

单词 lengthy
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BEGINNING〕There's a big difference between the document's lengthy preamble and the actual content. 该文件的长篇序文与其实际内容有很大出入。朗文写作活用〔BODY〕Parretti had a lengthy criminal record that included fraud and conspiracy to commit bodily harm. 帕雷蒂有冗长的犯罪记录,包括欺诈和同谋伤人。朗文写作活用〔CRIME〕Loman has a lengthy criminal record. 洛曼犯罪记录累累。朗文写作活用〔LONG〕Creating a new network system is a lengthy process. 建一个新的网络系统是个漫长的过程。朗文写作活用〔LONG〕He later completed a lengthy study of Figurative Art. 他后来写了一篇很长的关于人物艺术的论文。朗文写作活用〔LONG〕He was indicted on drug charges after a lengthy investigation by the US Drug Enforcement Administration. 经过美国毒品管理局的长期调查,他被控以贩毒的罪名。朗文写作活用〔LONG〕She died of natural causes after a lengthy illness. 她长期生病,后来自然死亡。朗文写作活用〔LONG〕The President gave a lengthy address to the nation on CBS last night. 昨晚总统通过哥伦比亚广播公司向国民发表长篇演说。朗文写作活用〔LONG〕The procedures for bringing a body back for burial are lengthy and complex. 把尸体运回来埋葬的手续很繁复。朗文写作活用〔LONG〕The runways have reopened, but travelers have been warned to expect lengthy delays. 跑道重新开放了,但还是通知旅客要长时间延误。朗文写作活用〔START〕Annie arrived late and immediately launched into a lengthy description of the terrible traffic on the roads. 安妮迟到了,一进来就啰啰唆唆地讲路上交通如何如何糟糕。朗文写作活用〔aside〕The book includes several lengthy asides about the personal lives of scientists involved in the project.这本书里有几处冗长的离题话,都跟参与这个项目的科学家的个人生活有关。韦氏高阶〔bedevil〕The lengthy talks had been bedevilled by internal divisions.冗长的会谈因为内部部门的细分而显得乱糟糟的。外研社新世纪〔bibliography〕The book includes a lengthy bibliography.这本书附有很长的参考书目。韦氏高阶〔blab〕Lengthy chatter.喋喋不休美国传统〔boil (sth) down〕He had boiled down a lengthy report to just a few paragraphs.他已将大篇幅的报告压缩成了只有几段。剑桥高阶〔chapter〕One of the main divisions of a relatively lengthy piece of writing, such as a book, that is usually numbered or titled.章,回,篇:一部相对较长作品的一个主要部分,如通常标有页数和标题的书的美国传统〔compromise〕After lengthy talks the two sides finally reached a compromise.双方经过长期的商谈终于达成了妥协。牛津高阶〔conversation〕They were engaged in a lengthy conversation about politics.他们就政治问题进行了一次长谈。韦氏高阶〔deal〕A deal was struck after lengthy negotiations.经过漫长的谈判终于达成了协议。牛津高阶〔defog〕In a lengthy interview the minister defogged the issues in the demonstration.在长时间的采访中,部长就示威运动的有关问题作了澄清。21世纪英汉〔delay〕After a series of lengthy delays, the case finally came to court.在多次长时间的延期后,这个案子终于开庭审理了。牛津搭配〔detour〕We had to make a lengthy detour through the backstreets.我们只好走偏僻街道,绕了很长一段路。牛津搭配〔dilatation〕Lengthy explanation or elaboration of a subject in writing or speech.铺张,评述:作品或讲话中长篇大论或某一论题的详尽阐述美国传统〔discourse〕A formal, lengthy discussion of a subject, either written or spoken.正式的讨论:对某一题目的正式、长时间的书面或口头讨论美国传统〔discourse〕Gates responds with a lengthy discourse on deployment strategy.盖茨以一篇有关部署策略的鸿篇大论予以回应。柯林斯高阶〔dispute〕There were lengthy internal disputes between the two wings of the party.该党两派之间长期存在内部纷争。牛津搭配〔dissertation〕A lengthy, formal treatise, especially one written by a candidate for the doctoral degree at a university; a thesis.