

单词 ingest
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔consumer〕A heterotrophic organism that ingests other organisms or organic matter in a food chain.取食者:一种在食物链中摄食其它有机体或部分有机物质的异养有机体美国传统〔food poisoning〕Poisoning caused by ingesting substances, such as certain mushrooms, that contain natural toxins.有毒食物中毒:由于食用某些含有毒素的物质如某些蘑菇而引起的中毒美国传统〔force-feed〕To compel to ingest food; feed forcibly, especially by mechanical means.强喂:强迫吞下食物;强行喂,尤其指通过机械手段美国传统〔ganja〕Marijuana, especially a highly resinous form of marijuana prepared from the flowering tops and leaves of selected plants and usually ingested by smoking.大麻:大麻,尤指从精选植物的开花顶端及叶中提取的大麻的高质量树脂形式,一般通过吸烟来摄取美国传统〔gastrolith〕A small stone found in the stomach of some reptiles, fish, and birds that aids in digestion by helping grind ingested food material.胃石:一种小石头,常发现于某些爬虫、鱼和鸟的胃中,通过帮助碾磨食物来帮助消化美国传统〔incept〕To take in; ingest.接受;吞咽美国传统〔ingesta〕Ingested matter, especially food taken into the body through the mouth.摄入物:摄入身体的物质,尤指通过嘴摄入体内的食物美国传统〔ingestion〕The spores can also be ingested through open wounds.孢子也可以通过未包扎的伤口吸收。柯林斯高阶〔ingest〕Subways ingest thousands of commuters every workday.地铁每个工作日接待成千上万经常往来于两地之间的乘客。英汉大词典〔ingest〕The chemicals can be poisonous if ingested.这些化学制品如果摄入体内可能会引起中毒。剑桥高阶〔ingest〕The drug is more easily ingested in pill form.这种药做成药丸更容易吸收。韦氏高阶〔ingest〕The spores can be ingested through open wounds.孢子可以通过开放的创口吸收。外研社新世纪〔ingest〕Twelve workers have ingested radioactive substances well above the permitted maximum.12名工人摄入体内的放射性物质已大大超过允许的最高限度。英汉大词典〔ingest〕When we ingest a mineral, it must be combined with an amino acid to be absorbed.我们所摄取的矿物质必须与氨基酸结合才能吸收。外研社新世纪〔phagocytize〕To ingest by phagocytosis; phagocytose.吞噬:被吞噬作用所吞食,吞噬美国传统〔selenosis〕Poisoning, especially of livestock, caused by ingesting selenium found in some plants, in the soil, or in some microorganisms.硒中毒:因摄入某些植物、土壤或在某些微生物中发现的硒而引起的中毒,尤指家畜的中毒美国传统〔snort〕Slang To ingest a drug, such as cocaine or heroin, by sniffing.【俚语】 吸(毒):吸毒,如海洛因或柯卡因,用鼻吸的方式美国传统〔trichotillomania〕The compulsion to tear or pluck out the hair on one's head and face and often to ingest it.拔毛癖:强迫性拔起或弄断头上或脸上的毛发,并常将毛发吞下美国传统〔zooflagellate〕A flagellated protist that ingests food and lacks chlorophyll.动鞭亚纲原生生物:一种有鞭毛的原生生物,它摄取食物并缺乏叶绿素美国传统The chemicals can be poisonous if ingested.这些化学药品如果被摄入体内就会中毒。剑桥国际




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