

单词 motto
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔WORD/PHRASE/SENTENCE〕The Mortimer family motto is inscribed above the door -- ‘Humilitas’. 穆蒂默家的家训刻在门的上方——“谦逊”。朗文写作活用〔WORD/PHRASE/SENTENCE〕The school's motto was ‘Work hard and play hard’. 该校的校训是“努力读书,尽情玩耍”。朗文写作活用〔acrostic〕A poem or series of lines in which certain letters, usually the first in each line, form a name, motto, or message when read in sequence.离合诗,藏头诗:指一首诗或几行诗中的一些字母,通常是每一行的第一个字母,当按顺序读时可组成名字、格言或信息美国传统〔anticlimax〕The university's motto “For God, for America, and for Yale” is an anticlimax.“为了上帝,为了美国,也为了耶鲁(大学)”这一校训是使用突降法的一例。英汉大词典〔banner〕A piece of cloth bearing a motto or legend, as of a club.幌子:上有座右铭或题词的横幅,如俱乐部美国传统〔buyer〕In matters of second-hand cars, your motto should be 'buyer beware'.购买二手车的原则应当是“买方自负责任”。牛津搭配〔cachet〕A motto forming part of a postal cancellation.消戳:用于注销邮戳的一种标记美国传统〔device〕A graphic symbol or motto, especially in heraldry.题铭:雕刻的符号或题词,尤指用在纹章图案中美国传统〔dishonour〕Their motto was ‘Death before Dishonour'.他们的座右铭是“士可杀不可辱”。麦克米伦高阶〔emblem〕An allegorical picture usually inscribed with a verse or motto presenting a moral lesson.寓意画:通常与诗歌或警句刻在一起给人道德教育的具有隐喻的图画美国传统〔epigraph〕A motto or quotation, as at the beginning of a literary composition, setting forth a theme.引语,格言:在一部文学作品开头的引言,警句,阐明主题美国传统〔hard〕Work hard and play hard, that's my motto.努力工作痛快玩,这是我的座右铭。剑桥高阶〔impresa〕An emblem or a device with a motto.箴言徽章:带有箴言的徽章或图样美国传统〔letter〕She lettered a motto for the wall of the classroom.她写了一句格言挂在教室的墙上。外研社新世纪〔motto〕He coined the motto 'Make love, not war'.他创造了这句口号:“要做爱,不要作战。”牛津搭配〔motto〕Her motto is "Work hard, play hard".她的座右铭是“努力工作,痛快玩乐”。剑桥高阶〔motto〕Let's use that as our motto.咱们把那句话用作座右铭吧。牛津搭配〔motto〕Our motto is 'Plan for the worst and hope for the best'.我们的座右铭是“做最坏的打算, 抱最大的希望”。外研社新世纪〔motto〕Our motto is 'Plan for the worst and hope for the best'.我们的格言是“做最坏的打算,抱最大的希望”。柯林斯高阶〔motto〕That phrase 'to the last man' became the motto of the 135th Infantry.“战斗到最后一个人”成为第 135 步兵团的座右铭。牛津搭配〔motto〕The Boy Scout motto is “Be prepared.” 男童子军的座右铭是“时刻准备着”。韦氏高阶〔motto〕The school motto was 'To strive, to seek, to find.'校训是“奋斗、求索、发现”。外研社新世纪〔motto〕The school's motto is: ‘Duty, Honour, Country’.这所学校的校训是:尽责、知耻、爱国。牛津高阶〔sampler〕A decorative piece of cloth embroidered with various designs or mottoes in a variety of stitches, serving as an example of skill at needlework.刺绣样本:刺绣有多种不同花样或字样的一片装饰布,用来作为针线活技术的样本美国传统〔scroll〕Heraldry A ribbon inscribed with a motto.【纹章学】 刻有格言的饰带美国传统〔signify〕What does the motto, ‘Don't tread on me' signify? 这个座右铭“别践踏我”是什么意思?麦克米伦高阶〔slogan〕A phrase expressing the aims or nature of an enterprise, an organization, or a candidate; a motto.标语,口号:表明一个企业、组织或竞选人的目标或本质的一个短语;座右铭美国传统〔translation〕The translation of the Latin motto reads 'Not for oneself, but for others'.这句拉丁语格言可以解释为“毋为己,只为人”。牛津搭配His family motto is ‘God helps those who help themselves.’ 他家族的座右铭是“自助者天助。”剑桥国际The motto of the Royal Air Force is ‘Per ardua ad astra’(= Through difficulty to the stars).皇家空军的座右铭是“排除万难,赢得星章”。剑桥国际




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