(博士学位)论文,(专题)论文,学术演讲:长而正式的论文,尤指大学里由博士学位攻读者所写的论文;学位论文美国传统〔diversion〕The closure of the bridge has caused lengthy diversions.大桥的关闭使人们要绕很长一段路。麦克米伦高阶〔divide〕After a lengthy debate, MPs/the House of Commons divided.经过长时间的辩论,下议院议员最终进行了分组表决。剑桥高阶〔drawn-out〕Pulling out of a recession is a lengthy and drawn-out process.从经济衰退中走出来需要漫长的过程。柯林斯高阶〔drawn-out〕Pulling out of a recession is a lengthy and drawn-out process.摆脱经济衰退是一个漫长的过程。外研社新世纪〔embroil〕She had no desire to embroil herself in lengthy lawsuits with the tabloid newspapers.她不想卷入和那些小报的漫长的官司纠纷中。剑桥高阶〔emerge〕The facts emerged after a lengthy investigation.长时间的调查之后,事实显露出来。韦氏高阶〔end〕The book ends on a lengthy description of Hawaii.这本书以对夏威夷的冗长描述为结尾。柯林斯高阶〔epistle〕He penned lengthy epistles to her.他给她写了长篇书信。韦氏高阶〔epistle〕Many thanks for your lengthy epistle, which arrived in this morning's post.今晨收到你写来的长信,非常感谢。剑桥高阶〔excerpt〕Here is a rather lengthy excerpt from the essay.这是该论文一个相当长的摘录。牛津搭配〔excursus〕A lengthy, appended exposition of a topic or point.附录:某一主题或观点的冗长的,附加的陈述美国传统〔give-and-take〕They sat down for a lengthy give-and-take.他们坐下来作了一次长谈。英汉大词典〔illustrative〕She provides illustrative material, often lengthy quotes from respondents.她常常摘引受访者的冗长回答作为说明材料。外研社新世纪〔institutionalization〕She became seriously ill and had to be institutionalized for a lengthy period.她病得很重,必须在医院住很长一段时间。柯林斯高阶〔institutionalize〕She became seriously ill and had to be institutionalized for a lengthy period.她病得非常严重, 只得被送入医院接受长期治疗。外研社新世纪〔intermezzo〕A short movement separating the major sections of a lengthy composition or work.间奏曲:划分一部长篇作品或著作各主要部分的短小乐章美国传统〔interrogation〕She had to undergo a lengthy interrogation.她不得不经受长时间的审讯。牛津搭配〔introduction〕After a lengthy musical introduction, the dancers finally appear.一段冗长的音乐铺垫之后,舞蹈演员们总算现身了。牛津搭配〔involved〕I don't want to get involved in some lengthy argument about who is to blame.我不想卷入谁该承担责任的冗长争论。朗文当代〔involved〕They became involved in a lengthy dispute.他们卷入了一场旷日持久的纠纷中。麦克米伦高阶〔launch〕He launched into a lengthy account of his career.他开始啰啰嗦嗦地讲述自己的工作经历。牛津高阶〔layoff〕They both made full recoveries after lengthy injury layoffs.他俩因受伤长期休养后都已完全康复。柯林斯高阶〔layoff〕They both made full recoveries after lengthy injury layoffs.他俩在长期伤病休养后, 都已完全康复。外研社新世纪〔lengthy〕A lengthy period of training is required.需要很长一段时间的培训。朗文当代〔lengthy〕After a lengthy period of negotiation, agreement was finally reached.经过长时间的谈判后最终达成了协议。麦克米伦高阶〔lengthy〕Agreement was finally reached after very lengthy discussions.经过漫长的讨论之后协议终于达成。牛津搭配〔lengthy〕An accident is causing some lengthy delays.一起事故造成长时间的延误。朗文当代〔lengthy〕An eel is a lengthy creature.鳗鲡是长体动物。英汉大词典〔lengthy〕It's a fairly lengthy report.这是个相当冗长的报告。麦克米伦高阶〔lengthy〕Many airline passengers face lengthy delays because of the strike.许多航空公司的乘客都因罢工而面临漫长的延误。剑桥高阶〔lengthy〕The announcement was followed by a lengthy period of silence.公告发布之后, 大家沉默良久。外研社新世纪〔lengthy〕The process is both lengthy and costly.这个过程既耗时又耗钱。