

单词 handsome
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔CHEAT〕a handsome con-man who charms women into giving him money, then simply disappears from their lives 一个长相英俊、诱使妇女给他钱然后就从她们生活中消失的骗子朗文写作活用〔WANT/NOT WANT〕a handsome and rich young senator with presidential aspirations 一位英俊、年轻富有、立志当总统的参议员朗文写作活用〔and〕an actor who is tall, dark, and handsome 个头高大、肤色黝黑而且长相英俊的演员韦氏高阶〔angle〕a handsome building looked at from any angle.从任何角度看都很漂亮的建筑物美国传统〔beautiful〕a handsome house surrounded by gardens 被花园环绕的漂亮房子韦氏高阶〔beautiful〕a very handsome actor 十分英俊的男演员韦氏高阶〔bore〕a handsome engineer who bored me to tears with his tale of motorway maintenance 英俊的工程师不停地讲高速公路养护的故事,烦得我要命柯林斯高阶〔boyishly〕a boyishly handsome actor 小男孩般俊秀的男演员韦氏高阶〔brute〕a big handsome brute of a man 既强壮又英俊的男子麦克米伦高阶〔chiseled〕a handsome actor's chiseled face/jaw/nose 帅气男演员棱角分明的面孔/下巴/鼻子韦氏高阶〔convert〕a gangling adolescent transformed into a handsome adult; 长成英俊青年的笨拙少年;美国传统〔darkly〕a darkly handsome man 肤色黝黑的英俊男子朗文当代〔darkly〕a darkly handsome man 肤色黝黑的英俊男子韦氏高阶〔dark〕a dark handsome stranger 黑头发、黑眼睛的英俊陌生人牛津高阶〔enchant〕fairytales about witches who enchant handsome princes and beautiful maidens有关对白马王子和漂亮少女施魔法的巫婆的童话21世纪英汉〔exaggerate〕a handsome man whose moustache exaggerated his resemblance to Ronald Colman一个因留着八字须而看上去更像罗纳德•考尔曼的英俊男子外研社新世纪〔fadedly〕a fadedly handsome woman 姿色虽褪风韵犹存的妇人英汉大词典〔feature〕his handsome rugged features 他那英俊而粗犷的面容麦克米伦高阶〔feature〕his strong handsome features 他轮廓分明的英俊面孔牛津高阶〔handsomely〕a tall, dark, handsome sheep farmer.高个子、黑皮肤的英俊养羊人柯林斯高阶〔handsomely〕an extremely handsome woman with a beautiful voice.有着甜美嗓音的非常健美的女子柯林斯高阶〔handsome〕handsome furniture.美观的家具。牛津同义词〔handsome〕handsome treatment 优待 英汉大词典〔handsome〕a handsome Victorian church 富丽堂皇的维多利亚式教堂麦克米伦高阶〔handsome〕a handsome apology 客气的陪礼 英汉大词典〔handsome〕a handsome building 堂皇的建筑物 英汉大词典〔handsome〕a handsome chair 造型美观的椅子英汉大词典〔handsome〕a handsome dog 俊犬 英汉大词典〔handsome〕a handsome donation/gift/contribution 慷慨的捐赠/出手大方的礼物/慷慨的捐助麦克米伦高阶〔handsome〕a handsome face 英俊的相貌牛津高阶〔handsome〕a handsome fee 一大笔费用朗文当代〔handsome〕a handsome gift.慷慨大方的礼物。牛津同义词〔handsome〕a handsome horse/house/city 漂亮的马╱房子╱城市牛津高阶〔handsome〕a handsome location for the new school.新学校合适地址美国传统〔handsome〕a handsome piece of furniture 一件造型美观的家具麦克米伦高阶〔handsome〕a handsome piece of work 精巧的制品 英汉大词典〔handsome〕a handsome price 相当昂贵的价格英汉大词典〔handsome〕a handsome reward.See Synonyms at liberal 一笔可观的报酬 参见 liberal美国传统〔handsome〕a handsome sum 一笔相当可观的数额 英汉大词典〔handsome〕a handsome woman in her fifties 一位五十多岁的健美女子剑桥高阶〔handsome〕a tall, dark, handsome sheep farmer高个子、黑皮肤的英俊养羊人外研社新世纪〔handsome〕an extremely handsome woman with a beautiful voice嗓音动人、非常端庄健美的女子外研社新世纪〔handsome〕an extremely handsome young man 一位特别英俊的青年男子朗文当代〔handsome〕his handsome face 他英俊的脸庞朗文当代〔handsome〕his ruggedly handsome features 他那粗犷英俊的五官牛津搭配〔hopelessly〕a young woman hopelessly in love with a handsome hero不可自拔爱上英俊勇士的年轻女子外研社新世纪〔indefinite〕a handsome woman of indefinite age.年龄不明的端庄女子柯林斯高阶〔make〕make sb. a handsome present 送某人一份厚礼英汉大词典〔middle age〕a handsome man in late middle age 一位中年将过的英俊男士麦克米伦高阶〔mysterious〕the movie's handsome and mysterious main character 电影中英俊又神秘的主角韦氏高阶〔parlous〕parlous handsome 非常英俊英汉大词典〔rack〕a buck with a handsome rack.一只有美丽鹿角的雄鹿美国传统〔regular〕a handsome woman with regular features 五官端正的俊俏女子英汉大词典〔ruggedly〕a ruggedly handsome man 粗犷而英俊的男子韦氏高阶〔rugged〕ruggedly handsome 粗犷英俊牛津高阶〔sickening〕a sickeningly handsome man 英俊得让人妒忌的男子麦克米伦高阶〔soulful〕a handsome actor with soulful eyes 目光深情的英俊演员韦氏高阶〔strikingly〕a strikingly handsome man.绝色美男柯林斯高阶〔strikingly〕a strikingly handsome man非常英俊的男子外研社新世纪〔walnut〕a handsome walnut desk.美观大方的胡桃木桌子柯林斯高阶




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