

单词 takeover
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BORROW〕The takeover bid was financed mainly with borrowed cash. 用于收购的资金大部分是借来的。朗文写作活用〔DISAGREE〕There is a difference of opinion between the chairman and the board as to the best way to handle the takeover. 哪种为最佳的接管方式,董事长与董事会之间有不同意见。朗文写作活用〔END〕The company's board vowed to fight to the bitter end, rather than submit to the takeover. 公司董事会发誓要苦战到底,不会任由别人接管。朗文写作活用〔IN/INSIDE〕Insiders have been predicting that the company would be involved in a takeover bid for some time. 知情者预测该公司可能卷入收购之中,且已经有一段时间了。朗文写作活用〔ONLY〕The recent takeover gave Rafferty exclusive control of the company. 最近一次收购使拉佛蒂取得了对那家公司的专控权。朗文写作活用〔PLAN〕Well-known as a tough industrialist, he masterminded 50 company takeovers in one year. 以手段强硬的工业家而闻名的他,一年里就策划收购了50家公司。朗文写作活用〔PREDICT〕Second-guessing the bank's next move in the takeover bid proved very difficult. 预测该银行在此次收购出价中下一步会怎么做非常困难。朗文写作活用〔Pac-Man defense〕A stratagem used to prevent a hostile takeover, by which the target company tries to acquire the bidder.小精灵反收购战略:被设定为收购目标的公司试图买下欲收购者的反收购战略美国传统〔REBELLION/REVOLUTION〕The economic crisis and the threat from separatist guerrillas led to a military takeover. 经济危机和分离主义游击队的威胁导致了军事接管。朗文写作活用〔REBELLION/REVOLUTION〕The election was the first since the military takeover in 1980. 自从1980年军事接管以后,这是第一次选举。朗文写作活用〔STOP〕The chairman acted quickly to squash rumours of a takeover bid. 董事会主席迅速采取行动,遏制了有人企图收购公司的谣言。朗文写作活用〔SUCCEED/SUCCESSFUL〕TCI say they hope that approval will be granted for the takeover without a hitch. TCI公司说,对于收购一事,他们希望能顺利地得到同意。朗文写作活用〔bid〕A takeover bid for the airline was launched today.今天有人出价收购这家航空公司。朗文当代〔bid〕A German company launched a takeover bid for the company.一家德国公司试图收购这家公司。牛津搭配〔bid〕Granada mounted a hostile takeover bid for Forte.格兰纳达公司向福特公司出价进行敌意收购。牛津高阶〔bid〕Hanson made an agreed takeover bid of £351 million.汉森按协商确定的3.51亿英镑的价格出价收购该公司。外研社新世纪〔bid〕The company has managed to fight off a hostile takeover bid (= an attempt by another company to take control of it).公司成功挫败了一起恶意收购。剑桥高阶〔bonanza〕The takeover deal is a bonanza for small companies hoping to make a quick profit.这次接管对于希望迅速获得利润的小公司来说是发财了。麦克米伦高阶〔chase〕The thrill of the chase motivates many entrepreneurs to attempt takeovers.追求的刺激感促使许多企业家对购股兼并跃跃欲试。麦克米伦高阶〔cloud〕The only cloud on the horizon is the possibility of a hostile takeover.可能的麻烦;威胁麦克米伦高阶〔come〕The commission has come out against the takeover.委员会宣布反对这次接管。麦克米伦高阶〔common〕Mergers and takeovers have become increasingly common in recent years.近几年来,吞并和接管已经越来越常见了。麦克米伦高阶〔crown jewel〕A prized corporate asset, typically a very profitable part of a company sought by another party in a hostile takeover attempt.共有资产:一项贵重的共有财产,通常指另一派系在某次试图接收过程中寻求的某一公司的十分有利可图的部分美国传统〔demerge〕After the takeover, several subsidiary companies were demerged.并购以后,几家子公司被分解了出去。朗文当代〔disclose〕The spokesman refused to disclose details of the takeover to the press.发言人拒绝向新闻界透露公司收购的详细情况。牛津高阶〔discussion〕They're in discussion with a German company about a possible takeover.