

单词 lofty
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔aerial〕Reaching high into the air; lofty.高耸的:高耸入云的;极高的美国传统〔airy〕High in the air; lofty.空中的;高耸的美国传统〔character〕He is a man of lofty character.他是个品德高尚的人。英汉大词典〔character〕He is of a lofty character.他有高尚的品德。英汉大词典〔compared〕The room was light and lofty compared with our Tudor ones.跟我们都铎风格的房间比起来,这个房间显得素雅而大气。柯林斯高阶〔enthrone〕To raise to a lofty position; exalt.推举至高位;推崇美国传统〔high〕A lofty place or region.高处,高地美国传统〔ivory tower〕A place or an attitude of retreat, especially preoccupation with lofty, remote, or intellectual considerations rather than practical everyday life.象牙塔:隐退的地方和态度,尤指致力于崇高的、深邃的或智慧的思考,而不是实际的日常生活美国传统〔largess〕Liberality in bestowing gifts, especially in a lofty or condescending manner.慷慨的赠与:赠送礼物方面的慷慨大度,尤其是指以一种傲慢的或恩赐般态度的美国传统〔lofty〕Amid the chaos, he had lofty aims.尽管身处混乱之中,他却怀有崇高的目标。柯林斯高阶〔lofty〕Few people can meet his lofty standards.极少有人能达到他那高尚的道德标准。麦克米伦高阶〔lofty〕He had a lofty scorn for hard work.他高傲地蔑视艰苦劳动。英汉大词典〔lofty〕He had set himself the lofty goal of reaching the world's top five.他给自己定下了一个宏伟的目标,要进入世界排名前五位。朗文当代〔lofty〕He set lofty goals for himself as a teacher.作为一名教师,他为自己设定了崇高的目标。韦氏高阶〔lofty〕He stayed at the ISH, from whose lofty heights he could see across New York.他住在 ISH 酒店,从酒店高处可以看到纽约的全景。朗文当代〔lofty〕It was a bank that started out with grand ideas and lofty ideals.这是一家创办伊始抱有雄心壮志的银行。柯林斯高阶〔lofty〕She has such a lofty manner.她举止非常傲慢。朗文当代〔lofty〕She hated his lofty manner.她厌恶他的傲慢举止。外研社新世纪〔lofty〕She showed a lofty disregard for their objections.她对他们的反对不屑一顾。韦氏高阶〔lofty〕The lofty Great Hall took its present form in the 15th century.巍峨的大厅早在15世纪就成了现在的样子。外研社新世纪〔lofty〕The town hall's lofty tower dates from the fourteenth century.市政厅高耸的塔楼可以追溯到14世纪。麦克米伦高阶〔lofty〕They were so lofty a bunch.他们这群人是如此优秀。外研社新世纪〔lofty〕Victorian houses can seem cold with their lofty ceilings and rambling rooms.维多利亚式房屋屋顶高耸,房间布局凌乱,因此可能会显得较为阴冷。柯林斯高阶〔lofty〕Victorian houses can seem cold with their lofty ceilings.维多利亚式的建筑屋顶高耸, 因而可能看起来冷冰冰的。外研社新世纪〔magniloquent〕Lofty and extravagant in speech; grandiloquent.言语傲慢的和夸大的;夸张的美国传统〔majesty〕They saw the lofty peak in all its majesty.他们看到了高耸的山峰,气势极其雄伟壮丽。英汉大词典〔nibble〕His lofty ideas were nibbled by years.他的雄心壮志被岁月慢慢磨掉了。21世纪英汉〔rapture〕The state of being transported by a lofty emotion; ecstasy.喜悦:被某种高尚情感打动后所处的状态;狂喜美国传统〔rarefied〕Elevated in character or style; lofty.高尚的:特点或风格高雅的;崇高的美国传统〔resound〕The people all over the country resounded his lofty moral character.全国人民都赞扬他高尚的品德。21世纪英汉〔stately〕Majestic; lofty.雄伟的;巍峨的美国传统〔vantage point〕From our lofty vantage point, we could see the city spread out below us.这里居高临下,我们可以俯瞰脚下城市的全貌。剑桥高阶From our lofty vantage point, we could see the city spread out below us.从这高处,我们可以看到这座城市在我们脚下延伸开来。剑桥国际He is a man of lofty ideals. 他是一个有崇高理想的人。译典通We could not help being impressed by the majesty of the lofty mountains. 高山的雄伟壮丽不能不在我们心目中留下深刻的印象。译典通We stood in awe of the lofty redwood trees. 高耸入云的巨杉令我们惊叹不已。译典通




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