

单词 分割开
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Assateague Island〕A long narrow island along the coast of Maryland and Virginia separating Chincoteague Bay from the Atlantic Ocean. It is a popular resort area.阿萨蒂格岛:沿马里兰和弗吉尼亚海岸将琴可替格湾和大西洋分割开的一个狭长岛屿。是一受欢迎的风景胜地美国传统〔debate〕You cannot separate unemployment from the wider debate about the economy.不能将失业与更广泛的经济问题方面的讨论分割开来。牛津搭配〔disentangle〕It's impossible to disentangle the myth from reality.将神话和现实分割开来是不可能的。外研社新世纪〔dissect〕The city is dissected by a network of old canals.古老的运河网将这座城市分割开来。牛津高阶〔divider〕A curtain acted as a divider between this class and another.窗帘把这间教室和另一间分割开来。外研社新世纪〔divide〕The road divides Protestant and Catholic areas.这条路将新教教区和天主教教区分割开来。外研社新世纪〔scyphistoma〕A larva of a scyphozoan, consisting of an elongated and deeply constricted polyp that successively splits off minute, free-swimming medusas.钵口幼虫,螅状幼体:钵水母的幼虫,包括一只伸长的、深深收紧的水螅虫,它能够非常成功地分割开微小的,自由游荡的水母美国传统The government is planning to fragment the industry before privatizing it.政府在计划把工业分割开来,然后实行私有化。剑桥国际




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