他们在与一家德国公司商讨接管的可能性。麦克米伦高阶〔editor〕On page 12, our economics editor comments on the takeover bid.在第 12 页上有经济版编辑对收购案作的评论。牛津搭配〔emerge〕It has emerged that secret talks had been going on between the two companies before the takeover was announced.现在已经真相大白,原来在接管计划宣布之前,两家公司一直在进行秘密会谈。剑桥高阶〔excite〕Two merger announcements excited speculation about further takeover action.两则合并声明引起人们对进一步的兼并行动的揣测。麦克米伦高阶〔fend〕The company managed to fend off the hostile takeover bid.公司设法避开了恶意收购意图。朗文当代〔fight〕The bank fought off (= successfully prevented) a takeover by another bank recently.这家银行最近成功抵住了另一家银行的兼并。剑桥高阶〔fight〕The company fought the takeover attempt.那家公司竭力阻止外来的收购企图。韦氏高阶〔fight〕The company managed to fight off a takeover at-tempt.该公司设法阻止了一次收购企图。朗文当代〔formalize〕Final arrangements for the takeover have yet to be formalized.这次收购的最终协议还没有正式确定。朗文当代〔giant〕The takeover battle is between two of America's industrial/retail giants (= large companies).这场收购战是在两个美国工业/零售业巨头之间展开的。剑桥高阶〔go through with sth〕The company has decided not to go through with the takeover of its smaller rival.这家公司已经决定放弃收购较小竞争对手的计划。剑桥高阶〔greenmail〕Family control would prevent any hostile takeover or greenmail attempt.家族管理可以防止任何恶意收购或绿票讹诈的企图。柯林斯高阶〔in the wind〕Rumours of a takeover are in the wind.有关接管的传言甚嚣尘上。剑桥高阶〔independent〕His company is a target for takeovers, but plans to stay independent.他的公司是被收购的目标,不过打算仍然保持独立。牛津搭配〔job〕The takeover of the company is bound to mean more job losses.公司被接管必然意味着更多人要失业。牛津高阶〔knowledge〕The company denied any knowledge of an impending takeover.公司否认其知悉即将被接管。外研社新世纪〔merger〕She's an attorney who advises companies about mergers and takeovers.她是位律师,提供公司合并、收购方面的咨询服务。剑桥高阶〔middle〕The company is in the middle of a takeover battle.公司正在打一场兼并战。朗文当代〔mount〕The company successfully mounted a takeover bid in 1996.这家公司 1996 年成功实施了一次竞价收购。牛津搭配〔party〕He was not party to the military takeover.他不曾参与军事接管。英汉大词典〔passively〕They made it clear that they would only exercise passive resistance in the event of a military takeover.他们声明一旦发生军事接管,他们只会采取非暴力抵抗。柯林斯高阶〔positively〕Investors reacted positively to news of the takeover.投资者对公司收购的消息反应积极。牛津高阶〔predatory〕The company spent much effort in avoiding takeover bids from predatory competitors.该公司作出很多努力防止掠夺性竞争对手对其实施收购。剑桥高阶〔predator〕The company is worried about takeovers by various predators.公司担心被各种虎视眈眈的集团收购。柯林斯高阶〔preemptive〕The two companies organized a preemptive alliance against a possible takeover by another firm.这两个公司组成了先发制人的同盟以防备可能被另一个公司接管美国传统〔prey〕This might help prevent the company falling prey to a takeover.这可能会帮助公司免遭收购之灾。外研社新世纪〔privy〕I wasn't privy to any information about the takeover.我对并购一事毫不知情。外研社新世纪〔ramp〕To ramp up a share price during a takeover bid is unacceptable.在别人出价收购期间抬高股价是不可取的。朗文当代〔return〕The takeover heralded a return to a strong central administration.这次接管预示着向强大的中央政府的回归。牛津搭配〔ripe for sth〕The company is ripe for takeover.对这家公司进行收购的时机已经成熟。剑桥高阶〔ripe〕Some of the smaller firms are ripe for takeover.