

单词 高分
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔chisel〕chisel for good marks 为取得高分而作弊英汉大词典〔cream〕cream the exam 毫不费力地以高分通过那场考试英汉大词典〔display〕a high resolution colour display 高分辨率彩色显示牛津高阶〔display〕a high-resolution computer display 高分辨率计算机显示器牛津搭配〔get〕got high marks in math and science. 数学和自然科学得了高分美国传统〔graphical〕a high-resolution graphical display 高分辨率图形显示英汉大词典〔grub〕students grubbing for better grades 努力争取得高分的学生们韦氏高阶〔high-resolution〕high-resolution graphics 高分辨率图像剑桥高阶〔mark〕to give sb a high/low mark 给某人高分╱低分牛津高阶〔possible〕score a possible at 800 yards 获800码射击最高分英汉大词典〔resolution〕a high-resolution copier/monitor/camera 高分辨率复印机/显示器/照相机韦氏高阶〔resolution〕computer screens with high resolutions 高分辨率的电脑显示屏韦氏高阶〔score〕children who score high in intelligence tests 在智力测验中获高分的儿童英汉大词典〔test〕a good mark in the test 测验中取得的高分牛津高阶〔test〕test high in mathematics 数学测验得高分英汉大词典〔test〕took the entrance examinations and tested high. 参加入学考试并获得高分美国传统〔top〕top marks.最高分。牛津同义词




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