

单词 came
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔RETURN〕to take someone or something back to the place they came from 把某人或某物送返原地朗文写作活用〔TAKE〕to take someone or something back to the place where they came from 把某人或某物带回原处朗文写作活用〔abrupt〕come to an abrupt end / halt etc The bus came to an abrupt halt.公共汽车突然停了下来。朗文当代〔account〕until the great day came when the Germans could finally settle accounts with the British.直到德国人最终能和英国人清算旧账的重大日子的来临柯林斯高阶〔across〕came across my old roommate.遇上我的老室友美国传统〔aid〕didn't speak any French, but a nice man came to my aid.我一点都不会说法语,不过一个好心人帮了我的忙。朗文当代〔blue〕criticism that came out of the blue.突如其来的批评美国传统〔cheering〕the Irish Americans who came to the park to cheer for their boys.赶到球场为他们的家乡球员助威的爱尔兰裔美国人柯林斯高阶〔come〕came across my old college roommate in town today.今天在镇上遇到我大学的老同学美国传统〔come〕came across with the check.开支票支付美国传统〔come〕came back with a sharp riposte.以尖锐的反驳回答美国传统〔come〕came down with the flu.因流感而感到不适美国传统〔come〕came in for harsh criticism.接受严厉的批评美国传统〔come〕came out with a new tax package.一组新税出台美国传统〔come〕came up with a cure for the disease.发现疾病的治疗方法美国传统〔come〕a district attorney who came down hard on drug dealers.猛烈地谴责毒贩的地区辩护律师美国传统〔come〕a general who came up from the ranks.按等级晋升的将军美国传统〔come〕a party that came off.成功的晚会美国传统〔come〕fainted but soon came around.昏迷但马上苏醒美国传统〔come〕water that came to my waist.已及腰的水美国传统〔contact〕came into contact with new ideas at college.在大学里接触到了新思想美国传统〔cropper〕internet businesses that came a cropper.突然遭受重创的因特网企业柯林斯高阶〔decision〕came to the conclusion not to proceed; 作出结论并且不继续发展;美国传统〔describe〕came back and reported what she had seen. 回来汇报其所见 美国传统〔easy〕success that came too easy.成功垂手可得美国传统〔fame〕a man to whom fame came very late 一个成名很晚的人牛津搭配〔far〕people came from far and near 来自各地的人们韦氏高阶〔fashion〕extreme designs which will go out of fashion as quickly as they came in (=stop being fashionable) 流行快过时也快的极端设计朗文当代〔folk〕a leader who came from the folk.出身于民间的领袖美国传统〔frown〕scowled at me when I came home late. 当我回家晚时对我皱眉头 美国传统〔gangbuster〕came on like gangbusters at the start of his campaign; a career that took off like gangbusters.在他竞选初期带有极大的影响力;使人没有热情的事业美国传统〔genteel〕a place to which genteel families came in search of peace and quiet体面的家庭寻求平静和安宁的地方外研社新世纪〔hourly〕complaints that came hourly.不断涌来的投诉美国传统〔inch〕came within an inch of death.临近死亡的边缘美国传统〔indentured〕immigrants who came to the U.S. as indentured servants 200 years ago *200年前作为契约奴来到美国的移民韦氏高阶〔kiruv〕from Hebrew qērēb [to bring near] [derived stem of] qārab [he came near] from Hebrew qērēb [to bring near] [derived stem of] qārab [he came near] 美国传统〔knowledge〕facts which came officially to his knowledge while acting as secretary of state他担任国务大臣时通过官方渠道知悉的事情外研社新世纪〔leading〕a demand for change came from leading politicians来自主要政治家对变革的要求外研社新世纪〔level〕came to a level appraisal of the situation; keeps a level head in an emergency.合理地估计形势;在紧急情况,保持冷静的头脑美国传统〔maturity〕the era when the Republic came to political maturity 共和党在政治上变得成熟的时期朗文当代〔on〕going on six o'clock; came on the answer by accident.到快六点了;偶然找到了答案美国传统〔out of〕came out of her trance.从恍惚状态中清醒过来美国传统〔overseas〕when I came home from overseas我从国外回到家时外研社新世纪〔over〕the change that came over you.改变你的观点美国传统〔piggyback〕a tariff provision that came piggyback with the tax bill; a piggyback provision to a new piece of legislation.与税法随之而来的关税规定;与一条新法律的颁布相关的规定美国传统〔poor〕come (in) a poor second/third etc BrE : The Socialists came a poor second with 26.5% of the vote.社会党位居第二,然而远远落后,只得了 26.5% 的选票。朗文当代〔scene〕a band that first came on the scene in the 1980s 于20世纪80年代首次登场的乐队麦克米伦高阶〔scot-free〕came away from the incident scot-free.在那次事故中没受丝毫损伤美国传统〔ship〕supplies that came by ship 船运来的补给品朗文当代〔sight〕when the ship at last came into sight 当这艘船终于出现时朗文当代〔t.o〕after he came to在他苏醒过来以后21世纪英汉〔tow〕came to dinner with a friend in tow.陪同一位朋友来吃饭美国传统〔trice〕came back in a trice.一转眼就回来了美国传统〔up〕came up and kissed me.走上前来亲吻我美国传统〔up〕as the sun came up.当太阳升起的时候美国传统〔use〕a technology which came into use at the end of the last century 上个世纪末开始使用的技术牛津搭配〔vogue〕the hippie-ethnic look which came into vogue in the late 60s.60年代末流行的嬉皮士形象柯林斯高阶〔vogue〕the hippie-ethnic look which came into vogue in the late 60s20世纪60年代后期开始盛行的民族风嬉皮士装扮外研社新世纪〔who〕the visitor who came yesterday; our child, who is gifted; informed sources who denied the story.昨天来拜访的那个人;我们天赋异禀的孩子;告诉那些不相信的人这个故事的来源美国传统〔without〕an attack that came without any warning 没有任何警告的进攻麦克米伦高阶




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