

单词 managing director
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔AFTER〕Many people regard him as a likely successor to the current managing director. 许多人都认为他有可能接替现任总经理的职位。朗文写作活用〔CAUSE〕The resignation of the managing director is certain to arouse new fears about the future of the company. 总经理的辞职无疑又会引发人们对公司前景的担忧。朗文写作活用〔IN CHARGE OF〕The managing director is a man but my immediate boss is a woman. 总经理是个男的,可我的顶头上司是个女的。朗文写作活用〔INSIST〕The company's managing director is adamant that there will be no compromise with the unions. 公司总经理坚持不对工会妥协。朗文写作活用〔LETTER〕The Managing Director sent out a memo to all employees saying there would be a meeting at 10 o'clock. 总经理给所有员工发了一个备忘录,说10点钟有一个会议。朗文写作活用〔MANAGER〕He's the managing director of a small printing firm. 他是一家小印刷公司的常务董事。朗文写作活用〔MANAGER〕Silva has been appointed managing director of the sales division. 席尔瓦被任命为销售部总经理。朗文写作活用〔NUMBER〕The managing director earns a six-figure salary. 总经理赚取六位数的工资。朗文写作活用〔REPLACE〕We're looking for someone to replace our managing director. 我们正在找人接替我们的总经理。朗文写作活用〔accountable〕She is accountable only to the managing director.她只对总裁负责。剑桥高阶〔all the way to〕I'll take my complaint all the way to the managing director.我会一直投诉到经营主管那里。剑桥高阶〔bottom〕Higgins had started at the bottom (=in a low position in a company) and worked his way up to become managing director.希金斯从最低的职位做起,一步一步升至总经理的位置。朗文当代〔deputation〕The managing director agreed to receive a deputation from the factory.总经理同意接见工厂的代表团。牛津搭配〔downwards〕Everyone, from the managing director downwards, has to attend the meeting.总经理及以下的所有人员都得参加会议。麦克米伦高阶〔down〕The changes will affect everyone from managing director down to the shopfloor worker.这些变动将会影响包括总经理和一线店员在内的每一个人。麦克米伦高阶〔founder〕She is the founder and managing director of the company.她是公司的创办者兼总经理。剑桥高阶〔haul〕He was hauled before the managing director and fired.他被叫去见总裁,然后就被解雇了。柯林斯高阶〔mantle〕He has been asked to take on the mantle of managing director in the New York office.他被邀请出任纽约办事处总经理之职。剑桥高阶〔order〕The club's managing director condemned their behaviour as totally out of order.这家俱乐部的常务董事谴责他们的行为, 认为完全不符合俱乐部规程。外研社新世纪〔override〕As managing director, he will be able to override their decisions.作为总经理, 他将能否决他们的决定。外研社新世纪〔personally〕The managing director wrote personally to thank me.总经理亲自写信向我表示感谢。朗文当代〔reorganize〕The new managing director plans to completely reorganize this department.新任总经理计划彻底对这一部门进行重组。剑桥高阶〔rightly〕Rightly or wrongly, she has been given the post of managing director.且不要问对错,她反正已经被任命为总经理了。剑桥高阶〔rise〕She rose through the ranks to become managing director.她从普通员工逐步晋升为总经理。牛津高阶〔shed〕She'd be a great managing director, don't you think? 她会成为一位出色的总经理,难道你不这么认为吗?剑桥高阶〔story〕To cut a long story short, I ended up as managing director.长话短说,我最终当上了总经理。柯林斯高阶〔trial period〕After a three-month trial period, I was given an appraisal by the managing director.在经过了三个月的试用期后, 总经理给我出具了一份考核评定。外研社新世纪〔utter〕To my utter amazement, I was made managing director.令我万分惊讶的是我竟被任命为总经理。英汉大词典〔work〕He started as a technician and worked his way up through the company to become managing director.他从一名技术员做起,一步一步晋升为公司的总经理。剑桥高阶He joined the board as managing director in 2005.2005 年他以总经理的身分加入董事会。牛津商务He was appointed executive assistant to the managing director.他获任命为董事总经理的行政助理。牛津商务I'll be out of town when the managing director visits us, so that lets/gets me off the hook.总经理来时,我在外地,这样就没麻烦了。剑桥国际It was cunning of the managing director to sell his shares just before the company went bankrupt! 总经理十分狡猾,在公司破产前夕就把股票售出了。剑桥国际Not even his promotion to managing director assuaged his desire for power.尽管已晋升为总经理,他对权力依然是欲壑难填。剑桥国际Now that he's managing director, he's really riding high.现在他是总经理,真是大获成功。剑桥国际Our new managing director has reorganized the company a bit, but nothing has fundamentally changed / altered (=its basic character has not changed).我们新的总经理对公司进行了一些重组,但没有什么根本改变。剑桥国际Shareholders are blaming the company's problems on the lassitude of the managing director.股东们把公司的问题归咎于总经理的懈怠。剑桥国际She is a new managing director, but already she is chairing board meetings with a confidence that takes some people years to acquire.她是新任的总经理,可她已经带着有些人要好几年才能获得的自信主持董事会议了。剑桥国际She is accountable only to the managing director.她只对总经理负责。剑桥国际She is alternate director to Mr Xue, the deputy managing director.她是副执行董事薛先生的候补董事。牛津商务She is the founder and managing director of the company.她是公司的创立人和董事长。剑桥国际She reluctantly agreed to step down as managing director.她勉强同意辞去总经理的职务。剑桥国际She still controls the company indirectly through her son, who is the managing director.她通过其在当总裁的儿子,仍然间接地控制着该公司。剑桥国际She was quick to fill the power vacuum that was left by the sudden death of the managing director.她很快就填补了总经理猝死后留下的权力真空。剑桥国际The managing director decided to green-light the idea.总经理听了后决定为这构思开绿灯。牛津商务The managing director made an interminably long after-dinner speech.总经理作了一次冗长不堪的餐后演说。剑桥国际The managing director refused to divulge how much she earned. 总经理拒绝透露她收入多少。剑桥国际The managing directors have notched up 50 years with the company between them.这些常务董事在公司相继干了 50 年。牛津商务The future of the company is riding on the new managing director.公司的将来全靠新的总经理。剑桥国际There have been persistent rumours that the managing director might take early retirement.老是有一个谣言说总经理会提前退休。剑桥国际




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