韦氏高阶〔lengthy〕There is a lengthy and complicated application procedure.申请程序冗长而复杂。麦克米伦高阶〔lengthy〕There is a lengthy article on Spike Milligan in the Observer newspaper.《观察家报》上有一篇关于斯派克·米利根的长篇文章。柯林斯高阶〔litigation〕The company has consistently denied responsibility, but it agreed to the settlement to avoid the expense of lengthy litigation.公司一直在推卸责任,但同意这一调解方案以避免漫长的诉讼所带来的花费。剑桥高阶〔missive〕She received yet another lengthy missive from her father.她又收到父亲一封长篇大论的信。韦氏高阶〔movie〕The movie contains a lengthy car chase through the streets of Paris.影片中有一段很长的在巴黎大街上飞车追逐的情节。牛津搭配〔nearness〕He completed the lengthy course some three seconds faster than his nearest rival, Jonathon Ford.他比劲敌乔纳森·福特少用了大概3秒钟完成了漫长的赛程。柯林斯高阶〔number cruncher〕A computer that is able to perform complex, lengthy calculations.计算机:能进行复杂、大量运算的计算机美国传统〔number cruncher〕A person who is able to perform complex, lengthy calculations.捣弄数字者:能够进行复杂,大量运算的人美国传统〔pad out〕The reviewer padded out his review with a lengthy biography of the author.评论者在他的评论中添加了冗长的作者生平以拉长篇幅。柯林斯高阶〔pad out〕The reviewer padded out his review with a lengthy biography of the author.评论者用大量篇幅叙述作者生平, 从而拉长了其书评。外研社新世纪〔peroration〕We sat through a lengthy peroration on the evils of the government's policies.我们耐着性子听完了一场关于政府政策罪恶之处的冗长报告。韦氏高阶〔place〕This is not the place for a lengthy discussion.这会儿不是讨论个没完的时候。柯林斯高阶〔place〕This is not the place for a lengthy discussion.这可不是没完没了讨论的时候。外研社新世纪〔produce〕A lengthy police investigation failed to produce any evidence on which the suspect could be convicted.警方的长期调查并未发现任何能证明疑犯有罪的证据。剑桥高阶〔proficient〕A proficient surgeon is the product of lengthy training and experience.技术纯熟的外科医生是长期训练和实践经验的产物。美国传统〔quarantine〕No mammals other than people may enter the country without lengthy quarantine.除人之外,所有的哺乳动物进入这个国家都必须经过长期隔离。柯林斯高阶〔ramble〕A leisurely, sometimes lengthy walk.漫步:轻闲的,有时很远的散步美国传统〔recovered memory〕A memory of an experience, especially a traumatic one, that is recalled after an often lengthy period of repression.恢复记忆:一段经历的记忆,尤指受创经历,常会在长时期的压抑后回想起来美国传统〔rehearsal〕We listened to his lengthy rehearsal of the arguments.我们听着他没完没了地重复他的论点。牛津高阶〔remarry〕After a lengthy and painful divorce, she vowed never to remarry.经历了一场漫长而痛苦的离婚后,她发誓永不再婚。剑桥高阶〔revenant〕One that returns after a lengthy absence.长期流浪后归来的人美国传统〔rumour〕His lengthy absence will fuel rumours that he has been fired.他长时间不来,会使大家更相信他已被解雇了。牛津搭配〔saga〕Her new novel is a lengthy and compelling family saga.她最新的一部小说是一个篇幅宏大、扣人心弦的家族传奇。剑桥高阶〔scant〕We were scant of breath after the lengthy climb.长途攀爬以后我们上气不接下气美国传统〔sermon〕An often lengthy and tedious speech of reproof or exhortation.说教:经常是冗长沉闷的责备或鼓励的演讲美国传统〔slow〕It was a slow train journey with lengthy stops.那是一个中间有长时间停车的漫长火车旅行。外研社新世纪〔stop〕The last stop in Mr Cook's lengthy tour was Paris.库克先生漫长旅程中的最后一站是巴黎。柯林斯高阶〔stretch〕To go for a walk, especially after a lengthy period of sitting.散步:散步,尤指在长坐一段时间后美国传统〔suspension〕The athlete could face a lengthy period of suspension if found guilty.如果被判有罪,这名运动员可能面临长期禁赛。