接管一些小一点的公司的时机已成熟。麦克米伦高阶〔send〕Officials are sending troops to stop the takeover.官员们命令军队去阻止接管。麦克米伦高阶〔sharply〕Profits fell sharply following the takeover.接管后,利润突然大幅度降低。牛津高阶〔sniff at sth〕Chief executive David Prosser said the takeover speculation was wrong and no one was sniffing around.首席执行官戴维‧普罗瑟认为该收购设想行不通,没有人对此感兴趣。剑桥高阶〔source〕According to informed sources, a takeover bid is planned for next month.据消息灵通人士透露,计划下个月会采取收购行动。牛津搭配〔squash〕Rumours of a possible takeover of the company were soon squashed by the management.管理层很快就消除了有关公司可能会被接管的谣言。剑桥高阶〔sweeten〕Kalon Group has sweetened its takeover offer for Manders.卡龙集团已经向曼德斯公司开出更为优厚的收购条件。柯林斯高阶〔swirl〕Rumours of a takeover began to swirl around the stock markets.收购传言开始在股票市场上流传。朗文当代〔takeover〕Accusations of corruption against the government resulted in a military takeover.人们对政府腐败的指控导致了军事接管。麦克米伦高阶〔takeover〕All middle-size oil companies are likely candidates for takeover.中型石油公司都可能成为被接收合并的对象。英汉大词典〔takeover〕He prevented a hostile takeover (=when the takeover is not wanted by the company being bought) of the company.他阻止了对这家公司的恶意收购。朗文当代〔takeover〕Shareholders have accepted a takeover bid.接收出价;盘进出价麦克米伦高阶〔takeover〕The business is vulnerable to a hostile takeover.恶意接收;敌意接管麦克米伦高阶〔takeover〕The company made a takeover bid for one of its rivals.这家公司出价竞购一家与其竞争的公司。剑桥高阶〔takeover〕The consortium won a fierce takeover battle for the engineering group.这个财团赢得了激烈的工程集团收购战。牛津搭配〔takeover〕The government experienced a military takeover in 2002.政府在2002年经历了一次军事管制。韦氏高阶〔takeover〕The new management executed a smooth takeover.新的管理层顺利地实现了接收。英汉大词典〔takeover〕There's been a military takeover of some kind.发生了类似军事接管的事件。柯林斯高阶〔takeover〕They were involved in a takeover last year.去年他们参与了一家公司的收购。剑桥高阶〔takeover〕Thornbury has announced a takeover bid of a regional TV company.索恩伯里已经宣布将出价收购一家区域性电视公司。朗文当代〔target〕The company could become a takeover target.该公司可能成为收购对象。牛津搭配〔tempest〕The takeover provoked a tempest of criticism.这次收购引发了潮水般的批评。柯林斯高阶〔unlikely〕The takeover bid now looks unlikely to succeed.这次收购投标现在看来不可能成功了。牛津搭配〔upheaval〕The company underwent a massive upheaval after the takeover.收购之后该公司变动巨大。牛津搭配〔valuation〕Valuation lies at the heart of all takeovers.所有收购者心中都有自己的估价。柯林斯高阶〔violation〕The takeover of the embassy constitutes a flagrant/blatant violation of international law.占领大使馆是公然违反国际法的行为。剑桥高阶〔watcher〕Industry-watchers hailed the takeover as a triumph.行业观察家把这次收购誉为一个巨大的成功。朗文当代〔white knight〕A person or company that rescues a targeted firm from a takeover attempt by buying the firm.通过购买从而实现接管某一目标公司的企图以拯救该公司的人或公司美国传统〔white squire〕An investor sympathetic to management who holds a large block of stock in a company that is or could be subject to a takeover unwanted by the management.白领乡绅:支持资方的投资者,其拥有某一公司大量股票,可以凭股票吸收合并此公司,这是资方所不愿看到的美国传统〔wobble〕The company's shares wobbled with the news of a foreign takeover bid.这家公司的股票由于外国公司收购的消息而波动。剑桥高阶〔word〕The word on the street is there's going to be a takeover.有传言说将要发生收购。