies are now becoming more responsible about the way they operate.许多大公司现在在经营方式上变得越来越有责任感。剑桥高阶〔smear〕The ink tends to smear on shiny paper.墨水往往会在有光泽的纸上变成一团模糊。麦克米伦高阶〔sophisticated〕It illustrates the way in which public-relations advisers have become more sophisticated at media management.这显示出公关顾问在媒体管理上变得更老练。外研社新世纪〔spasmodic〕Miss Lisa immediately became spasmodic.莉萨小姐马上变得神经质起来。英汉大词典〔steady state〕A stable condition that does not change over time or in which change in one direction is continually balanced by change in another.稳态:一种不随时间变化的稳定状态,或其中一个方向上的变化总受另一个方向上变化的不断制衡美国传统〔straw wine〕A sweet dessert wine made from grapes that have been dried on straw.白葡萄酒:一种甜点心酒,由在稻草上变干的葡萄做成美国传统〔unguided missile〕Their sales manager is an unguided missile at meetings like this.他们的销售经理在像这样的会议上变成一个失控的人美国传统〔up-conversion〕A laser beam can be used to up-convert infrared light to visible light.激光束可以用来使红外线向上变频成为可见光。21世纪英汉Let the wax dry on the wood then buff (up) the table with a cloth.让蜡在桌上变干,然后用布把桌子擦亮。剑桥国际Many children have become emotionally disturbed as a result of the abuse they have suffered.许多小孩感情上变得骚动不安,这是他们遭受辱骂的结果。剑桥国际She became adroit at dealing with difficult questions.她在处理难题上变得很机敏。剑桥国际The president was greatly chastened by a rebellion that he survived only narrowly and he began to show much greater political flexibility.总统从一次叛乱中死里逃生,这使他经历了巨大的磨炼,开始在政治上变得灵活多了。剑桥国际




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