牛津搭配〔talkathon〕A lengthy session of discussions, speeches, or debate.马拉松式的冗长演说:一场时间很长的讨论、演讲或说论美国传统〔talkfest〕A lengthy, often enjoyable conversation or discussion.漫谈:一场长时间的,经常是令人愉快的谈话或讨论美国传统〔telethon〕A lengthy television program to raise funds for a charity.马拉松式电视广播节目:为慈善事业筹集资金而播出的冗长的电视节目美国传统〔term paper〕A lengthy piece of written work required of a student on a topic drawn from the subject matter of a course of study.学期论文:要求学生写的从一门课程选出一个主题而写的有一定长度的论文美国传统〔unanimous〕After a lengthy discussion we reached a unanimous decision on the proposal.经过长时间讨论,我们对这一提案作出了一致决定。剑桥高阶〔unimpressed〕Graham Fletcher was unimpressed with the idea of filling in a lengthy questionnaire.格雷厄姆·弗莱彻对填写冗长的调查问卷这种事没什么兴趣。柯林斯高阶〔unimpressed〕Graham Fletcher was unimpressed with the idea of filling in a lengthy questionnaire.格雷厄姆•弗莱彻对填写冗长的调查问卷这种事没什么兴趣。外研社新世纪〔vein〕Geology A regularly shaped and lengthy occurrence of an ore; a lode.【地质学】 矿脉:某种矿石的形状规则而且漫长的出现;矿脉美国传统〔voluminous〕Ample or lengthy in speech or writing.很长的:在说话或写作中很多或很长的美国传统〔wade〕Each day Parkin wades through lengthy court reports.帕金每天都要处理冗长的法庭报告。朗文当代Lengthy separation of the boy from his mother could lead to psychological problems. 这男孩长期与母亲分开会导致心理上的问题。译典通A lengthy police investigation didn't produce any evidence on which the suspect could be convicted.警方的长期调查并未发现任何能证明疑犯有罪的证据。剑桥国际After a lengthy debate, MPs/the House of Commons divided.长时间的辩论后,下院议员们分组表决。剑桥国际After a lengthy discussion we reached a unanimous decision on the proposal.经过长时间讨论后, 我们对这项建议作出了一致决定。剑桥国际Any lengthy period of separation inevitably takes its toll on a relationship.任何长时间的分离无可避免地损害了相互的关系。剑桥国际He blew a loud and lengthy raspberry. 他发出一声既响又长的呸声。译典通He read the lengthy report without a skip. 他从头至尾读了那份冗长的报告。译典通He returned to work in November after a lengthy period of rest and recuperation.经过一段长时间的休息疗养,他在十一月份回来上班了。剑桥国际I was subjected to a lengthy inquisition by the tax inspector. 我受到税务稽查员长时间的查问。译典通Many airline passengers face lengthy (= long) delays because of overcrowded airports.许多航空公司的乘客都由于航空港拥挤而被延迟很长时间。剑桥国际She has no desire to embroil herself in lengthy lawsuits with the tabloid newspapers.她丝毫不想将自己卷入与小报的没完没了的诉讼纠纷中。剑桥国际The company has consistently denied responsibility, but it agreed to the settlement to avoid the expense of lengthy litigation.该公司一直在推卸责任,但它同意进行调解以避免冗长的诉讼带来的费用。剑桥国际The journalist boiled down his lengthy report to just a few paragraphs.那个记者将他的长篇报告压缩成了几段。剑桥国际The two leaders have been involved in lengthy diplomatic (= involving the management of the relationships between countries) negotiations.两位领导人陷入旷日持久的外交谈判中。剑桥国际There was a lengthy debate about whether local authorities are spending enough on the arts.关于地方当局是否对艺术给予足够的拨款有一场冗长的辩论。剑桥国际There was a lengthy wrangle about/over the cost of the project.在这一计划的成本问题上有着拖沓冗长的争论。剑桥国际They always get into lengthy philosophical debates about morality and such like.他们总是进行长时间的关于诸如道德之类的哲学辩论。剑桥国际




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