牛津搭配Takeover panel rules prohibit special deals with individual shareholders.并购委员会规定禁止与个人股东进行特殊交易。牛津商务A group of banks will provide finance for the takeover.几家银行将提供资金用于收购。牛津商务At the last minute, a white knight came in and saved the company from takeover.在最后一刻,一位救星来了,公司因而未被吞并。剑桥国际Business relationships suffered from the mud-slinging, muck-raking and bad blood of the takeover war.业务关系由于兼并冲突中诽谤、刺探阴私和挑拨离间而大受挫伤。剑桥国际He managed to block the takeover with various legal manoeuvres.他设法通过各种合法的手段阻止了这一收购。牛津商务Investors generally dislike cross-holdings as they reduce the chances of a takeover.投资者一般不喜欢交叉持股的情况,因为这会减少收购机会。牛津商务It has emerged that secret talks had been going on between the two companies before the takeover was announced.真相已披露,接管之前两个公司之间一直在进行秘密商谈。剑桥国际Management refused to disclose details of the takeover to the press.管理层拒绝向媒体透露这次接管的细节。牛津商务More than a third of the takeovers that had been agreed are now being unwound.已经达成协议的企业收购中,有三分之一强目前被撤销了。牛津商务My organization was involved in a takeover last year.去年我的组织参与了一次接管工作。剑桥国际Profits fell sharply following the takeover.公司被接管后利润急剧下滑。牛津商务Rumours of a company takeover have unsettled shareholders.公司被兼并的谣言已经使股东们心绪不宁。剑桥国际The takeover battle is between two of America's industrial/retail giants (= large companies).在两家工业/零售业巨头之间展开了接收之战。剑桥国际The takeover bid means that there is limited downside risk.这一收购出价意味着下跌风险十分有限。牛津商务The takeover has now been cleared and the group will take de jure control of the company on Monday.收购现已完成,根据法律,这集团将在周一取得对那公司的控制权。牛津商务The takeover is not yet a done deal.这一收购还没有最后敲定。牛津商务The takeover of the embassy constitutes a flagrant/blatant violation of international law.占领大使馆构成了对国际法的公然侵犯。剑桥国际The takeover was vetoed by the European Commission.这项收购遭到欧盟委员会的否决。牛津商务The takeover would be pitched at $4.6 billion.这项接管价值定为 46 亿元。牛津商务The takeovers would turn the company into the world's only truly international brewer.兼并将会把这个公司变成世界上唯一真正国际化的酿酒商。剑桥国际The $3.5 bn takeover has now been declared unconditional.这项 35 亿元的并购的条件已全部得到满足。牛津商务The Italian group's bid will serve as a test case for the new takeover laws.这家意大利集团的投标价将成为新收购法的先例。牛津商务The agreement marks the end of an acrimonious takeover battle.这协议标志着激烈的收购战进入尾声。牛津商务The airline has announced details of the planned takeover of its rival.这家航空公司宣布了拟订的收购其竞争对手的细节。牛津商务The airline is currently having talks with an unidentified partner about the possible takeover of the company.航空公司目前正与一名不愿透露姓名的合伙人协商公司可能被兼并的事。剑桥国际The announcement will scotch the rumours of a takeover that have plagued the company for the past 18 months.这一通告将消除过去18个月来一直困扰着公司的关于它被兼并的谣传。剑桥国际The bank fought off (=successfully prevented) a takeover by another bank recently.这家银行最近顶住了另一家银行的兼并。剑桥国际The bank is considered a potential takeover target.这家银行被看作是潜在的收购对象。牛津商务The board failed to act on the takeover offer.董事会未根据这收购要约采取行动。牛津商务The board of directors is/are considering the takeover bid.董事会正在考虑这笔收购。牛津商务The buy-in was part of the company's strategy to protect itself against a hostile takeover.回购股票是公司保护自己免遭敌意收购的部分策略。牛津商务The company eventually won a bitter takeover battle for Videotron with a $5 million bid.这家公司以 500 万元的出价最终赢得了收购 Videotron 公司的艰苦收购战。牛津商务The company finally succumbed to a takeover bid.这家公司最终同意被收购。牛津商务The company has accepted a $5 billion takeover bid.这公司接受了 50 亿元的收购出价。牛津商务The company has been put in play as a takeover target.这家公司已被列为收购目标。牛津商务The company has decided not to go through with the takeover of its smaller rival.这家公司决定不接收规模较小的对手。剑桥国际The company has managed to fight off a hostile takeover bid (= to stop another company from obtaining control of it).公司成功地摆脱了一次不怀好意的接管。剑桥国际The company is ripe for takeover.公司被接管的条件已成熟。剑桥国际The company launched a dawn raid on its rival, snapping up around 10 per cent of its shares, and it is expected to make a full takeover bid soon.这家公司对其竞争对手采取开盘买断,攫取到约10%的股份,并有望很快投标进行全面接收。剑桥国际The company made a takeover bid for (= tried to obtain control of) a rival firm.这家公司试图接收一家与它竞争的商行。剑桥国际The company rejected an unsolicited takeover bid from an Italian group.这家公司拒绝了一家意大利集团的主动收购。牛津商务The company spent much effort in avoiding takeover bids from predatory competitors.该公司在防止掠夺性竞争对手盘进出价上付出了很大努力。剑桥国际The court issued a temporary injunction against the takeover.法院对合并颁布了一项临时禁制令。牛津商务The directors have thrown their weight behind the takeover bid.董事全力支持这一项收购。牛津商务The falling share price makes the company vulnerable to a hostile takeover.股价下跌使这公司容易被敌意收购。牛津商务The firm has threatened to go hostile if the board refuses the takeover offer.如果董事会拒绝收购提议,公司扬言要强行出售公司。牛津商务The firm is prepared to defend (itself) against a hostile takeover bid.这公司做好准备保护自己免遭敌意收购。牛津商务The firm mounted a dawn raid on shares in the retailer, and is now likely to make a full takeover bid. 这家公司对这零售商的股票发动了黎明突袭,现在则可能要进行全面收购了。牛津商务The panel referees all takeover battles.陪审团调解所有的并购战。牛津商务The shareholders voted against acceptance of the takeover bid.股东投票否决了这一收购出价。牛津商务The target of the takeover bid is a firm which is not listed.收购出价的目标是一家没有上市的公司。牛津商务Their company gives advice about mergers and takeovers.他们的公司提供有关合并与接收的建议。剑桥国际They appointed merchant bank Lazard to advise them on the takeover.他们指定拉扎德投资银行就这宗收购提供建议。牛津商务They are laying the groundwork for a possible takeover bid.他们正在为可能的合并出价做准备工作。牛津商务They are poised to make a takeover bid for their smaller rival.他们随时准备着出价收购作为竞争对手的小公司。牛津商务They have launched a surprise $133 million takeover bid for the fitness group.他们出乎意料地以 1.33 亿元的出价发起了对这个健身集团的收购。牛津商务They remain optimistic, although their takeover bid has been knocked back.尽管他们的收购被拒绝,他们依然保持乐观态度。牛津商务This takeover is likely to trigger the total disintegration of the century-old firm.这宗收购可能会引发这家百年老企业的彻底解体。牛津商务Under the takeover deal, the shares issued will be subject to a cap and collar of $20 to $28.根据收购协议,所发行股票的价格限定在 20 元至 28 元之间。牛津商务We have carried out a preliminary analysis of potential takeover targets.我们对潜在的收购目标进行了初步分析。牛津商务Were they right to reject the $3.5 bn takeover offer? 他们拒绝了 35 亿元的收购要约,这样做明智吗?牛津商务




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